Nagra-3@ViewSat/PanSat !!


Gold Member
Username: Oleg1474

Florida Usa

Post Number: 1104
Registered: Aug-06
Att:new prog(euro/ecm666)pass test Nagra-3 only 90%,Thank you Oleg Ph.D

Gold Member
Username: Oleg1474

Florida Usa

Post Number: 1105
Registered: Aug-06
Nagra 3 answers, here!

Q- What is Nagra 3?
A- It is how they encrypt there channels. Right now they are using Nagra 2 system and upgrading to 3.

Q- When is Nagra3 going to be here?
A- For BEV all the channels you cant view are not N3, only 70 non N3 channels. For Dish N3 will be here very soon.

Q- Will my current FTA receiver be able to handle it?
A- Yes If N3 is hacked successfully, your FTA receiver will be able to handle it. So buying a NEW FTA will NOT help or get you more channels.

Q- Has This Happened Before?
A- Yes This has happened before or something very close to the same in 2005 and all FTA receiver where down with NO tv no file fix for 3full months. Which COULD happen again.

Q- What if anything can I Do?
A- If you are watching BEV satellite you should aim at dish satellite and in both cases dish and bev you should get a true fta satellite dish and aim at a true fta satellite for channels that NEVER go down. you should also think about getting paid TV service for at least short time only do this when you need it dish and others do month to month. You should also recode alll the TV and movies you can as a back up for when things do go down.

Q- Is N3 hacked and will they be able to hack it?
A- At this time we don't know for sure but strangely enough, the coders don't seem to be worried about it at all so that should tell you something. Anything is hackable, remember money can make anything happen! The hardest part will be glitching into the new cards.

Q- I see alot of channels moving to Mpeg4 and the providers plan to move everything to Mpeg4 soon, will I need an HD receiver to view the channels?
A- NO, Mpeg4 is just a compression method, it does not mean it is HD. While HD programming is mostly Mpeg4 at the moment, that does not mean it has to be, in fact they also broadcast HD in Mpeg2.

Q- Will I need a new receiver when Mpeg4 is the main stream?
A- Yes, unless you have a HD FTA receiver, those already receive Mpeg4.

Q- How soon will everything turn Mpeg4?
A- Not for quite awhile, as it would require the providers to swap out a great majority of their sub receivers first that are only Mpeg2 capable.

Q- If I live in the U.S. will my receiver stop working once everything turns digital?
A- No, your FTA receiver (and any other television viewing receiver) is already digital.

Q- Will we be down for awhile once N3 hits?
A- Possibly Yes, the coders likely will not release any fix until the providers have completely switched over so get a backup ready whether it be recorded movies or a minimum subscription. Only time will tell.

Q- How will we know when N3 is upon us?
A- You will know when some of your premium channels start dropping off and a rescan will not bring them back for viewing. Usually the providers start with International and Adults as those have the least subscribers incase anything goes wrong.

Q- Is Dave hacked?
A- Many trusted and extremely credible sources say that Dave is hacked, but due to the wrath of Dave and the consequences of messing with his patented signal, it is underground and the smart ones who are staying quiet are enjoying Dave. Not very many though. That is why Dave releases new cards, not because he wants to change the logo, but because there is a weakness. Remember, changing cards costs money!

Q- Why can't we get NFL Sunday Ticket?
A- Because NFL ST is being broadcast using N3 encryption.

Q- I was thinking about upgrading my receiver but now I'm not so sure with N3 right around the corner, what should I do?
A- We always recommend an upgrade whenever possible however, make sure you upgrade with a brand that is reliable in their support, that will ensure that once N3 is hacked, you will be one of the first on your block to have TV again! There will indeed be price gouging on FTA receivers for the first ones to come out with the N3 fix. You can bet on that! Stay ahead of the game people.Thank you Oleg Ph.D

Silver Member
Username: Nestea

Post Number: 123
Registered: Jul-06
Nice post oleg.

Silver Member
Username: Kingofdakingz

Post Number: 369
Registered: Jun-06
so i should wait to buy the 33" antenna then? and also if the dish goes down will those cards that we put in receivers work?

Gold Member
Username: Saqeeb9000

Post Number: 4190
Registered: Oct-07
where u have been oleg phd

Bronze Member
Username: Curse429

Post Number: 88
Registered: Aug-07
Oleg, Q#5, you state we should aim at a true fta satellite......what exactly do you mean ? and how would we do this ? what channels are available on these sat's ?

Gold Member
Username: Gregraf

Post Number: 1495
Registered: Dec-07
Oleg won't answer any questions she's just a nutcase that comes here to talk to herself. Do you really think she wrote that?

Bronze Member
Username: Jay_w_grayson

Prague, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 80
Registered: Jul-08
Are you guys are saying that Oleg was lying?
I have made copies of his posts
to show my friends.

New member
Username: Kiki42

Westvalleycity, Utah Usa

Post Number: 5
Registered: Oct-08
oleg i dot have hd reciver bat i have hd tv is that help ot not

Gold Member
Username: Oleg1474

Florida Usa

Post Number: 1106
Registered: Aug-06
BEV Turns To N3 Fully BEV Users should to aim at dish

Hello everyone,

It is a sad day for all Canada BEV TV watchers as BEV has moved all their channels to N3 a new file system that has not complete opened/hacked. It can not be opened/hacked till N3 is fully in place on dish and for the most part it has not started on dish. There for with out question bev will be down for weeks or months till dish is fully on N3 and both dish and bev n4 is opened/hacked.

Bev has gone to new N3 system NO channels are accessible on any receivers for some time to come

BEV Users Need To ReAim To Dish ASAP!
To get tv channels now and untill dish is effected spend 1 or more afternoon to reaim your satellite dish to capture dish satellite and all dish channels. You can do this using the same receiver you use for bev. The main sats people aim at are echostar 119 and echostar 110 you an go to then change the sat to 119 dish net then enter your address zip code info then it will tell you where to point at to capture the satellites. It might take a few mins to get your satellite pointing info but stick with it so you can get all the dish channels.
after you get the aimming info reaim your dish at 119 and 110 to get all the dish channels. they can be captured from usa or canada.

i know many of you dont want to and fear moving your dish but please try it with the help of the right pointing info its not that hard and i KNOW YOU GUYS CAN DO IT. it will get you great tv channels for at least a while so please do it. Thank you Oleg Ph.D
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