Always go to "home site of your receiver" first. The sites in BOLD offer direct downloads without registration. [link removed] - VIEWSATS [link removed] - Ariza and Pansat Conversions and Clones [link removed] - SONICVIEW [link removed] - Pansats, Viewsats, Sonicview
The following is for PUFF files - for converted 2500 and FLUs
PUFF_300 for FLU/2500 Conversion to 2700 Full kits for Latest conversion BINs and other files - also for Revert to 2500 Remove Channel list before installing
[link removed]
Download and unzip into separate directory. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT WITHOUT READING INSTRUCTIONS. Please note, you may need to rescan
Always go to "home site of your receiver" first. The sites in BOLD offer direct downloads without registration. [link removed] - VIEWSATS [link removed] - Ariza and Pansat Conversions and Clones [link removed] - SONICVIEW [link removed] - Pansats, Viewsats, Sonicview