c/p Cyphris "VS Full EMU on the way!!! Yes that's right it is taking a little longer for the VS Coders to complete a full rewrite of the code to include a Full EMU. The last few fixes have been temp patches thus the reason for them not lasting long. The VS Coders are working very hard to complete the rewrite for the Full EMU and are expected they should have it finished later this week. They do have a lot on their plate and there #1 priority is N3 as well as finishing the Full EMU. This is not the Full MAP EMU that they have been using but a true Full EMU which will be a lot more stable with less downtimes till the switch to N3. As for today we should be seeing fixes for the current problem soon.."
Hey Nalin, DN has been sending the new cards to subscribers, do you have an idea on when the change to N3 might take place... I checked LyngSat, Echo 6 at 72.7 west and Echo 8 at 77 west, both are N3 so we are not far away for a complete chsnge, I guess..
Nalin, just to understand, when N3 takes in place, it is a change on the Dish pointing or just the reciever operating system? I know might will take several months for N3 to be cracked. but I want to learn more about it..