"Now, just under 4 years down the line from that day, September 1st 2005, we are at a crossroads. Has Nagravision 3 been hacked? Right now, we do not know. There is way too much money floating around in the FTA business for it not to be, unless the security is comparable to US Military technology (well sh1t, even china cracked that!). There are many forthcoming reports of Nagravision 3 bin files working wide open on Nagravision 3 encrypted channels such as Captiveworks and Viewsat. These are unconfirmed reports and we do not know what to make of them yet. There are reports of hacks coming out of europe, and several coders saying they are watching full emulation on atmega boards, which work almost identically to FTA receivers. Over the last few months while Nagravision 3 cards have been surfacing in North America there have been numerous confirmed card compromises reported. There was a story about an underground smart card lab in Texas that Viewsat invested heavily in and was doing the same work that it reportedly took to open Map57 about 3 years ago, reports that they were getting Nagravision 3 channels with some freezing issues, and that some bugs had to be worked out before the fix became public. This came from the same source that told me 4 years ago that Nagravision 2 was hacked "
There was a story about an underground smart card lab in Texas that Viewsat invested heavily in and was doing the same work that it reportedly took to open Map57 about 3 years ago.................................................................
WHAT IS THE TRUTH?? Did VS actually open map 57 or did they simply purchase the info?? Both stories are told, which is true? If the latter is true that they purchased the info for big dollars, then that post means nothing, unless they are meeting at that same location with a briefcase load of cash.
I am confused, Fluffy. You have posted you had a test bin on your CW 600P and it had all channels opened in the other thread -- 'Sonicview open international it's true ???' It seems you are not sure there is a fix out there on this topic. WHAT IS GOING ON??
So far there are NO Dish Network Nagravision 3 fixes available for most standalone receivers. there are only partial solutions with IKS technologies for now. Partial Nagravision 3 Solution for DN only: IKSlinger K-Box K-Hub Sonicview iHub
the only thing that has moved rapidly , is we are full nag3 this week Plymouth, other then that, I have no idea the bull you are spreading around.
readers must use more resources for information then this lamo forum, its 95% of the time inacurate
why is it, you always see, (I get my information from a reliable resource), or (This came from the same source that told me 4 years ago that Nagravision 2 was hacked "). truth be it, the guy thats saying it, Just wants his free TV back, and wants to think theres a fix around the corner