Viewsat has done it again! For release within the next few hours, VS cardless N3 solution has Bev open with all ppv. I am watching a test file as we speak, slight freezing but will be worked out shortly. Expect first files by noon est
pannu....if you have something to do go ahead and do it. It could be a long wait.
Btw Ply mouth I thought you have said few days ago that N3 was cracked. The only crack I see here is you head. You remind me of my girl friend. A hard head and stinkingASS.
Morning is finished. It is almost noon... I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix I want my VS fix
N3 is nothing more than N2 wrapped with betacrypt, & the 3rd party coders already have s/w for betacrypt to get the keys, keys are very long, but can be gotten.
As far as the new cards.. Rom 142 is already open in europe & is same as rom 240 & they've already dumped ram.
So, there will be 4 sets of keys. 2 for betacrypt & 2 sets of idea keys. These sit in eprom and can still be dumped..
All in all N3 actually limits their abilities they have, compared to now. They def won't be changing keys as often, and ECM's will be more difficult. Guess we'll see, but the coders aren't worried..