c&p from another site... So far no one has really reported the truth about what happened to the former Cool*sat release site XXXXX. In attempts to hopefully bring out the truth and give people a better understanding of what has recently happened to a neighbouring community, I will now be taking the time to analyze all the facts I have came across. I recommend staying very far away from XXXXX and other sites because they aren't truly offshore. On the other hand, at this site you can feel very safe as we are protected from a very solid offshore legal standpoint.
Basically what happened is about a week ago their site shut down, leaving members with only the message "This site will be down for 12 to 24 hours while newer servers are being installed. Sorry for any problems this may cause any member but we are trying to fix a problem before it becomes a really BIG problem. DNS may take up to 24 hours before everyone will reach us. Again sorry for having to do this but it is a must do." displayed in plain text on a white screen. So far it's been over a week and no one has heard anything from the XXXXX administration at all, which leads most to believe that it is in fact due to him recently being busted.
While I admit I have been unable to entirely verify the facts of the matter, several high profile free to air pioneers have informed me that they know for a fact that XXXXX was busted and that it's domain name was handed to the big bad wolf. Also, since this has happened, the NORW group has made a public statement informing the community that XXXXX is no longer their release site of choice, they are the coders for several brands including Coo*lsat, Homesat and Visionsat.
From what I understand, the intense pressure on the XXXXX bust stemmed from the fact that they very much support IKS or Internet Cardsharing, such as the nFusion brand. Big brother and the big bad wolf aren't very fond of IKS because it involves the hacking of proprietary equipment, meaning it uses a physical provider card. This is something that makes companies very nervous and it's also very easy to disable all units once the brand has been busted. It's not like someone else could release code for nFusion if their servers were ever handed over in a civil lawsuit, whereas for other brands there are PUFF and similar converted releases. On a side note, it should be considered that when using an nFusion your internet connection information is logged on the server it connects to, which would make it easy for companies to sue the end user and prove their malicious use.
Hopefully no one from that web site will get into too much trouble, however I believe that the owner, XXX XXXX, will be in some pretty serious sh*t. He is publicly known and has strong ties to several manufacturers which make him even more of a target. __________________ Drinking a half bottle of Scotch while entering keys will cause you to mutilate your receiver. Think how much worse your life would be if Mikrosoft® created an FTA receiver __________________
"On the other hand, at this site you can feel very safe as we are protected from a very solid offshore legal standpoint" i know abviously its f2atv i am talking about the other site or he is talking about ecoustics?