Something went wrong the moment I put the latest bin for VS Ultra. Now I have no channels and quality is zero for both indian and english satellite (Echo 61.5, Anik, Echo 110).
I am sure my switch is not blown, because the other box is working fine (my Pansat oldie.....)
RVM Go in channel scan and delete those 2 satellites with the garbage can and enter setting in antenna seup and do a blind scan then a autoscan. Do it for each satellite one by one. Reply with the result.
Folks - I am having similar issues. my indian channels are working fine but the american channels are not. I get the usual message "scrambled or bad .." LNB is set for standard, quality is about 40 and strength is 80. I have done sevral blind scans and channel scans with no results. Pls advise
Go in Menu System information Code Menu Select Nagra Down arrow then select 00 01 00,01 01 00 and 01 06 00 and delete those 3 dish provider with "F3" on remote and load latest bin file, save and exit, wait that the autoroll found keys and all Tp come back
Yesterday my indian channels were working fine after I scann Echostar 7 Echostar 3. Quality were good. but today morning . No good quality at all. help us. please
Down arrow then select 00 01 00,01 01 00 and 01 06 00 and delete those 3 dish provider with "F3" on remote and load latest bin file, save and exit, wait that the autoroll found keys and all Tp come back
Yes plymouth I know its on 716 and STAR ONE is on 718
MAY be a file must be NOT good. you know wat happen. i did a FACTORY DEFAULT. (it was the 100th time) As soon as I finish to BLIND SCAN and AUTO SCAN. Both echo 3- echo 7. (of course one by one)
I was try to page-down to see if all channels were playing. some were working. the STAR PLUS and STAR ONE MAX ZEE CINE.. and other English channels. were working FINE GREAT... but all of a SUDDEN when i try to go On the channel we are ready to SIT AND WATCH. TO OUR SURPRISE. it DO NOT WORK ANYMORE. So we CHEK OTHER CHANNELS. ALL OTHER STOP WORKING.
only showing seaching for signal. and some saying AUTOROLLING PROCESSING.
REALLY REALLY Am getting very tired ... thats too much. dont know wat happening.
PLYMoUTH I also saw this . you were saying to John that : All Circular satellite should be set on Standard and 11250, but 118.8 use 10750. All Linear satellites should be set on standard and 10750 or Universal 10750 High and 10600 Low.
how this wud help me
I also noticed each time I am setting the Antenna suppose standard 11250. or universal 11750 A minute later it change by itself... this really stressing me.
this receiver problem since two weeks. its leading me to stress. i am having stomach pain. like i used to have long time ago when i was stressed
Why is this happening PLYMOUTH??? before this problem was not existed. the setup wasnt chaning by itself.
PLYMOUTH havent been able to solve my problem? am still waiting. with echo 3 only english channel working. avec le quality 75-80%. Jai pu scanner les chaine indien. MAIS AUCUNE d'eux ne marche. I even notivcee even if they are here. When I pagedown or pageup on them. THEY DELETE by themself. channels delete.
No I have One BIG Dishl''. One LNB, which is called Two in One 118-119
PLYMOUTH a week ago EVERYTHNG Was FINE. You remember you asked me to Look for Anick 3 and you gave me new Files etc so as to get ANIK 3 ??
WITH ONNLY ONE Blind Scan on Anik 3. I GOT ALLLL Cartoon, english and Indian channels. And now ALL of a sudden the EVEN if the ANIK 3 is being SCAN . NO CHANNELS WORKING,
Plymouth...You have posted uselss info to this guy for over a month now..and stll he has no TV that he wants...LMAO
MKM...go use another site and ask people that KNOW about FTA and Viewsats..obviously plymouth cannot help you.
FTA Bins [link removed] (all receivers) MarketRealm [link removed] (Captain and Captiveworks) Dss Rookie [link removed] (Nfusion and others)
Cut and Paste these into your browser: REMOVE the * in links below: These are the larger popular sites,and therefore Ecoustics has blocked their names and active links..
Delete 119 and Anik F3 with garbage can in Channel scan.
Now choose Echo 7 119W in antenna setup, do a Blind scan then a autoscan with this setting LNB Type: Universal LNB High: 11250 LNB LOW: 10750 Tp Freq: 12224 Diseq: none Motor: Off Legacy Sw: none
Don't forget to check your antenna setting after the scan.
PLYMOUTHm I prefer stay here than going to other Site. Because anytime-, I have problem you are online here, and always there to help. whereas other sites I will have to wait 24hrs, next day to have answersd. THUS weeks and months will be gone TO solve my problems.
Thats Why I prefer stay here. And Ask YOU to help me.
OK gonna do as you said. And will be back to you in 15 mins.
I have download this stupid Tabernak de Carlisse Files. on my USB, E:\VS Ultra FAIL FIX
While trying to load on receiver. something happen . Dont know. Tous ont etait Sauter. quelque choses d'abnormal happen, Je crois que le receiver est sauter !!!!!!!!!! Jai eteigner le bouton en arriere, Mais sa revein pas a lecran normal.
And in your receiver in front the DIGITAL number (fluo Vert). They have stick to fix, 9999. I switch several time from the back. nathing happening .
MKM you should listen to justforhaha's and try another site before you burn your box. Plymouth really don't know much about this Hobby. Read some of his posts. On this thread along he has 11 posts & still not able to help you.
In your package box with receiver is furnish a cable RS-232 you must download factory bin with the cable from your computer . Go to: [link removed] download this 2 files: Ultra Lite Loader - Firmware Updater (also works with Ultra)you install this one on computer VS2000 ULTRA Factory Bin File - V134 for download with the loader in your receiver
close rear switch on receiver open program take file v134 clic D to download in receiver and a second after switch on the transfert take 5-10 mins you must see 0000 download the last bin with USB Good luck
I am a pro with Viewsat, you don't need to go on other sites.
In your package box with receiver is furnish a cable RS-232 you must download factory bin with the cable from your computer .
Download, Unzip and install this file on your computer: [link removed]
Download and Unzip this factory file: [link removed]
close rear switch on receiver open program take file v134 Power On with back panel switch and a second after clic D to download in receiver the transfert take 5-10 mins you must see 0000 download the last bin with USB Good luck
No Plymouth nathing being transported to my receiver.
I dont know if the cable is good or not. its a cable with PIN at both end . SO I connect one end to my Hard Disk and other end to my receive At the back. and tried to download. nathing happen
So i changed I added with the cable an another USB cable. this time I connect it from the front. where I USB used to be.
one on LNB Type Standard on 10750 and one on LNB standard on 11250 then set LNB on Universal LNB high on 11250 LNB Low on 10750 and do a auto scan on 119W Not it will be OK
I scan as you said but none playing. so I scan echo 3. I got only two indian channel STAR PLUS , STAR ONE. the rest are tamil and pakistan I need sahara, set usa, max, b4u music -movie.
am going to sleep now. had a hard day today with the receiver
MKM, I do give Pymouth alot of credit for dealing with you but you need to find somebody that can set your receiver up for you.You just don't understand anything he has said to you so just find or hire somebody to do it for you.
Ok i see it on but this is the only site who give this file. I try to know why this file is out, but no info, i must waiting before loadind this file.
OH no .. I didnt that file. I saw it from that pirategod web site.
Its true now am not gnna load any file from any other site. Thats why I asked PLYMOUTH about it . If he says its t good to load this file. so I wont load it.