slinger are device that is attached to ur dn or bev reciever, its same as iks , the different is that u can get a private server for example 5-10 people can subcribe to same event example a ppv and share the cost, there are also public server where u can get free ppv's etc.. lets say some one in your area get subcription to that "particular" event and u can join the server, note fta reciever dont work with slinger, in order for dn to watch u need dn rec and order for bev to watch u need bev rec, for me cost wise and cost for dn rec that is really expensive..
Sada sorry for bothering you I havea a fortec life time ultra converted to run on Buff lmza and i had this device for long time now. with n-3 going on I will be needing an alternative reciver what would be my best options? I would be grateful if you can walk me through this i am not that experienced person. Thanks
tam it depends on what kind of channels are u looking for.. what u need in order for iks reciever is an internet connection a router, and iks reciever, let me know if u don't know anything about iks rec itself? now with rec nfusion (right now mostly bev channels are up with iks) k1plus (dn international all that exists on 118.8 west , no bev, adult) sonicview.(most dn and bev) (some dn international).. none of rec gets ppv movies on bev..
thanks Sada for prompt response I need International channels on dn along with channels on 110 and 119 if i get ppv and adult on dn this would be great. I have no idea about IKS rec a question is it possible to be traked via the IP address if you do so? Thanks again for you help