Samsung HLR4667W component input issues


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Username: Cookster09

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-08
Hi everyone, I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction with what appears to be a component input issue. Recently my tv started dropping the signal when using DVD player (Sony HD upscale) and my XBOX 360. I moved them to another HDTV in the house and they work fine (i used the same cables so I know they are not the problem).I used both of these components for over a year without any issues. I am thinking there is some type of chip problem with the tv but I am not familiar enough with the components of this television to properly diagnose. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Thank you for any information/assistance you can provide.

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Username: Pitz

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-08
I have experienced similar problems with my Samsung HLR4266W. My cable box and 360 are both hooked up via components. Any time white appears, like when I watch hockey in HD, the picture craps out and the TV goes to blue screen. I tried to adjust color settings to no avail. I called Samsung and they were no help. The only time this problem occurs is when there is white colors on the screen. Any help? Thanks

New member
Username: Sandsbz

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-09
Same issue here with my hl-r5067. Component 2 (DVD) started acting as if it weren't getting a strong signal, and then went out all together and doesn't recognize that there is a signal coming in. My DVD works on Component One, and my cable box (normally on Component One) does not work on Component Two, so it's definately an issue with the Component Two input. Have already replaced the light tunnel about a year ago, so I am becoming very familiar with the workings of this tv (more so than I'd like to). Any ideas what is causing this problem? Thanks!
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