Speaking of Prince Charles...Did you know that Prince Charles and Princess Diana considered naming their first child "UP" ? That`s right they seriously considered naming him "UP" However someone pointed out they would be known as "Up, Chuck and Die" and they decided against it......true story
BTW Plymouth should be buy any minute to say this is not satellite related
And Nalin may report his own thread as being "stupid and going nowhere" as he did to some one elses thread the other day
Dont get mad just pointing out the double standard
BTW I was not trying to pick a fight, just speaking as someone that from time to time has been told by "THE IN CROWD" shall we say, that a thread of mine should be removed because it is not satellite related. Just wondered if the same goes for "THE IN CROWD"?
Personally I think people should just lighten up and mind their own business, if they do not like a thread ignore it. Just thought it needed to be said because of the apparent double standard.
If I had posted that thread, people would have said, hey its not sat related or SOMEONE would have complained to the thread in suggestions and feedback.
I read there last week where one of the "IN CROWD" wanted a thread removed because it was personally uninteresting to him????
When you reach a gold status is a good forum, it is expected that you will able to tell the difference between qualities, contents and message of threads.
Quite frankly, the objections you raised and the statement "Dont get mad just pointing out the double standard" is not compatible with the standards and the ability to discern expected of you, particularly when I put that against your total silence in face of atrocious and incessant attacks against members.
Wow Nalin, you dont fool around! I can feel the Nyda Machine closing in around me. Posts calling for my banishment. How dare I ask a fairness question? I feel a little bit like Mr Smith as in Mr Smith goes to Washington
Tiger Woods: I don't see you attack others. If you have posted in some of the nonsensical threads in the past, I have not read those threads so i do not know. To have a "gold' rating also means a certain level of responsibility and the least that is expected of you to distinguish between threads that are offensive and threads that are not. I have to say that to date I have not found you saying anything against non-sensical threads. yet you sprang up to say that this thread was "stupid and going nowhere". On TV shows we see and hear news, or some god entertainment, sport etc., and we comment on it. We also sometimes come across unusual statements and I reported some unusual coincidence. It is your incomprehension of the propriety of my thread that is NOW starting to ruin this thread.