Alan...The latest Viewsat file is working fine...U may have either memory corruption in receiver (do a reboot to clear some), or have a file that was corrupted during the download from the site or upload into your receiver...these things are do as suggested when ya have any problems like that...
1...reboot...rear swich -power off for 1 minute, then back on...ALWAYS do this FIRST whenever U have ANY type problems of any kind
2. upload file again to your receiver...or do another download from a site and then upload into receiver....usually if a file is corrupted in the download process, it will NOT unzip and will show a "corrupted" message..
At another site there is a report... "Freezing report on DN on Viewsat 2000 Xtreme with DBPSW-090121X. Freezing every 30~40 min....Autoroll in 30 sec."
4-5 other people have confirmed it since. I do not have viewsat Extreme to test with.