I'm contemplating a foray into HDTV with a regular full-screen 36" set. At this point, the main contenders are the Sony KV-36HS510 and the Toshiba 36HF73. They appear incredibly similar -- except for the price tag. Any thoughts from other shoppers or current owners? As a caveat, this will be hooked up to a surround sound system so the audio quality of the sets isn't as important to me. Is the Panasonic CT36HL43 something I should even consider as well? Thanks.
Posted on
I own the Sony and all I can say is that it is absolutely incredible!!!! Both the sound and the picture. I almost broke my back lifting it up but after that it was well worth it. My wife wouldn't even think about letting me take it back for anything else. Trust me, the Sony is way better than the Panasonic, way better!
Bella Karas
Posted on
Sony has a better picture, but is less durable, prepare to buy a new one in a few years. I also red a lot of reviews indicating problems with some of the sets even thogh most of them may be good. Toshiba is better on durability and still has excellent picture quality. It all depends on what is more important to you.