Can anyone explain the significance of using the X-88BL_081018_V401_api_Fullemu and X-05BL_081013_V302_api_nocard_F_Emu on the 2800 and 3500 respectively. Also what is meant by FULL EMU in respect to these bins.
it means that they have those receivers are WIDE OPEN and have basically been cloned/copied exactly like a Dishnet they should never go down!
EMU is short for emulation. BL has been working for full emulation on Pansats for the past 6-8 months. It means that the latest BINs are fully emulating the original software. This would make it easy for new BINs to be put out and often obviate the need for a new BIN. The full emulation is often costly in memory and will be more effective on receivers with more memory.
Are you saying if the 2800 and 3500 are flashed with the X-88BL_081018_V401_api_Fullemu and X-05BL_081013_V302_api_nocard_F_Emu respectively they should not go down when there is a new ECM.
What I am sayig is that there will be less chance of them going down and that the correction needed will be done faster. Note about the memory problem - so quite likely the coders will do the debugging on another CPU using EMU and transfer the solution. In any case things will be hopefully faster.