hey,,, i just installed the latest bin from fta into my pansat2700a and when file got finsh downloading it came up AUTOROLL PROCESSING KEYS and it wont even goto scramble channel or anything unless i change the channel and it gets back to autoroll procc keys screen any clue ???? plz i really wanna fix this problem me missin ma pansat hehe .....................................
1. Do user setup first. 2. Do a hard reset by switching off at back and switching on. 3. If that does not work, go into 2nd item of the menu and do a "Set Default Keys". 4. If that does not load the keys, load the keys manually and do item 2.
hey nalin i see user setup but what i gotta do there? and i did turned the swich off and on didn't work and where is 2nd item to set the "default keys" and how you ever could load keys manually??? yeah i know i am really slowww all i was doing all this time i had the box was putting new bin files every time it was out...even though i was told to keep the autoroll key on and i never did well i kinda forgot where autorll key is so plz nalin could help me
well i did join alot of sites here and there how r they ever gonna help me? all i wanna know is how can i take autoroll kyes off, and where is autoroll key that is all i wanna know so that i could just turn it of or on cause am thinking thats the only thing that could help me, could u tell me step by step plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz