Hey all, my pansat was working properl until recent. i found the new bin file which is labeled: 87BL_081215_B75_V203_api_femu i loaded it but there is no picture at all. i did all teh scan and stuff as well as reloading the bin but still i get nothing. can any1 help me? i think the last bin i loaded was X-87BL_080922_B75_290_api. so any help?
if you want help, we would need more info. what does the screen read? "no signal"... "sobc"? what does your level and signal read (what %)? what sats are you pointing to? what lnb types are you using? what are your sat settings? these are all very inportant questions that would be very helpful in helping you with your problem. there are many things that can go wrong with a fta box, which most are fixable with minimal effort.
being from canada, bell express vue has gone to a new security that needs to be hacked. everyone is waiting for the coders of the boxes to do their thing. only dn is up at the moment unless you use a fta box with an iks solution for bev
here is wat i know: teh sat is pointed at 65 deg W, teh name of the sat is i think echo 3 that's wat is says on it. (the indian channels) the level bar is gud but i'm not getting anything for quality 0%. after the scan the picture doesn't show it says sobc sometimes only otherwise it's always a blank screen. any ideas? i'm thinking that my sat dish might have moved it's position? we did have bad weather last 2weeks but not really sure if that's teh case. any help will do.
1. Note down the antenas settings for the sat Echo 3. 2. Load factory file version 124 using Loader 27.02. 3. Then load the latest 203 full emu BIN. 4. Do reset. 5. Do user setup. 6. Do antenna setup and scan.