Wait 1 or 2 months until the files come out, Sonicview has no solution for N3 , that's why they put out a I-Hub.
Remember it, Sonicview has never been attacked by Dn, why you think? Sonicview is the worst brand who attack all others brands with many rumors, this not fairplay, I don't trust SV, so all sites who promote this brand look like have Dn soldier which bash every competitors sites that is possible.
Most All Channels Are NOW NAG3 NO Receiver/File Fix Can Get You These Till NAG3 Hacked
hello everyone, really bad news. today many many channels went to the NAG3 system
and are now no longer working
there are SOME channels still working we will come up with a list of working channels for you shortly please try to find some working and enjoy what tv you do have left. there is NO nag3 fix so these channels gone like the other ones gone cant be fixed with a new file till nag3 is hacked. \
no receiver is up on these channels no fta receiver. please wait for more info and news about this
Hi Plymouth. how are you my friend?? Are you on holidays ?? Am will b on holidays as from Monday - 2 weeks will turn around the house !!. lol!!.. nathing to do !!. We'll probably organise a fishing program. !!
Hey Plymouth , tell me one thing. If I turn my dish - point to 148 W echostar - Do you think I will have some indian channels ??
Example Aaj Tak- B4u movies. etcc.even If I get 1 or 2, I will be fine.
presently dish pointing to 118-119 W. tomorrow I want to move it to 148 W.}would I get these indian channels with 148W - receiver Viewsat??.} please help. Thanks.
My friend told me that police or a Bell guy is going around and taking all the Nfusion receivers out of all stores in Ontario. Because they're the only receiver that can tune into Bells signals, via BEV. That and it's all N3 now anyways. So it's nothing but bad news for me. GAWD...CTV is soo boring.
I read on a private site that the Rom 241 N3 card has been opened and read as of the 17th and some admins have confirmed that the dump is going for $500,000. The person who posted this is none other than "dark angel" yes the one who does the blockers for plastic. Me thinks 500k is too little for a dump of this magnitude and they would surely try to sell it to the korean fta manufacturers for over a Mil.
I agree with Plymouth...seeems it makes sense the Hackers will work harder now to get the N3 and then will take about 1 or 2 month the most...like last time with N2...In the mean time I have a stupid question...I had my dish pointed to 110 119...can I reaimed to 82, 91 and at least get Bev?...can I do it with Viewsat ultra?...thanks
I think alot of the major STB makers are going to go with the IKS route.I know some people are claiming Viewsat is concentrating on a stand alone fix but who is going to wait for that to happen?I'm really starting to think that IKS will be the only real way to handle the new ECM's invloved with N3.I could be wrong and would like a stand alone fix but to me IKS is starting to look like the future way for FTA testing.
Post Number: 9826 Registered: Jan-08 Posted on Friday, June 19, 2009 - 09:52 pm:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macra, Jesus and maybe God promote Sonicview.LOL
There is a crack on N3 since 6 months, wait and see.
Do you think coders are as idiot as you.
this is what Im talking about, A guy from Canada (this should sound some alarms) living in a Shack somewhere in the woods, stealing television signals with a korean reciever. and a dozen satellite dishes on his house.
what inside information could you possibly even have or even know? last I checked, Canada was not a central intelligence hub on technology...