Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 62 Registered: Nov-08 | Medvedev: Russia to deploy missiles near Poland (AP) Russian President Dmitry Medvedev speaks during his annual state of the nation speech in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2008. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev assailed the United States on Wednesday in his first state of the nation address, vowing to deploy missiles near Poland in response to U.S. plans for a European shield. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)AP - Russia will deploy missiles near NATO member Poland in response to U.S. missile defense plans, President Dmitry Medvedev said Wednesday in his first state of the nation speech cough, cough, there is a real world out there once you faqs and lesbos and niger lovers get off the high horse this is what everybody meant when they said they were scared of obamaa, they weren't scared of the man but how he will react to this. |
Silver Member Username: ViruscauserLeesburg, Georgia Post Number: 786 Registered: Mar-07 | This is Russia's reaction to our stupid position on the Georgia/Russia thing. It was Georgia's bombardment of the Russians in the breakaway regions that started this whole thing. Don't blame the effect for the cause. You can stop worrying now. Now we have an adult in the White House.... or will have in 70-something days at least. It will all be all right - if Bush doesn't screw it up before he leaves office. |
Gold Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 1008 Registered: Jul-08 | Abby...Nice comeback and the truth!...tired of BS slanderous biased opinions, not based on facts! |
Silver Member Username: King_of_ratsPost Number: 106 Registered: Jun-08 | better get used to America becoming a Paper Tiger......![]() ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: MeyerlanskyNYCUSA Post Number: 46 Registered: Nov-07 | We are the new USSR(United States Socialist Republic) we will stand by like little G.ay fairies while Russia flexes some muscle. Thanks alot crack whores and drug dealers and prisoners and fudge-packers and dikes and idiot women who voted for osama. Thanks a lot!!![]() welcome to the planet of the apes. |
New member Username: Tissot125Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-08 | key for dish network please |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 76 Registered: Nov-08 | abby , that is nonesense, bush sucks but in terms of comparing men it will be difficult, bush is a doer and osama is a talker. you'll see , he already announced ysterday that most of the things he campainged on wont get done. like I said he is like the false prophet , all talk and he rallies gays and blacks to vote but nothing useful will get done under him. great first day |
Silver Member Username: Fakeman1Germantown, Maryland USA Post Number: 115 Registered: Jul-08 | They sure didn't give us much to choice from. We could have done better with an add in paper help wanted to run for president of the USA. ![]() Hope these will cheer you up. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: ViruscauserLeesburg, Georgia Post Number: 787 Registered: Mar-07 | El Kay so Bush is a doer and Obama is a talker, eh? We have all seen what kind of a job the doer has done and shouldn't we wait and see what kind of job Obama does BEFORE we judge him? The point here was, it was Georgia's fault and Russia reacted in a much low key way than we would have reacted under the same circumstances. We have a choice. We can be honest about the circumstances or we can all be George Bush, close our eyes to the truth and just Believe: int&oref=slogin Ignoring the facts has not served us well for the past eight years so how about at least four years of looking at the facts before making up our minds? It's time to get over this partisanship that has helped Bush destroy our country. It's time to behave like Americans. |
Silver Member Username: King_of_ratsPost Number: 115 Registered: Jun-08 | "we will stand by like little G.ay fairies while Russia flexes some muscle. Thanks alot crack whores and drug dealers and fudge-packers and dikes and idiot women who voted for osama." yes, unfortunately pusilanimous and faggoty Democrats will make us look like losers to the Arab and rest of the world.... and America will be dissed once all over again (remember Nam, Iran embassy, Somalia, etc.).... If only Patton was alive, he would whip Obama's azz.... kick him back to Africa.... and give us back our self-respect.... ![]() |
Silver Member Username: ViruscauserLeesburg, Georgia Post Number: 789 Registered: Mar-07 | Boba Fett: Ummm... You DO know it was Republicans who were responsible for the US getting it's a** handed to it in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Georgia, right? Like I said, sometimes you have to take your head out of your a** and actually see what happened and why it happened. You can look at the facts or.... you can BELIEVE. Everybody has that choice. |
Silver Member Username: King_of_ratsPost Number: 118 Registered: Jun-08 | Read my post again....I mentioned America's defeats and embarrassments ONLY.... Kennedy/Johnson (Dem) handled the Nam war..... Carter (Dem) handled the Iran embassy crisis.... Clinton (Dem) handled the Somalia crisis... You don't know sh!t about American History... But how could you... You're just a sorry towelhead immigrant twat... . |
Silver Member Username: ViruscauserLeesburg, Georgia Post Number: 790 Registered: Mar-07 | And Boba Fett, your problem is that you know the American version of the history, not the bare facts History. But why did you feel that you had to deflect the discussion from the current clusterfucks of Bush origins with an idiot's version of events nobody is even talking about here? The facts too inconvenient for you? Go back, read what the thread is about and try talking on topic. And what was that juvenile racist insult about? Trying to weasel yourself out by throwing turds like a chimp? Hold a rational discussion or shut the folk up. BTW, unless you're a native American, we're ALL immigrants here so get back to the topic. |
Silver Member Username: King_of_ratsPost Number: 119 Registered: Jun-08 | Do you understand English? The title of the thread is: Thread: Russia rolls out nuclear weapons 12hrs after election and the first post ends with: "....cough, cough, there is a real world out there once you faqs and lesbos and niger lovers get off the high horse this is what everybody meant when they said they were scared of obamaa, they weren't scared of the man but how he will react to this." This is what we are talking about... not your imbecile menopausic anti-Bush rants.... . |
Silver Member Username: Punjavi_dooPost Number: 105 Registered: May-08 | lol. muslim b!tch got ![]() ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: ApplebeesPost Number: 14 Registered: Oct-08 | well, she had it coming ![]() |
Gold Member Username: LolPost Number: 1016 Registered: Sep-06 | Day One: Obama faces Cold War threat, a warning from Israel... and an armed guard to go to the gym hope someone invites obama to dallas soon ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: White_girlPost Number: 20 Registered: Sep-08 | Don't blame the America people the Democrats picked Obama to run for president. They sold us out |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 88 Registered: Nov-08 | Abby. I don't want to get into an argument , there are some things you just see with a tainted vision because you don't like bush and it's obvious you are mid eastern. But you can't argue about BO until 5 years have passed. Rigth now everyone is just saying the dumbest things like he will be the best and everything else. All we can say right now about BO is , his first decisions since June have been a downright disaster and a total contradiction to what he campaigned on. he picked piden over hillary he said change to washington then he picked a hardcore insider as chief he said he was going to use public funding, lol he didn't he had 5 or 6 solid plans on his agenda, he was at the gym while he got his aids to announce he won't honour that. When nukes are flying and bombs are exploding , you can count on barack to be in the Gym, working on the american body. fu,ckin niger barack and fu.cking dumb people like you who are clouted with anger will get what's coming whatever you don't try to report fact, there aren't any yet, you nigers and pakis and gays voted for a ogranizer and a jr senator just because he wasn't white. |
Silver Member Username: ViruscauserLeesburg, Georgia Post Number: 791 Registered: Mar-07 | We've tried a non English-speaking retard for 8 years and I see no harm in trying an intelligent man for 4 years. It's not like you or I have a choice in this matter so why don't we wait for Obama to screw up before you say, "I told you so!"? If Obama screws up, we'll get that Mensa candidate Sarah Palin to lead us to the Light, ok? |
Bronze Member Username: TirijoPost Number: 68 Registered: Aug-05 | they aren't get those facts straight...the missiles they move out will be SRBM MRBM and possibly some LRBM...they will also add Surface to air missiles such as the SA-10, SA-20 to the region in kaliningrad and probably belarus...they will NOT be nukes. they've been talking about this for months with the threat of the missile defense system going into poland and the czech republic... |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 91 Registered: Nov-08 | don't push the other side on me . everyone thinks when we don't like barry we are automatically racists and republicans. it just goes to show the mentality of his supporter. check the quiet polls, 9 out of 10 think he is pro life. some of his voters believed hillary or palin was his VP. hillary , dean, gore etc,, should be leading this nation not palin, she's just another coo coo extremist like obama, just playing the other side. |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 92 Registered: Nov-08 | abby I'm just going on the facts, you're right he could turn out good, but reality is politicians lie and only make good on a small part of their promises. so given that fact and the fact he recently broken several promises already and changed his mind on many things is a strong indicator that we will have about 10% success , of course the polls will show a higher percentage because his supporters have proven themselves to be retarded and not even interested in politics |
Silver Member Username: ViruscauserLeesburg, Georgia Post Number: 792 Registered: Mar-07 | El Kay, that's all I'm saying... Obama is President-elect and we have to give him a fair shot at it before we start tearing him down. Even Bush, as you know, had an approval rating near 90% after 9/11 and it only went down into the upper 20's after he screwed up everything overseas and here at home. Some here are obviously racist and have declared their hate for Obama on the basis of Obama being a "f**ing Nijjer". You can read the comments up-thread. Assuming these detractors are Americans, does that much hate for the US President, based only on the color of his skin, help or hurt America? Why do these racists hate America so much? |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsWONT BE GOLFING, UNTIL BUICK OPEN Post Number: 749 Registered: Jun-07 | Obama has ZERO power until Jan 20 2009. Until then GW Bush is the only President and ALL decisions are his alone. Right now I "betya" he is humming that old Beach Boys classic... bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran, bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsWONT BE GOLFING, UNTIL BUICK OPEN Post Number: 750 Registered: Jun-07 | Abby Silver Member Username: Viruscauser Leesburg, Georgia Post Number: 792 Registered: Mar-07 Posted on Friday, November 07, 2008 - 03:40 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some here are obviously racist and have declared their hate for Obama on the basis of Obama being a "f**ing Nijjer". You can read the comments up-thread. Assuming these detractors are Americans, does that much hate for the US President, based only on the color of his skin, help or hurt America? Why do these racists hate America so much? Many Americans simply believe Obama just is not fit for office because he supports infanticide etc. Nothing to do with the color of his skin. HERE`S WHAT Billy and Franklin Graham think of him Son: Billy Graham's work with presidents is ending Nov 7 01:16 PM US/Eastern By MIKE BAKER Associated Press Writer CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - Billy Graham's work as a pastor to presidents is coming to an end, but he is praying for Barack Obama as the nation's next leader begins his work, Graham's son said Friday on the aging evangelist's 90th birthday. Franklin Graham said in an interview that his father's mind remains sharp even as his body continues to fail. But the preacher who has counseled every president beginning with Eisenhower is not in line to mentor Obama. "My father feels like his time and day for that is over," Franklin Graham said. "But he would certainly like to meet (Obama) and pray with him." Graham's views of the world are still respected in White House circles. Republican presidential candidate John McCain visited Graham at his mountainside home during the campaign, and Obama tried to meet Graham but wasn't able to do so because of the preacher's poor health. His son expressed concern about Obama's views on abortion and gayy marriage--an issue Franklin Graham raised in a meeting with the Illinois senator--saying that he and is father are conservatives who believe the Bible speaks clearly on those issues. "President-elect Obama heard our position," Franklin Graham said. "And I told him that this was very difficult for us and hard for us. It's a moral issue that we just can't back down on." "But he's our president-elect, and those positions that he holds that are contrary to Biblical teaching, I hope that God will change his heart," said Graham, who now heads the Charlotte-based Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. About 160 of Graham's close family and friends celebrated his birthday with an intimate gathering Friday at his home in Montreat, featuring fried chicken, barbecue and sweet tea. His ministry had received some 100,000 greetings--including a video from President Bush--from people who told stories about how he changed their lives. Graham's son said they would be bound so that someone could read a few dozen letters to him each day. Encouragement is partly what Graham needs. He still struggles with the loss of his wife, Ruth, who died last year, and notes his father has more friends in heaven than on earth. An avid consumer of news, Billy Graham still listens to television--he has macular degeneration and has can't read more than the headlines of a newspaper--and follows the events of the day. He spends much of his day napping and resting, and Franklin visits on Sundays to try and coax him to make the 100-yard walk to the barn next to the mountainside home in Montreat. Graham's health is fragile. He was hospitalized overnight last month after falling over his dog while trying to pet it. He had elective surgery earlier this year to update a shunt that controls excess fluid on his brain. The shunt was first installed in 2000 and drains fluid from through a small tube, relieving excess pressure that can cause symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease. Graham was hospitalized last year for nearly two weeks after experiencing intestinal bleeding, and he has also had prostate cancer. But Graham has still outlived doctors' expectations and some of the doctors themselves. "He could catch a cold and his life could come to an end," Franklin Graham said. "At his age, any little thing could be a serious event. We realize that." His days at 90 are a stark contrast to Graham's days as a globe-trotting evangelist--a ministry that put him behind the pulpit to speak with 215 million people in more than 185 countries and placed him in the confidence of some of the world's most powerful people. Graham still writes and remains engaged in the planning and direction of the ministry he founded. This week, his booming voice will once again cross borders as a message dubbed in Portuguese will be broadcast in Brazil as part of an effort to bring some 1 million new believes into the fold this weekend. But privately, he has been working on a book about aging, trying to put his late-life lessons into context for those soon to follow him. "He's always been ready to die," Franklin Graham said. "But nobody's prepared him for getting old." |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsWONT BE GOLFING, UNTIL BUICK OPEN Post Number: 751 Registered: Jun-07 | His son expressed concern about Obama's views on abortion and gayy marriage--an issue Franklin Graham raised in a meeting with the Illinois senator--saying that he and is father are conservatives who believe the Bible speaks clearly on those issues. "President-elect Obama heard our position," Franklin Graham said. "And I told him that this was very difficult for us and hard for us. It's a moral issue that we just can't back down on." "But he's our president-elect, and those positions that he holds that are contrary to Biblical teaching, I hope that God will change his heart," said Graham, who now heads the Charlotte-based Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. |
Gold Member Username: LolPost Number: 1017 Registered: Sep-06 | ABBY are you totaly stupid ? ASK yourself who has the money in the world not only in North America its the white man..... whitey is going to watch the black man crash and burn If you have stock or retirement in stock I Pity you at this time you want Cash.. Zero debt I hope Bush dumps trillions on some worthless project while he still has the reins Go Osbama GO oSbama is talking seizure of Your 401k Hahahaha you wanted him You Got him |
Silver Member Username: ViruscauserLeesburg, Georgia Post Number: 793 Registered: Mar-07 | "Many Americans simply believe Obama just is not fit for office because he supports infanticide etc. Nothing to do with the color of his skin." That's disinformation. Obama does NOT support infanticide and there is nobody in the entire world that supports infanticide. If you want to discuss the issue of a woman's right to choose by calling it infanticide, we don't have anything to talk about, do we? One might as well refer to Bush's actions in Iraq as genocide and ethnic cleansing of native Iraqis to disable a discussion about the reasons we are there and what we have to lose if we leave too early. |
Gold Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 1067 Registered: Jul-08 | Obama is as much WHITE (white mother) as he is black...idiots!...ya can't call him black without calling him white too!... People bashing Obama because of what they thought was his race are just bashing themselves too, sicne Obama is white as well! |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12901 Registered: Jun-06 | justforhaha's: I am waiting to see your other nick, El Kay has to say about it. It is very amusing to see the schizophrenic posts between your two nicks. |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 95 Registered: Nov-08 | I just don't think he's fit because he looks like the biggest spineless coward.. and those are the first to sellout and become corrupt. look at his life lived in indonesia lived in hawaii tied to rezko tied to jerry wright tied to several terrorist (islam and local) already publicly lied his face off you think this niger gives a about america or anything other than a sweet life for himself , he does not know the first thing about being an american niger stop fooling abby GW is a bible thumper and he was pretty corrupt, osama will probably resign midterm , leaving us with the alcholic french fry in office |
Silver Member Username: PicanhaEast LA Post Number: 159 Registered: Jun-08 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: PsychmonsterRhodium Member aint nuthin... Post Number: 986 Registered: Jul-06 | this whole thread is pointless...Obama is the president jan 20...the russians are deploying on Bush's watch because of Bush has nothing to do with the election |
Bronze Member Username: Jay_w_graysonPrague, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 67 Registered: Jul-08 | His mother maybe is White but last time I seen him he looked black to me. A person has a choice who to like or not like don't need to give a reason. |
Silver Member Username: PicanhaEast LA Post Number: 161 Registered: Jun-08 | Dear Red States: We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we're taking the other Blue States with us. In case you aren't aware, that includes California, Hawaii, Oregon , Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of the new country of New California. To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states. We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood. We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom. We get Harvard. You get Ole' Miss. We get 85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get Alabama. We get two-thirds of the tax revenue, you get to make the red states pay their fair share. Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single moms. Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we're going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have kids they're apparently willing to send to their deaths for no purpose, and they don't care if you don't show pictures of their children's caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq , and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we're not willing to spend our resources in Bush's Quagmire. With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent of the country's fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of America's quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners) 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools plus Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT. With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia. We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you. Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred unless we're discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy b@stards believe you are people with higher morals then we lefties. Finally, we're taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt weed they grow in Mexico! Peace out, Blue States ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: RunnerguyPluto Post Number: 1639 Registered: Sep-06 | ![]() |