I used to have a coo*sat pro 4000 receiver which is black and Korean made. Despite the support available it is not not working for sometime. Because the N3 will be in effect soon i did not buy new receiver.
I heard on some other website that the N3 will come at the end of 2009. Can anyone let me know if it is true or not? If not when should the N3 will be in effect.
The reason i am asking about it is that i am planning to have yellow card programmed which will cost some amount. If it works just for 2 months it will be worth to have it programmed. But if the N3 will be in effect before it is not.
Based on YOUR estimate of break even, You can take a risk with Nfusion and hope for 3-5 months of viewing and perhaps for a much longer time. You will need high speed Internet connection.