A TP scan will only scan the transponder of the sat. you select. - assuming you are aimed at that sat.
IF you know your antenna settings do the factory settings and setup the dn sats only.
Try SAT SCAN instead of blind scan, if it still doesn't complete the scan write down the TP its stuck at and scan the rest of TP's with TP SCAN.
When you complete your scans it might be a good idea to back up your settings and channels - with 2700 connected to computer - open loader and select channel data file and upload - everything will be saved and you would just have to load this file when needed.
when scan 91 zooms through.. when I scan 119 it locks at 31% or sometimes 50%..could I only recieve half the channels because of a tree or something?
grub....check out Tooter's post. Then if that didn't help you may want to check your Dish alignment, make sure the Dish Mast is level or your Dish has a clear view to the Bird.
I have had pansat 2700A system set up for years. Last night got no signal on Echo 7, 119 sat. Have deleted channels and tried all scans, no luck. Echo 8.10 is working fine. Have Dish 500 dish. Level is 30% no fluctuating with 0 quality. Is there anything else that I can try before determining the problem is internal to the box?