X-05BL_081010_V301_api_nocard_F_Emu.zip - tested it on Pansat 3500. Not only that GC is not working, but it also screwed up DN channels. Unless I'm doing something wrong!
people this is just a game Pansat is playing to boost sales for Satopia and Icon which are supported by Blacklist. BL team has the fix for Pansat but dont want to release yet until they sell some boxes for Satopia and Icon.
I see poor Blacklist being beat up all over the net. So let me make it clear: Blacklist and team no longer codes for Satopia and Icon. We do. We will also be releasing bins for Neosat/Nuesat within a few days. We don't have any relationship with Pansat, which is why there has not been a Pansat fix.
Thanks for explaining it Scott George.I hope you are telling the truth. I'm happy to hear BL didn't let his pansat customers down but I'm wondering why he is being silent. I guess when he releases his fix for GC, he will add a comment with it.
Scott the last release for satopia doesn't work properly for Gc some chann like CTN and TVK are still down,btw when u guys are fixing the EPG and Signal option with the satopia/icon??i like the box is fast and i hope u guys keep up with others
As long as Team BL backs up Satopia with the full EMU, it will be most infuential FTA receiver in the market. Team Satopia is working on to make it happpened as early as possible. Please kindly look forward to further update of the file release from Team BL-Satopia.
the new update is out again wow u guys are fast on this,when is going to be a full new fix for the menu,add the EPG option ,and making the menu a litle bit simple for everybody.
I am full of it? We determine when and how new fixes are released. Earlier today did I not say that new bins would be released within a few hours? This will be my last post here. I only posted because I felt Blacklist was being unfairly characterized. It is up to him to defend himself anyway.
I would think that if you were who you say, that you would be fixing that HIKS and other IPRO problems that were promised to hack N3 months ago...and not here allegedly defending BL...your priorities seem really screwed up, if you were speaking the truth!
LK, as you ve pointed out the bins are from BL so Scott George is fake. Of course he wouldn't want to be here anymore caz now everyone knows hes BS-ing.
Scott George: Please ignore justforhaha's. She is a paranoid psychotic individual and keeps on posting nonsense all the time. Most sensible people on this forum respect Team Blacklist for what they do and also know that writing software is a difficult task.
How is this that tvkeyz has new pansat 3500SD update( V301T) before future-fta ?!?!? I don't get it !!! http://www.tvkeyzforums.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=797
There are LOTS OF SITES were INSULTING is the RULE ( with or without cartoon characters ). Let's keep this one for helping each other. And a simple questions: to fix GC is there need for new code or only keys ? thanks.
nelutzro, we all know that the keys from 7/24 ( at tvkeyz site ) are not working. The question for the experts is if there is need for new code or new keys. Hope that next time there is need for new code for DN the GC fix will be added to the popular FTAs.
John The only thing i know, because i am a Gc user, the last keys working are the tvkeyz from 7/24, now it seems that we need a new bin file then probably it come with new file for Dn or Bev. New keys will be need too.
ALL GC channels are open with new v302!! I have been using GC channels for last two years. Last two weeks it went out, after I loaded new v302 it start to working again.
kaka...you are the ONLY person on the ENTIRE internet and NOT subscribing, thats stating they're receiving GC...do you even know which satellites and channels are on GC?
20 sites and 1000 other people say there is NO GC working now, except if using a Satopia or Icon receivers that have new working programmed GC files...Nobody using a Pansat is getting GC now...
justforhaha's Silver Member Username: Justforhahas
Post Number: 599 Registered: Jul-08
Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 08:21 pm: Edit Post V302 is NOT a Globecast file!...LOL..its just a fix of the V301, which had slow video loading time..
kaka..you tell lie!...lol
BTW...nalin has nothing to do with this bin...Team Blacklist created it to fix problems with previous file 301.. -----------------------
I had no error on GC when that was posted...GC WAS down and NOT working on the pansat file V 302 THEN...
kaka was mistaken and later retracted his statement that GC was working on October 15th..
nalin does NOT having anything to do with creating bins/files...she never has and she never will..
So , Plmyouth ...don't take things out of context that are old, and don't apply now, and twist it to try and bash me......notice the posting date ya retard!.. Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 08:21 pm
BTW...Satopia and Icon did have WORKING files THEN with autoroll, and correct keys...NOBODY else did!
Bud, me ta, both sets of keys for GC are wrong. They don't work on Pansat. Keys are manufacturer independent. Hope someone will come up with the right keys. thanks.
Plymouth & Me Ta, thanks for your effort for getting GC keys. I'm at work and I can't check it. A buddy of mine just tried them on Viewsat Ultra and told me it doesn't work. Is it working for you ? Are all the channels back ? Which receiver are you using ? Tx again.
I have Vs. Ultra and with new keys GC still doesn't work (some ch. work but those Serbian like pink,pink plus not). I have signal and quality. This is the first time that i can't make it work. I did factory reset, loaded/blind scanned and still nothing.Please help
" Q signal is stronger when TP is 11836 but when i exit it returns to 11789 Thank you so much i hope somebody will be able to help
Posted on Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 01:07 pm: Edit Post Okay these are working !!! 00 33 E5 12 9A 27 4A 59 E2 4E 3C 24 78 B4 63 A3 D6 -----------------------------------
B Go in Menu, Channel Scan, select Nagra then Globecast and delete all globecast provider2 with F3 on remote, exit and save, load latest bin file and put those keys
Plymouth thank you for help. However, when i go to Channel scan i can't find any Nagra. Only Nagra that i could locate was in code menu, and even then is only Nagra not Nagra 3. What now?