I used to be able to watch all the channel from anikf3 before the full Emu v201. Since loading the 201, all the channel said that it is scramble or bad channel. Do anyone have the same problems? or do you know how to fix the issue? My signal and quality is good, since I can watch all the free channel on this bird of 118.7 . Thanks
1. Note down your antenna settings. 2. Go to channel Edit and delete all channels. 3. Do Reset. 4. Turn off at back and turn it on after 40 seconds. 5. Install 203 EMU BIN 6. Do Reset and do User setup. 7. Do one antenna setup and a scan. 8. Make sure you can watch TV. 9. Do other antenna setups and scans. 10. Edit the channels and set up your favourites and your parental controls. 11. Save under channel master. This is the list you will use with future EMU BINs.