I was very surprised to find that I could get Telefonica from Ontario, I was told you can only get it outside of North America.
Well I played around with one of my 18 inch dishes got a rough idea of the Southern aim and got her in. Only problem was I could not understand a darn thing because nothing is in English! Actually there was one station with a bit of english but not worth the while.
But hold the phone>>>> Just for a hoot I went in to menu of my brand new Westinghouse HD tv and simply changed the language to English. Now I have Telefonica in all english, still the programming sucks!!!
Anybody want to try it from Ontario, the elevation is 32 degrees pointed due south. Be sure you have a clear view of the Southern sky, also the dish needs to be very very high to go the distance, I live on a large almost mountain and have put the dish on top of tv tower almost 80 ft up. Get the latest bin and do a factory reset, this is VERY IMPORTANT I found, you need to clear 110 and 119 and 82/91 from your receiver memory or you only get a black screen with dish bev etc.
I don't get it..... Telefonica is on Amazonas at 61W and I don't see a single channel listed to North America. They are all to be viewed on southern Hemisphere.
But..... there is indeed a North America spot beam pointed at us but cannot find the channels using it.
You cant even begin to find the signal until you do factory reset AND erase 110,119,91 and 82 from your receiver, this is the key. Be very very paqtient to tune in signal from rooftop, and like I said, you need to be quite high.
Best signal I get is 38%, but still the channels are in good shape.
Lots of French and European/asian stations, not to insult anybody, but am finding it difficult finding anything that is very entertaining. Not sure how often will even watch just did it as part of the hobby. Took me all day on the roof and tower, many times I got signals but when I got down to the tv, nothing at all. Erase as many sats as you can in your receiver gives better chance of finding signal.
Plymouth, I am surprised at you, I was shooting the shiet, pulling your leg, was it not obvious
I mean come on man!!! I said the dish had to be very high so that it could go the distance I though you where some kind of satellite guy and you fell for it hook line and sinker
I bet you have been trying to get it Dont fall off the roof
Log in, No one is stupid here, Plymouth was only confirming your bullshit, he and every one knows you are bulshitting specially when you said it should be high
if i do Factory Reset in my Pansat convert, what am i losing? do i have to convert the pansat again? can i install any Bin for Pansat Convert? because i had b75 and i convert to Pufff then lmza Thanks
I am 70 west and 20 North and i got Telefonica....... The are a few channel in inglish, like Cnn International, BBC and others..... Probably this guy from Toronto got 61.5.