I just finished checking B#V I couldn't get any movie channels on 91
Yes, majority of channels are still on But slowly day by day will be switching to N*3 I was suspecting that this N*3 is another temporary vesion of N*2 This can get more complicated Anyway
One thing I was able to get right The date I said Oct 29th, +/- 10 days
Post Number: 1258 Registered: Oct-06 Posted on Thursday, August 23, 2007 - 12:25 pm:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The big one is coming soon End of FTA DN and BEV will be before end of October 2007 according to may calculations. I do see signs of massive upgrades in the building process.
He said may calculations.
Don't know if he meant to say the month of May calculations or my calculations.
BTW King I do have lot of your posts in my book for Dummies, but I will promise you this, if your people move in the White House I will throw the book for Dummies away and you can take that to the Bank
lol i do remember. may was his next timeline for the end. his employer, dn, told him to try to scare everyone so they would stop pirating till the true end. he is just doing his job. no one would keep giving wrong reports over and over and over and over and over. unless they were truly... touched. ha ha