Obama said he would work with Republicans, said he would be a bi partisan president.
He could have wide spread support if he would only do the following...NAME CONSERVATIVE JUDGES TO THE SUPREME COURT, he will have a opening very soon unless Ruth Bater Ginsburgh somehow beats the almost impossible odds that com with pancriatic cancer.
Even the suggestion now that he had re thought his position on high court judges, would bring him support from the right that has not been seen for almost 50 years.
If Obama did just that one thing, the country would be back in a time where a decent person could call themselves a democrat. If Obama did that one thing, he would immediately pick up the support of at least 50% of the Republican party, he would have poll numbers going through the roof. The country would come together like you have not seen in your lifetime. While it`s true the left wing of the Democrat party would be under suicide watch and would bolt Obama, his support across the country and in Congress would sky rocket.
Truth of the matter is a large portion of the Democrat party has always been uncomfortable with the liberal wing of the party, they are uncomfortable with left wing judges taking the country to wide open gaaaay marriage etc and stripping the values that the country was founded on. That is where the country is headed under Obama unless he has a change of heart.
The African American voters, aprox 90% vote democrat, this includes most of the black Churches. These folks are against gaaaay marriage etc, yet continue to vote democrat because they believe they will be looked after by the democrat party. They have been deceived but thats a whole other topic. They also will have some splaining to do when they meet their maker for their choices.
These folks would be so excited if they could be a democrat and not also stand for debauchery! As it stands today, to vote democrat means you support debauchery, 50 + years ago that was not the case.
So yes that is what Obama should do, the rest would come easy.
Tiger Woods As if you didn't already know there are no Republicans or Democrats that vist this forum only people from different countries that want to know how or when they can get their International channels back that Uncle Charlie has put the N3 Dogs to watch them.