Hey guys i have a pansat 2500 and pansat 2700 but a friend of mine has a cnx mini and he had some problems i got those straightened out but i cannot fiq out how to sort the channels alphabeticaly . I went through everything on that remote but could not see it . My question is there a way to sort the channels alpha .
sort by sid...numerically...Echo (DN) or Bev package
Mini guides.. http://www.ftabins.net/forumdisplay.php?f=292
menu>channel manager. 8 favorite list's.select rename tab>yellow button to rename the favorite>blue button here to rename your sat's. move/lock/channel delete options here as well.at any time press the red button to view any channel your working on.
channel search:
menu>installations. setup your dish here,when correct the sat name where your pointed will be displayed at the bottom (under the search tab) press ok on search to perform a sat scan. search options tab is where you can select your tp/blind scans.
diseqc switch:
menu>installations>diseqc switch. this is where you can perform a muti sat scan for up to 4 sat's.
motor setup:
menu>installations>motor setup. this is where you setup your motor.diseqc 1.2/USALS
menu>options>osd. set your language. display info bar-2/4/6/8/10/12 second time out options. osd position. screen format-4:3/16:9/4:3(letterbox) options. channel history-off/10/20/30
control panel:
menu>options>control panel. rf channel-3/4 closed caption-on/off epg time display-60/90/120/150/180 mins. (set how much epg info you want displayed at once) dish/bell epg-7days/3days--6days/4days--5days/5days--4days/6days--3days/7days renumbering-dish/bev local area-set your state/city for renumbering here. full channel name-on/off auto tp-on/off
timer adjust:
menu>options>timer adjust.
set your time here with options: local time(time zone) summer time-off/on year month date hour(no need to set.it will do this for you latter)
parental lock:
menu>options>parental lock. 0000=factory password. parental lock-on/off parental level-nc-17/r/pg-13/pg/g (set the level you wish to password protect and all levels higher will be protected as well.) installation lock-on/off new password confirm password
system information:
menu>utility>system information. find the software/hardware/usb driver versions here.
menu>utility>usb. find/load your files from your usb stick here. green key= save data yellow key=format blue key=delete
timer record:
menu>utility>timer. number-1/2 enable-yes/no type-once/daily/weekly channel month date start duration red key=all info
factory default:
menu>utility>factory default. clears all settings/channels.
smart card:
menu>accessory>smart card. use your smart card here.
key works:
menu>accessory>key works. this is CAS system where you can edit your keys. reset data-loads factory defaulted keys the file came with. auto roll-on/off.
epg-search via dish/bev epg mode/force dish epg load:
press epg button for basic epg. while in epg mode, press green button for bev list. press red button for dish list.-press once more for epg load for dish. exit out,takes you back to the channel you where last viewing,and reverts to your epg mode you where in.(favs list epg/echo pack for example) yellow button in epg mode will skip back 6 hrs. and blue button will skip ahead 6 hrs.
Record timer & Channel Reservation w/Auto Tune
While in EPG, press record button to reserve your program.a red circle will be displayed on event.press record again to set channel reservation w/auto tune(event timer).a green circle will be displayed on event. press record again to remove timers and epg event will be blank of markers once again.
auto channel recall:
these units have auto channel recall. to use: go to a channel and view. on a commercial brake or whatever,you can enter the epg and click ok to view channels. once finished,simply press exit.and it will revert-auto channel recall to the original channel you had in full screen. to NOT use the auto channel recall feature simply press the OK button to enter the channel from epg mode. this will take you to the new channel with no recall.
search by theme:
while viewing,press 0 (zero button) press left to select sats to search. press left again to select theme to search. when search is complete(1 second or so) press left again to highlight the channel. press info for the events info. the start/end time is displayed at the bottom.
picture adjust:
while viewing,press fn/sort button to enter picture options mode. brightness contrast saturation hue sharpness Y U V
search condition:
while in epg mode,press fn/sort button to enter search condition mode. select story/title/both press down then ok to enter what you would like to search for. press exit once,then ok.
search channels via OK button:
press the ok button while viewing to enter another way to search for channels. red button for simple list. green button for all channels. yellow button for channel sort options. highlight a channel in this mode will give detail info about the channel.
dish/bev packages:
press sat button to select one sat or dish/bev package epg modes.
press fav button,8 selectable favs lists
built in jpg view/mp3 player
menu>utility>usb. simply select jpg/mp3 files to view/play pic will show,or mp3 will start.
other basic functions:
the <-pre/picture button is your recall/last button. press yellow button while viewing is a shortcut to turn closed caption on/off press page up (double arrow up button) while viewing will enter zoom mode.
Personal Video Recorder (PVR) function
pvr functions via usb port with external hdd or usb stick inserted.
while in full screen channel mode,to begin recording,press record button on remote. (seek timer settings above for record timers) for more options here,you would need to update to the duo or trio model.
while in full screen channel mode,to begin playback,press the play button.a popup box of recordings will then be displayed,select by pressing ok on desired recording and playback will start.
pause= pause playback.press play to resume.
FF= 2x/4x/6x/16x/32x RW=2x/4/x/6x/16x/32x (press button desired amount of times to change speed)
left/right button. press info button,while info bar is displayed,you can slide marker pointer back/forward to quickly mark your playback point.
tips: to control volume during playback,you must use the devoted vol up/down buttons. you will want your info bar timeout set a little higher than the minimum,at least until you get used to things. a small few seconds delay when recording starts is perfectly normal.along with a short second pause/resume of playback delay.there is nothing wrong with your stb. if your usb device stops being recognized,simply reboot your mini.