Now you've lost me completely. If you have a 2700PUFF, it means that box started life as a 2500, not a 2700. You cannot convert it into a 2700, only into a 2500.
Would I be amiss in asking you why you're trying to do whatever it is that you're trying to do?
Hi Abby I appreciate your help. I had Fortec life ultra(FLU) which I conveted to Pansat 2700 and I was using B-75 fixes. Then came PUFF so I connverted to PUFF. Now Puff is getting slow and all sorts of problems and B-75 is getting fixes quiker than PUFF so I want to move back to PANSAT 2700 B-75 (NON Puff).... I hope I explained it better this time.
The bins aren't for converted a b-75, they are for puff receivers, because you see b-75 doesn't mean the bin is for b-75, what happens is they are using now compressed boot-b-75,no b-60 boot
Let me rephrase my question: Can I convert back my (flu converted to Pansat 2700 puff) box to B-75 so that I see B-75 when we I turn power on my box? Right now it is showing PUFF when I turn power on...
I am right. there is no ways now about converting back to puff , If the stb show b-75 is because they are using a different b-75 boot, It's a very different compression, a couple of ppl tried that, they have to jtag, the only ways for now is jtag.
>>> there is no ways now about converting back to puff ,
Juan... you missed it again. I am at puff and want to go back to B-75, my box flashes PUFF not B-75 at the moment. Please slow down and then read it. tnx.
Frank lubra: The only way I can think of is for you to use the link I gave you to convert it back into a 2500 and then use the files you originally used to load the B-75 boot onto it.
I've never done this, nor have I heard of anybody doing this, so let's hope someone jumps in with a better understanding of your project.
If you got back to b-75 that mean you are using puff, 298 o 299, but if you are using 201, then you already have the new compressed boot b-75 , they are 2 boot 75, the b75 before puff and the new boot b-75 use with 201 puff bins. What bin are you using now?
LMAO...this is so simple...listen to Abby...if ya want a converted 2500 B75 ready receiver..which is a dumb thing to do...
Whoever is doing this is not thinking though...there are rarely any B75 fixes for converted 2500's..but there are tons of Puff fixes for converted 2500's..
I know you guys are probably getting tired of weekly releases. So am I to be honest, but when there is some feedback that indicates an improvement should be added I have a hard time not working on it
As per Doorstop's feedback, thanks for that by the way, I have endeavored to remedy the issue with the 'load from remote location' not working 100% of the time when the receiver has the satellite coax connected and is running normally.
I believe I have accomplished that task and so I have version 1.5 to release for testing. Aside from the new improvements to the 'load from remote location' feature there are no differences between version 1.4 and version 1.5. Essentially the new version attempts to reboot the receiver and if it doesn't get the expected ack within a period of time it dumps its input buffer and retries to reboot the receiver up to a set max number of attempts before bailing out and throwing an error to the user. I believe this should fix the problem that Doorstop posted previously. Also I noticed that while the 'Rebooting the receiver' text was being displayed in the previous versions clicks of the cancel button would be blocked. This would cause unexpected behavior especially if the user clicks the cancel button more than once. For instance if the user clicked the cancel button twice while the 'Rebooting receiver ...' text was displayed nothing would happen and then as soon as the text changed to 'Loading binary file...' both click events would be processed. This would result in the program first canceling the download process and then starting the download process again as the Cancel and Download button are one in the same with just a bit of state to determine which function a click of the button should invoke.
Both of the above issues have been remedied in this new version.
This person is a waste of time.Anybody that wants to convert back to b75 has to be an idiot.He already converted it to PUFF so why the hell would you want to revert back when the support is not there. This person is just trying to see how long he can bullsh!t you all.