doclaw64 Unregistered guest | Hi, I have done some research on this topic but still a little in the dark, so to speak. lol. I usually watch sporting events, ie football, auto racing, basketball. I also play video games. My choices are the Sony GWIII, Samsung, or the LG DLP. I am leaning towards the GWIII, but would like some opinions on this. TIA |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 28 Registered: Jun-04 | the new samsung dlp's have the best pic available. the new ones feature the HD3 DLP processor and have the highest contrast of all the TV's you are looking at and will by far be the sharpest. for High def veiwing I would with out a doubt say the samsung hlp5063w. but for standard def the sony's look a little better because they are not as sharp (WEGA ENGINE)and don't show the picture flaws as well, but you can just turn DNIe off and turn the sharpness down on the samsung and it does about the same thing, but for HD The Samsung all the way. |
Carl Simmons Unregistered guest | Jacob, what do you think of the hlp4674w with hd2+ chip? Is this better than hlp5063w with hd3? I would really like a 50 inch so I'm not sure which to get. I wanted the hln 50 inch (on sale everywhere) but was told should wait for either the above models. Thank you in advance. |
zoe Unregistered guest | Maybe Jacob can explain the difference. The hd2+ is supposed to be better chip than hd3.However, I have only seen the 63w for sale and to me it looks very nice. Has hdmi + dvi and 7 segment color wheel. This is what guy at best buy said, and something about the component inputs can handle all 480i-1080i now. |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 36 Registered: Jun-04 | the tv's with the new hd2+ chips have a much higher contrast, about 2500 to 1 the hd3 about 1500 to 1,..... and the new XHD3 supposed to come out in dec is 5000 to 1 and 1280 x 1080p. can't wait!!! the new hlp5085w has the new hd2+ cjip in them. amazing tv!!!!! |
bdog Unregistered guest | The sony is the best pound for pound, period. I looked at DLP vs LCD for 8 months - I just got GW 50'. |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 37 Registered: Jun-04 | I'm not sure where you get that. The DLP's are the sharpest hands down. you can ask any big videofile, that and the ghosting issues, and brightness, and lack of color depth, all reds on LCD's have a sharp orange tint and greens are way way overkill, plus the sony lcd have way to strong of filtering you lose so much detail. the sony LCD's do look better on low low detail pics, because of that heavy filtering. but that type of signal is not what you buy these kind of TV's for, plus the life expectancy on a DLP is much better than LCD... I look at these TV's for 10 hours a day every day selling them, installing them, and comparing them. It is just a fact. LCOS ( Liquid silicon on Glass ) the better version of LCD, has come out trying to beat DLP, even the manufacturers will admit the DLP is better then LCD. LCOS has caught up only with this generation of DLP the next two comeing out look even better than the ones out now. and from what i am told LCOS has pretty much maxed itself out as far as picture quality. |
Anonymous | bdog, have fun with stuck pixels on your gw (btw sony says these are normal and not covered under warranty) |
Sew Knee Unregistered guest | doclaw64, All new displays have anomolies whether dlp or lcd. As stated by Jacob, dlp's are nice. If you are leaning towards GWIII, I would suggest waiting for the next versions coming out in September. The KDF-50WE655 will retail for 3,000 and will feature integrated HDTV for over the air and also have CableCARD to view digital cable w/o a set top box. |
steve771 Unregistered guest | I bought a Samsung DLP and I'm getting an input delay when trying to play video games. When you see something on screen, and press a button, there is a 1/2 to 1 second delay. Samsung has no idea what might be causing this. Any ideas? |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 48 Registered: Jun-04 | are you useing component, s-video or composite? |
Bronze Member Username: JrestSt. Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 34 Registered: Jun-04 | Hi Jacob, Thanks for getting back to me via email. I know you're very popular and probably have tons of emails. 2 questions for you. 1. which is the best way to connect a Playstation2 to the DLP? to avoid getting sync problems? 2. 5063w or 5674w? which to get? I know there is a hike in price for the 74. |
lcd Unregistered guest | "The sony is the best pound for pound, period. I looked at DLP vs LCD for 8 months - I just got GW 50'." I agree 100 percent. Samsung dlp has audio/video sinc problems, dithering, clay faces, stuck mirrors, and the dreaded rainbow effect. Let's not forget false advertising-the supposed 1920x1080 xhd3 chip has only 960x1080 pixels (mirrors)which is only HALF. It uses a mirror trick to flash half the image then the other half. Don't believe me? This came direct from TI makers of the chip. |
steve771 Unregistered guest | I'm using RF for one system and RCA plugs for another. Same result. I heard today that the Samsung "upconverts" video to make it look better and this could likely be causing the delay. Looks like I can't turn off this upconverting, so I'll be returning the set. Gonna take a game system to the store to test it and make sure it works. |
steve771 Unregistered guest | Oh, and I suppose I should add that Samsung was a joke about support and had no idea what the problem might be. They did admit to having audio/video sync problems. I don't understand why they are so highly rated (though the picture for regular TV is pretty good). |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 50 Registered: Jun-04 | well part of your problem is that you don't want to be useing anything below Component Video if you are useing a game console, the component video doesn't take as long to upconvert and if you have an X-box you shouldn't be useing anything but component anyways. same with PS2. yeah but the xhd3 is 8 time the contrast and still sharper that the Sony LCD. the sink problem does become noticable occasionaly but do to it haveing the best picture out there, and if you have HD signal there is no problem. Discovery HD has problems sometimes with audio sync but it isn't the set, it does it on an tv. and with DVI it is not even noticable |
New member Username: VindslPost Number: 8 Registered: Jul-04 | I don't want to turn this into a pissing contest. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that sort of stuff... ![]() All I can say is, I looked at HDTV's for over 2 years before buying one, and I bought a GWIII. I have continued looking at HDTV's, while shopping for other things, and I still like the GWIII the best. And, to wrap it up, there isn't a day that goes by that my wife doesn't praise me for my choice. She says it was worth the wait... If 'they' didn't make GW's, I would own a Sammy DLP. It's a V close second, IMHO. I just prefer the Sony GW. |
Bronze Member Username: JrestSt. Louis, Missouri USA Post Number: 37 Registered: Jun-04 | Jacob- Thanks yet again for your invaluable input. I would like to ask you (or anyone else) who honestly knows which is better for a playstation2 being connected to a DLP / HDTV. Component cables or s-video? I wasn't aware that these cables were available for the playstation2 but sure enough they are. I hope to hear a response soon. |
New member Username: VindslPost Number: 10 Registered: Jul-04 | LoL! This might be emblematic of the differences between DLP and LCD owners... I don't have DLP or a PS2, but I do have LCD and a Xbox. Component is the way to go with the LCD/Xbox . DLP/PS2 will be the same way, I'm sure. Why? S-video (aka Y/C) is pretty sucky! All it does is split the chrominance and luminance information into two signals. Yawn... Component cables (aka analog RGB) split the signal into red, green, and blue channels. As a result, component video input provides the highest-quality analog signal possible. That's why professional video equipment uses it. IMHO, the only 'good' reason to use s-video inputs on a HDTV is if you run out of component inputs. My GWIII has 2 component inputs and a DVI. The GWIV's (available in 4Q 2004) are supposed to have more. So, you might want to consider this when you're shopping for a HDTV. |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 52 Registered: Jun-04 | vindsl is so LCD i don't understand but yes i would use Component for your PS2 so you can take advantage of Progressive scan and the added video bandwith makes the pic look much better. |
New member Username: TimclarkPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-04 | Jacob. Don't want to seem like I am chasing you from thread to thread but I posted this under the 841 thread. It isn't too off topic IP hope. " Does DCDi do it's deinterlacing in the analog or digital domain? I always thought it was in the analog domain but all the comments about this function being in the 941 using DVI confused me. I am looking at the 841 but could wait for the 941 into a hlp-4663w. Is the "film mode" selection what activates the DCDi on this set? " |
Mystic Mountain Ranch Unregistered guest | I have bought and tried 3 new Samsung 5063W and all 3 had voice/picture sync problems that were very noticeable and distracting. All 3 sets have gone back. Samsung Tech admitted that the problem still exists and Samsung repair tech said there is no fix! |
Unregistered guest | Wow, that's not terribly encouraging to hear, since I just bought one myself. |
steve771 Unregistered guest | I took back the Samsung as well. I went with a Hitachi LCD projection and the picture is very nice (I would say comparable to the Samsung, IMHO). BUT it handles all videogames w/o delays, no matter the type of input. |
Unregistered guest | I've been told by a Samsung tech that there's some sort of "firmware fix" they can do on these sets to correct the problem - something the tech programs into the set. Has anyone tried this? |
steve771 Unregistered guest | All I can say is that Samsung support really sucks. When I was trying to stick with the set, I was transferred 3 times and no one had an answer. One said it could be fixed with a tech guy coming out (but transferred me anyway), one said it couldn't be (the guy I got transferred to), and one said they weren't sure (the local service provider). Kinda like the 3 bears (or stooges), eh? |
New member Username: Doclaw64Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | Thanks for all the replies, but now I am still wondering what to get. I want the samsung so if I connect my ps2 using the component hook ups will I get an out of sync problem? Also I will need an HDTV reciever. I assume I can get one from comcast but will it have to have component outputs as well? TIA |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 53 Registered: Jun-04 | The New 85w series doesn't have near the sync problem that the older ones had and useing component will definatly help the problem, your HD box will probably have component and DVI and or HDMI wich either of those would be better for you HD box. |
steve771 Unregistered guest | Check with your cable company, my HDTV box only has components. Ref. the PS2, do what I did and take it to the store and hook it up to see for yourself. |
Bronze Member Username: VindslPost Number: 24 Registered: Jul-04 | " can ask any big videofile, that and the ghosting issues, and brightness, and lack of color depth, all reds on LCD's have a sharp orange tint and greens are way way overkill, blah, blah, blah..." Jacob: You know, this has been bugging me ever since you said it, so I found a Circuit City, last week, with a 50" Sony GW and Sammy DLP sitting side-by-side, and watched them as long as my feet would tolerate standing in one spot - about 40-50 minutes... For much of this time, a 'crack' salesman tried to sell me on one or the other, depending on whatever objection I voiced about this or that TV. This guy was great! I almost bought another Sony Grand Wega... In his 'expert' opinion, either one was a fine TV. When I parroted the things you said above, as if I had thought them up myself, he looked at me like I had rocks in my head, and tried to dispell me of such silly notions, very kindly, very patiently, one at a time. Having said that, and having watched them side-by-side for almost an hour, I DID notice that SOME shades of red appear orange on the Sony - I think. However, most of the things that I knew to be red, like stop signs, tail lights, and American flags looked pretty 'red' to me! Actually, I was watching some pseudo-documentary on a custom Harley-Davidson chopper shop in HDTV. The thing that threw me for a loop was a classic car calendar they had hanging on the wall showing a 69' Dodge Daytona Charger. I remember these cars to be orange, not red. On the Sony, it was orange, but on the Sammy it was red. Hello?!?! Click HERE for an example. Then, again, I've never seen an orange tool box - orangish on the Sony, that is, but red on the Sammy. Hrm... My immediate impression was that the Sony DOES tend to look orangish on some reds, but to be fair, I also think that some oranges look red on the Sammy. Also, something you didn't mention, is that the Sammy suffers from 'black crush.' At least, that's what I witnessed. These Harley chopper guys had massive black beards. With the Sammy, there was almost no detail, but the Sony displayed their beards in glorious detail. As the salesman said, both of them are fine TV's. In a side-by-side comparison, there is no doubt that the Sammy DLP displays colors in a louder, more garish fashion, with a higher contrast ratio, but I found this irritating after only a few minutes. You can do the same thing on a Sony by choosing the 'Vivid' picture mode. The Sony GW was much more pastelish in its' rendition, as are most Sony's. It's their hallmark, if you will. That is, if you run in 'Standard' or 'Pro' mode. Personally, I prefer the Sony GW by a wide margin, but that's just me, and about 95% of the viewing public. Ask anybody, except a "big videofile" what make of TV they prefer, and I can tell you what they'll say, and so do you. I just wish you hadn't mentioned the 'O'-word... ![]() |
Bill Franklin Unregistered guest | VinDSL, Since you are the resident expert on Sony Grand Wega I have a question if this tv is based on lcd or lcos. When I first saw this question on the agoraquest forums I naturally said w/o a doubt it is lcd. Then several posters said sony technicians and sony's help line said it was based on lcos (and on purpose wasn't promoted as such). What is going on. Are they crazy or am I. Any light you can shed would be appreciated. |
Bronze Member Username: VindslPost Number: 27 Registered: Jul-04 | "...several posters said sony technicians and sony's help line said it was based on lcos..." I guess the qualifying term would be 'based on'. With that in mind, they may or may not have a valid point. However (take a deep breath)... I've been schooled in 'Private Sector Contract Negotiations' and 'Debate' at the George Meany Center for Labor Studies. If you know anything about spotting dishonest debating tactics, this is what 'they' call a 'logical fallacy'. Specifically, the tactic 'your friends' are using is called argumentum ad verecundiam or 'Appeal to Authority.' In this particular case, by using Sony Technicians' and/or the 'Sony Help Line' as 'proof' without any other supporting logic or evidence, the argument relies upon several key assumptions: 1) 'Sony Technicians' are not just knowledgeable or smart; they are actually perfect, i.e. infallible. Therefore, if these phantom 'Sony Technicians' say something, it must be true. 2) The 'Sony Technicians' are actually saying what these ppl think they are saying. 3) The 'Sony Technicians' are real, and are not mistaken, exaggerating, lying, et cetera. I would submit to you: 1) Nobody is perfect and omniscient, therefore nothing can be 'proven' by simply showing that any given person, or group of ppl, thinks it's true. You still need logic and evidence, which I assume they have not presented to you. 2) Ppl's opinions are taken out of context all the time, and it's all too easy to make it appear that what they say or think is opposite of what they actually said or thought. 3) When ppl don't bother to specify authorities by name, one must wonder whether those authorities even exist at all. Did someone really have a conversation with these anonymous 'Sony Technicians' or did they simply read it on another web board? How are we to know? Having said that, there's no question about it! Sony Grand Wega's are LCD TV's, not LCOS TV's. And, you can take that to the bank! Whether or not the current Sony GW technology is 'based on' LCOS, who knows? It probably is, but that's just a guess on my part. Sony DOES make LCOS chips, so they are not oblivious to LCOS. It's called 'SXRD' technology, but they employ it in $20,000 front projectors, not rear projection TV's. LoL! Sorry for being so long-winded in my answer, but maybe this will serve to shed some light on what I see happening here - the source of your confusion. You have to take a lot of these bloggers with a grain of salt. They all want to convince you that they have sort of secret insight, that nobody else knows about, and they can be quit clever in their pursuit[s]. Hope this helps clear the air... ![]() |
Anonymous | Jacob: I currently own a Samsung HLN 467W. My dealer will allow me to trade this in on a the new Samsung line of DLP's. Please advise which one you recommend over the other. They are the HLP 5663W or the HLP 5674W. Thanks! |
Anonymous | I purchased a 5063W and had the voice/picture sync problem. Bought from Circuit City. Had the Circuit City tech check it out and he tried to snow me into saying he say no sync problem. After pressing him for five minutes he admitted the Sammy had sync problems which arise from a mismatched Analog and Digital board. He said the fix was to get a matched set of boards from Sammy and the problem should disappear. It takes a week to get the boards and another week to schedule installation. Since this would have been past the 30 day return policy at Circuit City, I called the customer service department at the store where I purchased it and was informed that the return date would be extended until they can fix or replace the set. I was given the store manager's name and the person responsible for enforcing the return policy and assured there would be no problems. All this without having to ask for the names. I was impressed with the customer service person. This gives me confidence that they stand behind the customer. |
Bronze Member Username: VindslPost Number: 36 Registered: Jul-04 | I buy a LOT of stuff at Circuit City, and I take a LOT of stuff back. In the end, they come out ahead, so it's not like I use them as a 'rental store'. My conscience is clear! Having said that, Circuit City has an excellent return policy! I like doing business there. I don't remember ever getting screwed at CC... ![]() |
scslotnick Unregistered guest | Steve771- I have the exact same problem with my Samsung DLP and PS2. The tech guy was out here today but said he never heard about it. Did you have any luck at the store? |
Chewhard Unregistered guest | Update from Wednesday post on 5063 and Circuit City. Today the tech brought the matched analog and digital boards. One small problem...they were not the ones that fit the "newer version". He had the model and serial number so he wasted both of our times! When pressed when the boards for my version would be available...he called Samsung Tech Center and was informed that Samsung HAS NO fix yet and the "Engineers are working on it" When we closed the back and fired up the would not turn on. He opened it and based on his VOM readings he blew the power supply board. Voltage output. Tomorrow I will request a replacement from CC. He said many of this model have the sync problem. I am ready for a crap shoot and try another. If that does not work...then another decision. What would you do? |
Bronze Member Username: VindslPost Number: 43 Registered: Jul-04 | "What would you do?" I would buy a Sony GW... ![]() |
New member Username: SimplyimportsPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-04 | Sony's years of technology vs Samsung working only for the last few years... Hmmm... Hands Down SONY EVERYTIME! PERIOD! |
Eric in Boston Unregistered guest | New Sony Grand Wega blows away DLP. I purchased the new Samsung hlp 50" and canceled my order after viewing the Sony and Samsung next to each other at Circuit city, Best Buy, Sears, and Tweeter... Sony was a league ahead in brightness and detail. No question about it, the new Sonys are better. AND the Samsung has major streaking on two different sets at Best Buy AND they keeping changing the chip becuase of issues. |
Unregistered guest | I'm into my 3rd week with my Sony GW 42" 655. It's the new one with the HD tuner. I had a 46" Samsung that had the waxy picture with regular signals. The Samsung was great with HD but there is a limited number of shows right now so you have to have something that looks good on everything. Sony fits the bill. I'm glad I had a chance to have both TV's in my house so I could see the differences. |
Jake from Indy Unregistered guest | Yeah, the new G-IV sony's are hands down better than any new DLP I've seen. Visibly, the contrast ratio between the new Sony's and Samsung's is even, but the color fidelity, picture detail (in both HD and SD) and brightness, the award goes to Sony all the way. The XS (ie KDF-60xs955) series of Grand Wega's are even more attractive because they give you total and COMPLETE control of picture processing and color adjustments... not just the normal stuff, but the advanced functions normally only found in the service menu. Also, all models have a built-in ATSC tuners, Cable Card slot, and HDMI (2 HDMI in XS models). I jumped on the DLP waggon as did most "Videofilies" when it was introduced. And for the last year or two and have been some distinct advantages of getting DLP over LCD. But I have to give props to sony for taking LCD projection much further than I thought was possible and far beyond what DLP can CURRENTLY do... when the DLP HD3x chips are out it may be a different story... but then again all sony would need to do is ramp up production of it SXRD chip (and make is more affordable) and they will crush DLP once again. Did anyone get to see the new 70" SXRD Sony at Cedia this year.. I did, and all I can say is WOW! |
Bill V Unregistered guest | I never heard mention of an lg ru-60sz30, anyone have any comments on this set? |
Jesse H Unregistered guest | Just thought I'd add in my 2 cents about Sammy DLP. I got myself a 50" about a week ago after reading review about the awesome picture and then seeing it myself in the store. I didn't spend a whole lot of time comparing the Sony and the Sammy but I really did like the Sammy picture, so I went for it. First thing I noticed when playing Halo 2 on X-box was that the game seemed to "lag". I thought maybe it was just me. Then after watching a bit of regular TV (using the tv speakers) we went to watch a movie and didn't turn off the TV speakers and noticed the sound out of the TV was 1/4 second late. Strange... I thought I had remembered reading something about that so, we just figured it was something weird with the sound processing. No big deal. Then we went to go play a game that requires precise timing... Donkey Konga(it's a rhythm game) Totally unplayable, the TV was a good 1/4 behind the input. Now that we were aware of the problem it was obvious to us and totally unacceptable. Called up Samsung and talked to their service techs, first and second person said it was serviceable. Then the next day, when I finally got to the person who was going to schedule the service, she informed me that "this is within specifications and not serviceable" We proceeded to argue for a while about weather it was even possible for a digital TV to not have a delay (she said it wasn't) I had to bring up the example of my computer that can render an entire screen of 1600x1200 resolution 60+ times a second. But none of that mattered, bottom line is they won't fix it. So, I'm going to return the Sammy, and most likely exchange for the Sony GW 50" My suggestion, IF you really like the Sammy picture, don't play games on it, and know how to delay the audio on your surround sound system to match the delay in the TV, go for it. Otherwise, you better wait until Sammy gets their act together and puts in a decent signal processor. |
New member Username: Goose1873Pittsburgh, PA Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-04 | I'm new, just wanted to say I'm choosing the sony GW 50 b/c DLP's haven't cought up to the LCD's in high motion video (sports). I'd say the Sammy DLP's are the best pic for movies, but video games and sports are going to be better on the sony...and DVD'd are still naughty... |
Anonymous | Texas Instruments released the results of the test to the public in March, 2003. In summary, the test results indicated that the two DLP projectors used in the evaluation delivered stable contrast and color balance that remained relatively unchanged for over 4,000 hours of continuous operation. Meanwhile, the five LCD projector test units tended to shift color balance and lose contrast over time. Based on the judgment of TI personnel overseeing the test, the image quality of the LCD projectors eroded fairly rapidly, eventually degrading to the point of becoming subjectively "unacceptable." TI defined this unacceptable condition as the point at which TI believed the picture quality was sufficiently degraded that an average user would not be satisfied with it. The first LCD projector was judged to reach this unacceptable condition in just 1368 hours of operation. The remaining four units were said to have degraded to an unacceptable state in 2160, 2352, 3456, and 3456 hours respectively. |
Anonymous | LCD burns out quicker and costs more money what else do you need to say. If you still say sony LCD is the best you have lost your marbles. |
Sewkneefan Unregistered guest | I'll buy some more marbles because Sony LCD is the best! |
Anonymous | Sony 60" LCD i believe one of the best pictures at around 4k. Why take the chance with color wheels and DLP? However for around 2300 (plus 200 for the screen) you can get 720p Panasonic PT AE700U LCD FRONT PROJECTOR and have for example a 92 inch picture as sharp as that Sony. |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 56 Registered: Jun-04 | just to let you know, you are not going to get the sony LCD picture out of the panisonic projector. second the only way the sony looks better theen the sammy or LG DLP is if you don't have them all adjusted (correctly). do to the higher color depth and less screen smear (the vertical patchy spots on the LCD Projection tv's that make the pure whites look blochy under close observation almost sparkaley) and the lack of true reds in the lcd's. LCD's shorter life, shallow black levels (that look dark blue on the sony and panisonic) and the poor dark color rendering ( very blocky ).. you would just have to be a blind sony NUT (a person who has to have sony everything, or didn't know enough and just defalted to sony) to say that sony is better hands down... the fact is it is personal preference in the TV's ( still the dlp's have beter specs what ever you want to argue ).... now in projectors there is no comparison between LCD and DLP. DLP rules the high end Projector market. if you say otherwise you have never seen them set up properly. useing the same screen, almost any DLP projector will look better than an LCD. you ask anyone that installs highend projectors for a living what kind of projector they would have at home. they would all say DLP.... stop posting other peoples opinions unless you have had a profesional ( not some guy at best buy, or good boys ) show you the difference.!!!!!!!!! |
xvxvxvxv Unregistered guest | You must be that guy who sells dlp's for a living. What a used car salesman. You forgot to mention audio/video sync problems and your antiquated 1950's color wheel sammy junk that gives people headaches and produces rainbow effects. |
TM Unregistered guest | I second that. I had both the Sammy and the Sony in my house and the Sony is still there. Yeah, the color wheel is a little behind the times. I couldn't believe that they would use that. So lame. I work in TV and we use a lot of Sony equipment. By the time my LCD starts to fade, it will be time for a new set anyway. By then they'll be real cheap. There is no TV out there that will be trouble free forever but I bet my money on Sony and the LCD display. If they would use 3 DLP chips like they should, then I might have looked longer at Sammy but the SD signal looked so bad on that TV that I had to take it back. Face it, you'll be watching SD for some time to come so you better get something that handles it. Only the Networks and a very few O and O's will have High Def for you so if you are buying the TV to watch TV and not play games, then get a Sony LCD and be happy. |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 57 Registered: Jun-04 | i am not a DLP salesman.... yes the SAMSUNG DLP's have some problems with av sync... ( and i am not all about samsung ( there are other dlp's beside samsung )but the whole headach problem with some people was on the old 7 series models. i like the sony LCD don't get me wrong i have one in my bedroom but my main telivision is a dlp... and about being behind time.. that has nothing to do with it it alows for much better color depth, if it works use it. the 3 chip dlp's are astounding, i have installed some of them and they are so much nicer but way out of the pricerange and only in front projectors as of the moment. the new 85 series does a wonderful job on the SD signals once again yes the onl 7 series had problems but they have fixed the problems that you have mentioned |
Unregistered guest | So I bought a Sony KDF-60XS955 60" LCD, I was finding that the black levels were not all that great. So much so that I was begining to think about replacing it with a DLP. I play a lot of Playstation2 and Gran Turismo, and it seems that the DLP's suck for video games. For how much longer will this be the case? BTW the brightness and color of my tv is awesome. So if I should keep the Sony, give me props! Thanks for your input... Oh and I got the tv for $3475 from Best Buy, befor taxes... |
No DLP for me Unregistered guest | After Tweeter first replaced my Samsung DLP rear projection cooling fan after 4 months I was concerned. NOw 2 months later they said they need to replace the color wheel motor assembly. I said forget it and to take it back! They refused. After contacting the BBB they decided to give me a store credit towards a new rear projection. |
DLP? Sammy for me! Unregistered guest | Perfection would be wonderful if it were attainable. This is the real world, you know. This stuff isn't made by God. It's made by people who make occasional errors and learn from them, just like you and me. The technology is new and exciting. It's awesome and incredible. It's also evolving. No maker has the perfect solution. You haven't bought a perfect set yet and you can't recommend one either. Don't be affraid of the DLP chip. It's made by Texas instruments and it's in every brand of DLP, but picture quality is absolutely variable. Screens are different. Light engines are different too. Toshiba bulbs and ballasts were in the first Samsung HLP's and caused the three lights of death. They were replaced by Phillips parts, which seem to be very reliable. My Samsung HLP5063W has an amazing picture that surpassed Toshiba and RCA in side by side viewing after making every possible adjustment to the runners-up. It's brighter, it's clearer, it's easy enough for me to operate, and I have no complaints. If something does go awry, I have a 5 year extended warranty past the 1 year factory warranty. I wouldn't trade mine for any other. For HD, it's the best and only $2100 these days. I'm not alone either. Read some reviews for yourself. rid *********************************************** |
Anonymous | i think sall of tgis is crap for ricjh white people to play with and gloat ove4r the poor dark peop0le of the rest of the world. Still this hdtv sounmds like creaps. |
No DLP for me Unregistered guest | There is a great way to try and sell your DLP SAMMY FOR ME. "I have a 5 year extended warranty past the 1 year factory warranty." REALLY shows how much faith you have in your "SAMSUNG HLP5063W" Did you read your review posting before you listed? "Summary: UNIT SHOWING SAME SYMPTOMS IT DID PRIOR TO BULB BURNING OUT THE FIRST TIME. FORTUNATELY I HAVE THE EXTENDED WARRANTY BECAUSE THE BULBS ARE $300+. REPAIR GUY INDICATED THAT THIS IS AN ONGOING ISSUE WITH THIS UNIT. I WILL NOT BUY ANOTHER SAMSUNG AGAIN." I too can post a link from THE SAME site that shows reviews for LCD that are favorable 6522 For the record I would reccomend ANYONE that has ANY service issue to contact the BBB. Tweeter sent me my gift cards Fed Ex after contacting the BBB. |
XBR SONY LCD Unregistered guest | I've had this tv for a month now and I loved it. I used to have Samsung 63 incher DLP tv but I returned that one due to its black level issues and patchy colors on some DVDs. The Sony totally blew away the competition, I'm glad I got it though it costs more than DLP tv. |
Anonymous | LCD Projection the best few yrs until cheap 3 chip (non-color wheel) DLP's arrive meanwhile the LCD dead pixel issue (also can be a problem with DLP's) s/b under better control |
DLP? Sammy for me! Unregistered guest | LCD the best? They look good...they just don't last very long. K0100361 I'll stay with the superior DLP technology. It's an evolving technology with a few issues, but none are catastrophic. I'll roll with it! |
Discovering Unregistered guest | Apparently, it won't be a few years until an affordable 3 chip (non color wheel) DLP rear projection will arrive! ml !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
No DLP for me Unregistered guest | DLP? Sammy for me! ............. With the information you posted on DLP lasting so long, according to your link over 5 years, WHY did you purchase the extended 5 year warranty coverage? Like to waste money or don't believe what you posted? You a car salesman by chance? Lots of double talk going on here. say one thing do the other |
DLP? Sammy for me! Unregistered guest | I bought a warranty, of course, because I'm an idiot. Yes, I like to waste money. No, I don't believe anything I post. Yes, I've sold a car. I'm just a double talk'en dirty dog. Pay no attention. |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 59 Registered: Jun-04 | just a quick message... someone made a post about cheap 3 chip being close and had a link to the JVC D-ILA, thats not DLP that is a striped down version of LCOS. in other words LCD |
Discovering Unregistered guest | Jacob, They are calling it a DLP .7 inch microdisplay device in a three-chip design. Please post your LCOS information to the contrary. |
Dee M Dee Unregistered guest | Just in case Jacob is busy, I must inform you that he is correct. The JVC is a LCOS display which JVC calls D-ILA which roughly stands for digital image light amplification and is LCD technology. DLP is a different technology utilizing chips with micro mirrors (DMD or roughly digital micromirror device). A three chip DLP display is currently out of the price range of consumer electronics. Ignore what the ad says since it is incorrect. |
Discovering Unregistered guest | The ad link clearly says DLP! The ad is also clearly incorrect. I stand corrected! "LCoS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) has been one of the most eagerly-awaited big-screen TV display technologies. And one of the highest-performing LCoS designs is JVC's D-ILA (Direct-drive Image Light Amplifier)." My apologies for not researching further. |
Anonymous | Try finding a 3 chip DLP FRONT PROJECTOR for approx 2500 dollars (screen included) that can match any one of the rock bottom priced/state of the art new LCD 720P FRONT PROJECTORS available from Sanyo, Infocus, or Panasonic PROBABLY 7k TO 20K for such a 3 chip Front Projecter? As for "low cost" D-ILA There simply is no comparison between a 92 inch hi def picture on a Panasonic PT-AE700U FRONT PROJECTER LCD and current models of JVC rear projection D-ILAs Sorry the JVC loses that battle and it cost 50% more LCD wins over "DLP" once again |
Bronze Member Username: Jbagel2Orem, UT USA Post Number: 60 Registered: Jun-04 | Ha Ha Ha..... 3 chip DLP a decent one is about $100,000 |
Search and you FIND! Unregistered guest | Panasonic PT-D7000U-K Projector World's lightest 3-chip DLP projector at only 48.5 lbs. Our Price: $23,000.00 Manufacturer Part No. PT-D7700U/U-K Resolution: SXGA+ (1400 x 1050) Display: DLP Lumens: 7,000 ANSI Weight: 48.50 .lbs Warranty: 1 yr. Parts and Labor |
DLP for me Unregistered guest | How unfortunate for this fellow! One of you brazen LCD nuts have an answer for him? DLP wins over "LCD" once again!!! |
DLP for me Unregistered guest | To bad for this guy as well! Give him a hand LCD boys! DLP wins over "LCD" once again!!! |
No DLP for me Unregistered guest | DLP for me........To use YOUR OWN WORDS> Perfection would be wonderful if it were attainable. This is the real world, you know. This stuff isn't made by God. It's made by people who make occasional errors and learn from them, just like you and me. The technology is new and exciting. It's awesome and incredible. It's also evolving. No maker has the perfect solution. |
DLP? Sammy for me! Unregistered guest | You still have to choose one, though. Thanks for the reposting. |
tvdude Unregistered guest | I don't think that in the future DLP's will necessarily have this problem (picture delay). But in the current crop of DLP's, the picture does usually lag behind because of additional image processing for the DLP display. When watching TV the delay doesn't matter and the extra picture processing looks nice but it interferes when you're trying to play games. That's why some DLP's like Toshiba's HM94 series have a "Game Mode" which you can switch on to disable the additional image processing on the game you don't get fed up and buy an LCD :-) |
George Sullivan Unregistered guest | I am looking for an approximately 50" monitor to use with my Dish DVR receiver. At this point Dish offers relatively little HD (when they offer more we will buy thier HD DVR receiver) so we spend most of our time watching 480p stuff. I bought a Sharp Aquos 45" LCD unit but the picture wasn't very clear so I am returning it. The unit would be fantastic if everything was HD but it isn't. Would I be happy with a rear projection LCD or DLP of about the same size (and a lot less money)? |
Anonymous | What is the best hook up for a dlp sammy. Dvi or what. I currently have an HD receiver. It is hooked up with component cables. The picture is the best i've ever seen. It has a dvi output. Is that even better? Also, the day i got the 50in sammy(about 2 months ago) I turned off the internal speakers. All the sound is run from my surround sound system. I never had any delay. I play ps2 alot and no delays. So just hook it up to your surround sound and turn the internal mute on. Speaking of ps2, how would i hook composite cables to that....Do they sell them seperatly? |
DLP for Me! Unregistered guest | A lot of folks prefer the component conection over the DVI. I know I do. I hear some say that HD on DVI is a hair better, but analog is much worse. Can't help you with PS2. I'm not a gamer. |
DLP for Me! Unregistered guest | A lot of folks prefer the component conection over the DVI. I know I do. I hear some say that HD on DVI is a hair better, but analog is much worse. Can't help you with PS2. I'm not a gamer. |
Silver Member Username: VindslPost Number: 112 Registered: Jul-04 | LoL! This thread is still going?!?!?! LCD this - DLP that - LCOS this 'n' that. Let's start again. Can we at least agree that component cables give the best PQ? Then, we'll go from there... If not, all is lost! ![]() |
HDdude Unregistered guest | Component cables only give the best PQ on your GWIII since it converts DVI to analog. DLP, on the other hand, keeps the DVI digital all the way. This makes DVI better than component. |
Silver Member Username: VindslPost Number: 113 Registered: Jul-04 | Heh! "All the way" to where? You can't watch digits... |
DLP for Me! Unregistered guest | Hi Vin, Where ya been? the way...all is lost! I've seen 1's and 0's arranged in some viewable art forms! HA HA |
Silver Member Username: VindslPost Number: 114 Registered: Jul-04 | Been busy with some web projects, yada, yada, yada. Just made a 'bandwidth meter' for PHP-Nuke, if you know what that is... Demo: I've been cruisin' by here daily, but mostly lurking in the shadows. I see ppl are still confused about DLP vs. LCD vs. LCOS. Maybe it's just the n00bs... In a nutshell: LCD is a workhorse. DLP is smoke 'n' mirrors, literally. LCOS is a mixture of the two. Gotta run! BBL... |