After an attempt to reset the lamp hours in the service menu, my image quality has gone to hell.
Chances are very good that I touched something in the service menu I shouldn't have, but I can't tell you what that might be.
The problem is that the screen now looks to be both displaying at a lower resolution and the pixels at that resolution now have a very definite checkerboard pattern to them. Every other pixel is slightly lighter or darker then the ones immediately near it, giving a checkerboard effect.
Whatever happened, I'm convinced it's some setting in the service menu. Does anyone know of a way to reset the television to out-of-the-box settings or a way to cure this particular symptom?
SP Actuator Gain was at some wacked-out number around 180 and adjusting it back to around 100 sharpened things up considerably.
The number is only set by eye at the moment, and during fast action I can still see some of the checkerboard effect, but it's a lot closer to what I'm used to now.