While trying to fix my viewsat v2000 Platinum (No Audio/Video in many channels) I clicked default factory settings in Menu. Now I have no channels at all. I'm wondering how I'm suppose to get channels on it, since it came with them!
"LOAD & GO" Easy Noob Setup for ViewSat 2000 PLATINUM by teach "LOAD & GO" Easy Noob Setup for ViewSat 2000 PLATINUM by teach (12/02/05)
** Designed as a Cut & Paste so you can printout a copy to work from step-by-step **
WARNING: Do NOT Hookup DiSEqC switch with Viewsat Powered !! Will Damage Switch
Assumptions: Using an existing installed satellite dish; it's aimed at 119 and/or 110 orbital position(s); dish is tweaked to max signal.
Basic Things You Need (Check the boxes as you go) [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] 1a. ViewSat2000 Platinum 1b. DiSEqC switch 1c. Null Modem Cable
[ ] 2. Computer with a Serial Comm Port
[ ] 3. Television set (Tune TV to either Channel 3 or 4--Same Channel as ViewSat STB output is set)
[ ] 4. Satellite dish & 1 or 2 LNB(s). Hook LNB cable(s) to DiSEqC [Port 1 to 119 (E*7); Port 2 to 110 = (E*6,8)] ... With 1 LNB: hook directly to ViewSat without the switch OR through the DiSEqC switch. Your choice. ... With 2 LNB: hook 119 cable to switch Port 1; hook 110 cable to switch Port 2
[ ] 5. File: "ViewsatUSA_V1010.zip (12-02-05) or later. Unzip Zip file and note its stored location on your PC.
[ ] 1. Power "OFF" with rear power switch (Platinum)/unplug (Black). Connect ViewSat to computer Com1 Port via Null Modem cable.
[ ] 2. Open the program "Loader2. Click "Open Files", select "ViewsatUSA_V1010.PGM" (or later) to write to the ViewSat.
[ ] 3. Click PC-->STB, then Power "ON" your ViewSat electric power.(You should see the File loading properly)
[ ] 4. WAIT! DO NOT TOUCH VIEWSAT!!! File will load automatically. After file transfer is complete, your computer will "Ding" and popup a "COMPLETE" notice. However, the ViewSat is NOT finished yet!
The ViewSat Front Panel will display: . . "inSt" for 15 seconds while it installs the software . . "DONE" for 10 seconds while it performs necessary housekeeping and cleanup chores . . " on " is displayed when the unit REBOOTs automatically . . "0000" is displayed when the unit is ready for operations
IF connected to a TV, the TV screen comes up ALL by itself. If not connected to a TV, after the " on " and when the "0000" displays on the Front Panel, you may power "OFF" and remove your ViewSat to your TV location and re-connect it. Takes about 60 seconds. PLEASE WAIT and not damage your ViewSat!
[ ] 5. Power "OFF"-rear switch Platinum/unplug Black. Connect ViewSat to DiSEqC switch which is connected to your satellite dish cables.
[ ] 6. Plug ViewSat into the wall socket and/or turn rear power switch "ON".
[ ] 7. Automatic Satellite Channel Search for 119 Satellite ... A.MENU--INSTALLATION--ANTENNA SETUP ... B.Select Satellite to be Searched using LEFT or RIGHT remote ARROW keys ..... 1)119 Bird = Echostar 7 ... C. 119: Echostar 7 (Usually just need to change Items 2 and 7) ....... 1) LNB Power ON ....... 2) LNB Type STANDARD (Legacy LNB); OCS-DP (PRO); Legacy Twin LNB 1; Legacy Quad LNB 1 ....... 3) LNB Freq 11250 ....... 4) 22KHz OFF ....... 5) TP Freq 12224 (Use 12239 if 12224 doesn't show GREEN signal strength bar--12224 is a Spot Beam TP) ....... 6) Search option ALL ....... 7) DiSEqC Port 1 (Pro, Legacy, Legacy TWIN, Legacy QUAD or NONE if only 1 LNB) ....... 8) Motor OFF (if none) ....... 9) Legacy SW NONE (or as appropriate to your hardware system)
... D. Highlight any line EXCEPT top "Satellite" line; OK will start a REGULAR SCAN for all radio & TV channels
[ ] 8. Automatic Satellite Channel Search for 110 Satellite (IF NEEDED) ... A. MENU--INSTALLATION--ANTENNA SETUP ... B.Select Satellite to be Searched using LEFT or RIGHT remote ARROW keys ....... 1) 110 Bird = Echostar 6,8 ... C. 110: Echostar 6,8 (Usually just need to change Items 2 and 7) ....... 1) LNB Power ON ....... 2) LNB Type STANDARD (Legacy LNB); OCS-DP (PRO); Legacy Twin LNB 2; Legacy Quad LNB 2 ....... 3) LNB Freq 11250 ....... 4) 22KHz OFF ....... 5) TP Freq 12224 (or lowest number if 12224 not available) ....... 6) Search option ALL ....... 7) DiSEqC Port 2 (Pro, Legacy, Legacy TWIN, Legacy QUAD) ....... 8) Motor OFF (If none) ....... 9) Legacy SW NONE (or as appropriate to your hardware system)
... E. Highlight any line EXCEPT top "Satellite" line; OK will start a REGULAR SCAN for all radio & TV channels
... F. EXIT, OK (YES) to Save, EXIT until at TV screen
[ ] 9. Put channels in order like Dish (To get them in numerical order (100,101,102,105) NOTE: A NEW feature beginning with V1018 requires you to set "Sort by SID" to "ON" in MENU--SYSTEM SETTINGS--"SORT BY SID" in order to get a valid "SORT by SID" using the below technique
....... 1) MENU--EDIT CHANNELS--OK ....... 2) RIGHT arrow x 4 to highlight last icon ....... 3) DOWN arrow x 4 to highlight, "Sort by SID" ....... 4) OK (Sorts channels < 1 second) ....... 5) EXIT, OK (YES) to Save" ....... 6) ViewSat updates and saves information. "EXIT" to TV screen
[ ] 10. You are done. Go surf your channels and enjoy!