satcar. What do you mean? Ch.from nicaragua or the sats able to get in Nicaragua. In nic. you can get echo 8,10(110 w) , echo7(119w.) and amazonas(61W) (telefonica) using a 2.40 m.Ku band dish some ppl use pc card for BISS,but you have to post your ? at Hispanos only, there are some guys whom know about that
I'm in Honduras and use a 1.8m dish pointed at 119w, 110w signal is too low. A friend in San Salvador has the same setup but he does get enough strenght in 110w. Difficult to know what would be the case in Nicaragua as the signals drop quite rapidly for us in the fringe of the footprint. I know there's also good strenght from 61w at both locations, but the best choice is 119w unless you're planning on having a motorised setup. Surely you will get signal from the 3 birds with a 2.4m dish, but that dish is at least 3 times as expensive as the 1.8m Your best bet is to look for a house or business (restaurant/bar/etc) with a dish and get them to get you in touch with local people in the know.
For all End User and dealer Sonysat and Azbox for South America Market , Center America and PuertoRico , will be launching all DGR line from Sonysat as re-branded AZBOX , Sonysat and Azbox is already premium partners starting 2Q this year , Sonysat will be importing " Azbox DGR 3000 & DGR 3001 USB"
Settopbox will be carrying Azbox Logo at front at STB , with all requirements needs.
The box will be available for sale on Feb 10th, and is not available for DN or Bev (its a South American box with Spanish menus), new box (the DGR 3000) that is targeted at South America (namely telefonica).