

Silver Member
Username: Bvvenegas

Post Number: 307
Registered: Apr-07
is it really the end or is it just hyped to be

Bronze Member
Username: Redwater71

Post Number: 97
Registered: Sep-06
dunno, all of a sudden the threads have dwindled off .. I guess 2-morrow is the beginning of the end ... lets wait and see !

Silver Member
Username: Lomna

Post Number: 469
Registered: Dec-07
Just enjoy ..don't worry about it. Life is good.

New member
Username: Lonster

Post Number: 7
Registered: Feb-09
Yup all anyone can do is wait, people will tell you anything when they want your money, but Im sure only a select few know for sure what the potential outcome will be.

Bronze Member
Username: Boquack

Post Number: 23
Registered: Mar-08
N3 doesn't exist..........
Now stop worrying and enjoy your life!
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