Sony KF-60WE610 vs. Sony KDF-60XBR950 vs. Sony KF-60XBR800?


I want to buy a Sony 60" rear projection LCD TV (I like the technology and pic quality) but there are three 60" LCD Sony options in this catagory. The Sony website is not really helpful. Can anyone tell me the main differences between the three models? The KF-60WE610 is significantly lower in pricing vs. the KDF-60XBR950 and KF-60XBR800. Both the the KDF-60XBR950 and the KF-60WE610 are new models for this fall.

KF-60XBR800 -last years model, the good dealers should be pricing this near or below the new KF-60WE610 to move it off the floor and out of stock.

KF-60WE610 -new model out any day now. Basicly same as above minus "XBR" designation. "Value" model.

KDF-60XBR950 -newest model XBR flagship. Improvements over previous (KF-60XBR800) include integrate HD tuner (at least that's what I read)

Bill, how much money do you want to spend? I would recommend the 60WE610. The reports on the 42" and 50" models are that they are better (at least out of the box) than the XBR800. The XBR950 is a few months out and a lot of money to get an integrated tuner.

Thanks to all for the information. I am looking to spend around $3500 total and believe that I will be able to get the 60WE610 for that price somewhere. Anyone have suggestions on a store with great pricing and good service for this model?

See My Oct 5, 2003 comments in:

regarding WE vs. XBR vs. Philips Cineos

Bill, Try Fry's Electronics. Here in Austin the pricing is as follows, as of 11/21/03:
KF-60XBR800 $3,299.00
KF-60WE610 $3,599.00
KF-50WE610 $2,969.00

I got the KF-60WE610 for $3,300 from Circuit City when the sticker price was $3,999.99. all you have to do is wheel and deal. Don't take no for an answer. The TV is awesome.

Very helpful thread here, guys, but my one question is, what are you losing by not having the XBR designation? I was looking at the KF60XBR800, have now realized that the KF60WE610 has come out, and comparing the features of the two I can't figure out if the 610 is lacking anything of substance that the XBR800 had. I don't need the built in HDTV tuner, which I assume is all the XBR950 is adding. Am I missing something?

The XBR has The Glass Sheild That causes Glare. Your Better off With the 610 if your room is not dark. My 610 eliminates the glare that comes through the windows. KF60WE610 It's a great TV.

1) Looks nicer
2) Glass Sheild
3) Says XBR
4) Older than the 610
5) Buy the 610

1 - 5 are the diff for the XBR

Question: If you want HDTV doesn't it pay to get the 950? Or is an HDTV tuner cheaper if you get the 800 or 610?

TJ,Where are you located, which Circuit City?

I'm in the frozen tundra of Minnesota. The Circuit City is in Minnetonka. I forgot to mention I also got a $300.00 Gift card so the TV was only $3000.00 if you look at it that way. I'm guessing you can get it for that price at any Circuit City. I just told them I found that same Tv on the Internet for $3200.00 (wink) ... but if he sold it to me for $3300.00 it would cover the shipping on the Internet TV. Worked out perfect. Last night I hooked up the local channels in HD using the DVI port, all I can say is INCREDIBLE!
Good luck on your buy.

I bought the 60XBR950 and was delivered on 12-08-03. This is the first big screen TV I ever own. The picture and color was so real when playing a DVD movie in progressive. I have Time Warner cable and I thought I could receive HD signals from cable since the TV had a build in HD tuner. Wrong, I need a HD cable box in order to see HD TV. Seems like I waste money on HD tuner. A friend told me to buy a HD antenna, then I will be able to receive more HD channels.
In last few days, the TV would not turn on. The power LED greeen light kept flashing and no picture. The longest time I wait was 30 min and still flashing. I called Sony and they said the TV needs service.(in 10 days?) I contacted CC since I bought the ext warranty. They said they would order me a replacement set, but at the meantime, they suggested I call Sony authorized repair shop to repair the power problem because the TV is currently out of stock.
Do anybody have this power problem with Sony projection TV?

Unregistered guest
To quote TJ:

"I got the KF-60WE610 for $3,300 from Circuit City when the sticker price was $3,999.99. all you have to do is wheel and deal. Don't take no for an answer. The TV is awesome."

Any store that is an authorized dealer for a company (ie: Circuit City is authorized to sell Sony products) is required to meet MAP pricing requirements, or they will lose the rights to sell that brand if caught. Walk into any physical store location (Circuit City, Best Buy, HH Gregg, whatever), and every Sony 610 will be priced $3299.99, because that is what Sony stipulates to them. Whatever rebates or giftcards or free DVDs they choose to give you, that is their choice and will determine which store has the best deal. Any store that posts a different price is most likely not an authorized dealer and you will be SOL if something goes wrong with your product. So TJ, if Circuit City really was charging $3999.99 for that TV, I would throw a is listed on their website as $3299.99 and has been that way here in Ohio in the stores as I have been contemplating buing one.

New member
Username: Snakeyes

Post Number: 5
Registered: 12-2003
first if you were going to get either xbr950 or we610 for free which one would you take?
second what does an integrated tuner do for you anyway your cable or sat tv provider still has to give you an hd box anyway right.
third what about the problem with people complaining about regular channels not looking good is that typical of all large hdtv's?

Unregistered guest
I just received my Sony KDF60XBR950 and I am totally in love with it. I hooked up a RCA ANT"200" Antenna to the UHF/VHF hook up. (My Comcast Cable in Fort Lauderdale are not going HDTV until March)I still cannot beleive the picture. I recommend this TV to anyone who is looking to buy the Rolls Royce of TV's. The only thing this XBR lacks from my "96" 32 inch XBR is I cannot hook up my center channel speaker wire to the back of the "950". I was able to go into the audio section on my 32 inch and change the speakers from Main to Center channel. My TV became the Center channel for my suround sound system. No need for the clumsy center channel speaker on top of the tv. It sounds more realistic having the center channel coming out of the TV. I cannot for the life of me figure out why Sony would remove this feature from a $5000.00 tv. They probably saw the sales of there center channel speakers drop off since no one needed them with that hook up. That is the only problem I have with the "950". Worth every penny. Go out and get it and see what I am talking about. "You only live once"!!!

Unregistered guest
I will take the KF-60WE610 for $3,300. It is not $3,299.99 at the CC where I live in Ohio or on the WEB site. I think Mike is talking about the 50 not the 60. If not, please tell me which CC to go to.

New member
Username: Bobphorse

Post Number: 1
Registered: 01-2004
I just gave myself the XBR950 for Christmas. I was looking at the 60WE610 but the picture is better on the 950. Better contrast and black levels with a new LCD chip. Also, the glass shield improves the color and contrast even though it does produce some glare. There is also risk of reflection off the mirror on the LCD sets because of their shallow depth. The XBR warrenty is also better.

I'm getting a custom home entertaintment center built for a KF60WE610. That will take a couple of months and I'll buy the TV then. Unfortunately, the TV is not on display anywhere locally and I really need a couple of dimensions and I'm hoping someone who has the TV will be kind enough to help. I'm looking to frame the TV and need the exact dimensions of the black border (side speakers and borders on top and bottom) around the screen. That is the width of the TV including the screen and the speakers and the height of the TV including the screen and the black strip on the top and bottom. Also, does the base of the TV protrude in front of the screen and if it does how much. I'll be really thankful if someone takes the trouble to answer this.

Unregistered guest
The differnace between the XBR model and the Wega series is that the XBR contains higher grade parts and has an intergrated HD tuner. True, the XBR has a glass shield which will give more of a glare but the picture is better from up to 30 degrees. I will tell everyone out there that their has been a bulb problem on all SON KF60,50, and 42 WE610 models. Look into in before making a purchase.

Unregistered guest
Points not mentioned so far: The New XBR 60" and 70" are listed as 20% brighter than the WE series (crutchfield ad). This is good, but I agree with some of the others that the glass and glare seem to detract. Also, i did not like that the XBR is listed as deeper than the non XBR TVs. I am down to: is the brighter picture worth 1500 more $?
Last point - Take a tape measure into the store - the listed deminsions are not correct much of the time. I found the listed width of the new 60 Inch XBR950 to be 67 but measured it and it is 63. The depth was listed as 23 but I measured little over 20 from the front most part of the screen to the farthest point in the back (It was around 19 from thefront edge of the base). With all the TVs going for the thinner the better marketing I find it hard tp believe that Sony's specs are 3 inches off on the depth. Anyone care to tell me the approximate weight of this TV? It is listed as 177 lbs (hard to believe when all the other specs are wrong).

J Walsh
Unregistered guest
I took delivery of my XBR950 2 weeks ago and it is astonishing in every mode (cable/onair-antenna HD and DVD). Unfortunately, however, my 6 yr old daughter scratched the plexiglass screen/shield when illustrating a PlayStation 2 football play with her finger. Hard to believe but the soft (bright red painted) finger nail of a six yr old sliced the screen leaving a noticeable gouge. After a good cry, I used a light abrasive polishing compound on the screen and it virtually eliminated the scratch. What I did not realize though was that the abrasive removed the anti-reflective coating on the plexiglass. I now have a section on the screen in the shape of a pickle where the coating is worn off. Anyone know whether that outside screen is repairable/replaceable and if so at what cost?

I am looking to purchase the KDF-XBR950 in early June. Today at my local Circuit City I inquired about the KDF-XBR950 and the salesperson indicated they are selling the floor model. The salesman indicated they are unable to get anymore units due to the popularity of the set. They also indicated the tv will soon be discontinued and replaced with a newer model. I have not been able to find anything on-line regarding a newer model. Is this just a line? Should I still pursue the 950?

J Walsh. Did you ever get an answer on the replacement screen? My 3 year old son scratch mine last night with a toy. Any info is appreciated.

just additional information regarding XBR950. it has a DRC mode when you choose pro on video mode ( vivid, standard and pro ) while WE610 don't. you can choose between high density, progressive and cinemotion plus clear white, detail enhancer, color corrector, black corrector, gamma corrector, white balance and cinema black. i personally prefer the cinemotion cause it minimize the jitters on some video movies ( gladiator chapter 15 ). try a cheap progressive dvd player and it still look good but seems that the sam HD931 ( w/ free DVI cable inside but use monter DVI cable anyway ) don't work well on this set cause it came out too dark and soft and have to turn brightness almost all the way up so makes no sense on buying this player if DVI would be use as main connection to this set ( red light for 480p, blue for 720p and green for 1080i ). i choose the denon 2200 w/c in my A/B test w/ sam HD931 and sony 555ES ( worst pogressive scan player of the three, try gladiator chapter 15 ) won hands down specially on video performance and layer change. i have the sam HLN617 but never tried the sam HD931 until i decided i wanted a bigger screen and order the sony 70XBR w/c took a month and a half and exchange it. i did noticed there's a slight screen door effect though so went back to the store and check their floor model ( sam HLN617, 60XBR950 and 70XBR950 side by side ) and they all have it slightly.

Billabong jr
Unregistered guest
Iv'e been researching Sony lcd tv for a year (whew). I was ready to pull the trigger on the 50" when the sh-- hit the bulb! So I waited. The new models are supposed to be cool(manufacture date after Jan.1 2004.) Now I see the XBR950 is out with the hd tuner which is the newest in the XBR series to take the place of the XBR800. How could the 950 become phased out? It is only out approx 4 months. The only other new model is the kf60dx100. To my knowledge it isn't an XBR. My real Dilema is to buy the 60"KF-60WE610 and buy and HD tuner or this antenna that some people are talking about. Do you get as many stations and picture qualtiy as an HD tuner? Or the XBR950 for a $1000.00 more? Any help to clear the brain is greatly appreciated.
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