Nalin...>>>or whos available to give solid advice: I have a Pansat 2500a using PUFFlzma latest bin 218...Dish 500 110/119..Should I wait til N3 crack or do you recommend Nfusion or any other receiver and which will work with my Dish 500 w/DN 110/119 and will Nfusion or other receivers work into new N3 meaning would just continue to get new bins as they come and no longer worry about not having bins available as I am stuck now with Pansat? I really got used to loading bins to Pansat 2500a so dont want anything too difficult to set up and get working..I have a T-mobile @home router LINKSYS WRTU54G-TM will that work for Nfusion or others?? Long story short an easy receiver thats working on the new N3 with DN 110/119 that is not too complicated to setup and maintain updated with bins similar to Blacklist Loader/PUFF file bins //////Or sit and wait patiently for Pansat cure or other solution...
I am going to wait. Of course I only watch maybe 8 hours of TV per week. We knew N3 was comming so I have about 30 movies recorded. If you cannot wait, subscribing to DN might not be a bad Idea. Think about it, When the N3 fix comes out you will have a dish set to receive 110, 118 and 119. You can then point your current dish to some other bird.
When the installer comes and asks what this other dish is for tell him that it is none of his business or that you may want to use it for DTV. Regardless he should not care.
Sub share. Just basic. No movies. The best program I could find last night was "I'm a celebrity, Get me out of here" What a crock that is. Do people actually believe that garbage?
skeptik: You should be somewhat skeptic about all the above suggestions. I think IKS, SKS and dongle services are coming on many receivers. As of now there are 4-5 offering. In another week or two there will be more. You will be investing about $250-500 for the service. Make sure you have only the hardware cost to pay for and no monthly payments. So far amongst the well known makes only Sonicview has an offering and it is still buggy. Read about Sonicview 360 and ihub and watch for the status and the programs available. I think the major manufacturers will either offer or buy out the smaller companies and then you will have more choice. Subing is a viable alternative, but I am not sure how easily you can get it and whether you can get it on a monthly basis. The N3 fix , if it is coming, will take 1-6 months. However, if the IKS type of services gain a big following, there may not be any new BIN. Hopefully in a few weeks, Pansat and viewsat will be offering IKS type of service. There is also talk of CaptiveWorks coming out with SKS in 2-3 weeks.
When N3 bins come, they may be too bulky for the humble Pansat 2500. Even with compression and other techniques new software of the expected magnitude will not fit. Small software is possible but that would require a full understanding and a complete write of the software. I don't think anybody will go that route, simply because that was possible with N2 but they did not do it. The open source people are all married to Linux and C language and by its very nature you are looking at a bulky software. SO, IN MY OPINION, PANSAT 2500 AND CLONE PANSAT 2500 ARE OUT. There is a slight hope for some clones with double the memory which is not used at present.
Sonicview proved to be the best out there. They had N3 channels up using the Ihub almost right away. There are almost 100 channels up for DN so far, and channels are being added all the time. Some freezing still occurs, but it's not that bothersome and it is still in the Beta stage. My opinion.
don't forget k1plus fkf, they are here long enoguh and tested khub when there was nagra 2, so they know how it works.. and its very stable compare to sonicview.. also its cheaper
sada what you think kbox it's worth it. i have sonicview 8000 too with ihub. i want to replace my nove . i like desi channel if i invest in kbox or wait for sonicview more international channel. I don't have any hope for nova. Onemore thing my nova wireless adapter gone work with kbox.
yep dave patel k1plus will be better choice. k1plus is up on all desi channels and yes it will work with ur wireless adapter, u still need to buy k1plus with khub
if u can get plus model , its cheaper both rec's are same .. they use exact software, yeh u must need 118.8 so i think better for you to move to 118.8 and wait for sonicview to get dn internationals