i was wondering if I can get Bev 82 or 91 using Dish 500 plus in NJ. Basically, to get these Satellites for CBN (Channel) for Cricket. I know CBN is on these angels but I am wondering if CBN channel is still visiblie right now (because of Nagravision 3 encryption) ??
i need to know this before switching from 110 119 to 82 or 91. as i wouldnt want to set 82 or 91 if CBN is not visible at the moment.
if you have any info regarding or suggestion, please let me know. thanks in advance for your help.
i m also trying to catch the bird 82 i have spend the whole 2 days but i am unable to catch it, i can catch 92 but i cannot catch 82, i tryed a lot but notthing, i can catch 92 and amc 72, but no 82 and i know 82 is in the middle on 92 and 72 but i cant catch it, i am usin vewtat extrim, and a biggggg hughes net dish, plese help sombody to my lnb is single i dont really know what type its is, on the setting menu my setting was nimq 2 lnb universal no disque.
how come cbn is up on 82... as bev is on N3 and there is no solution for it as yet... apart from NFU or CONax... nothing for regular stb's like views/ pans etc