Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 775 Registered: Jul-08 | More N3 News From Cyphris (Viewsat admin, and spokesman lately) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you like your N3? If you like it toasted your in luck.Major progress has been made and things are starting to fall in place. The N3 we have all known is really not N3 at all but more like a N1.9. Yes that's right, it isn't anymore advanced then the N2 we are using now. More info to come as things progress but things are definitely on the upside. |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 344 Registered: Jun-06 | yo justfor haha's is it true that all 61.5 channels will move to 118. dish ? | |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 779 Registered: Jul-08 | yes all international channels eventually will move to the 118...but have no time frame for ya.. | |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 780 Registered: Jul-08 | But lets please keep to this nagra 3 subject...for this thread.. | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12619 Registered: Jun-06 | lakh: Download and look at the document to compare Indo-Pakistani channel on 118.7W and on 61.5W
More will be moved deleted from 61.5 soo. You will need a 33" dish and a special cicular/linear LNB such as CB2008A |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3668 Registered: Oct-06 | With do all respect for Cyphris I'm totally convinced he knows nothing about any old or modern encryption to make a ridiculous statement like this I only agree with him about one thing: "The N3 we have all known is really not N3 at all" When yo finally notice something like this it means yo are paying attention This part is true cuz the full final version of N3 is still under construction They are capable of rolling authorization process to more than one And what's out there is a temporary version until final version is complete Come on man? ![]() How high is yor IQ to admit it's a lower version than current N2 but yet to say major progress is made ![]() Are yo really that serious dude? ![]() Major Progress made comparing to what? Yo just said and I agree with yo that it's N-1.9 How could yo make progress if N3 is not fully active? ![]() And that makes me believe it will be a lot more complicated than what yo would possibly imagine From all bits and pieces I gathered From studying all parties behavior This would be the most complex encryption in the market to make B#V and D#N remain with Nagra Not just from algorithm prospective But from hardware compatibility prospective on top of the totally newly changed authorization process Cyphris Yo may not fully understand this now Yo'll pickup on this later just like everybody else Take it from a strategy expert And I base my findings first hand N*3 may take much longer than I anticipated But when it's finally out won't be broken anytime fast Trust me, look for alternatives Don't waste yor time on this one |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 784 Registered: Jul-08 | Cyphris is not the coder...he's the spokesman for the software engineers, analysts, hackers, testers, coders and programmers...I tend to believe there is much truth to what they say.. | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12626 Registered: Jun-06 | KIng: Everybody has a limit on what they can comprehend - very often spokesperson goes by what he is told and modifies it for the general audience. However, he did come out very clearly saying it is N1.9 - he could have said it N2.9 to signify a much more advanced state. To that extent i believe we might not be as much into N3 as were led to believe earlier. |
Silver Member Username: Mohamad_obamaTerhan, Iran Iran Post Number: 101 Registered: Oct-08 | Could be they aren't showing your squat. What happens if they are showing you one thing, then come outta the wood work with something You haven't seen yet. COULD IT BE? |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 785 Registered: Jul-08 | In fact the guy who hacked Directv and Nagra previously, also agrees with these findings..Satellite TV hacker Christopher Tarnovsky ,,,, Since NDS fired him he's been consulting for two semiconductor companies and a manufacturer of dongle tokens, but he misses his life in electronic warfare. If NDS doesn't want him, he says he'd be happy to work for Nagrastar -- jumping sides once again. "I could design a whole entire chip for them like I did for NDS," he says. "NDS thinks today that their technology is superior to everybody else's and it probably is, because they're 17 years ahead of Nagra technologically. But Nagra could catch up overnight if they used my services".. Tarnovsky has come rightout and stated he could hack Nagra within weeks.. |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12634 Registered: Jun-06 | Breaking of code or "hacking" is partly dependent on luck. An experienced person could be hacking away for months and not succeed and a novice could come in, hit upon a solution and be done in a few weeks. | |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3669 Registered: Oct-06 | "Cyphris is not the coder...he's the spokesman for the software engineers" Well I'm glad yo cleared that However I'm troubled to hear a comment like that at this time There are 2 streams out there 1- N*2 for sure 2- The other is some intermediate encryption which is not much higher nor different from current N*2 Why? D#N and B#V staying one step ahead by starting the swap and rolling batches of customers cuz this is a time consuming process while awaiting for the full final version of N*3 to complete Final N*3 must be waiting to unvail This is the only conclusion I can make sense of from this whole ordeal Any less Nagra got to be the stupitest security company on earth And I don't think that's the case |
Silver Member Username: DimwittPost Number: 991 Registered: Aug-06 | What stream would the non encrypted channels be on. Maybe theres 3 streams |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3670 Registered: Oct-06 | NDS was never fully secured And the proof is in their recent card swap I guarantee yo If DTV was MPEG, 1000 hackers would of hacked it by now Look Coders are very skilled I give them lots of credits I'm sure Nagra is not underestimating their dedication either DTV were able to use hardware to their advantage That's the only difference I got news for yo I'm 100% certain DTV will be hacked within few weeks and will be before hacking N*3 Determination of after market products bigger than ever And yo'll see if I'm right about that or not |
Silver Member Username: KingsatmanJames McPhuck Post Number: 386 Registered: Nov-07 | Just for the record: This clown is James Macaulay Previously Nick name DSS Community From the Home Audio Forum LK's biggest enemy on jelousy Biggest child of satellite forum Responsible for all past abuse ile=nuck-users Gotcha now Sukka ![]() Let's who got owned now Sukka ![]() Y o u got caught cuz Y o u are stupid ![]() |
Silver Member Username: BvvenegasPost Number: 278 Registered: Apr-07 | should we junk r pansat 2700a or will they still be useable | |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsWONT BE GOLFING, UNTIL BUICK OPEN Post Number: 727 Registered: Jun-07 | They always make a great door stop![]() Seriously, never throw away any FTA |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsWONT BE GOLFING, UNTIL BUICK OPEN Post Number: 728 Registered: Jun-07 | On the Nagra 3 front....if DN actually went through with a card swap that has little chance of success?? Then they should be impeached. | |
Silver Member Username: PicanhaEast LA Post Number: 139 Registered: Jun-08 | Along with Bush and Cheney!!! | |
Gold Member Username: Cartier1Post Number: 2131 Registered: Feb-07 | N2 8==========D N3 | |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 3055 Registered: May-06 | i have little doubt there are private hacks of dave now, and it will take some work and some time, but remember how the dishnet employees tried to say the same things king is saying now.... but about n2!! it would be unbreakable!! We all know how that worked out for them. Lets just see what comes about, the good thing is a dave fix may come out to the public. then in a few months, there will be a choice. | |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3675 Registered: Oct-06 | People think Dave is unbreakable, that's laughable I said everything is breakable I always said Dave privately hacked LK disagreed I have seen and believed the unbelivable talent of coders and I do totally believe they'll hack anything But this new N*3 will be something else Just a little challenge that's all And in response to hacker Christopher Tarnovsky If he thinks the secrete of hacking is in a secrete chip then he is got a long way to learn about after market battles Dave and Star*choice will be hacked Within few weeks Take it to the bank I think I'm getting a lot better with dates now |
Silver Member Username: One_eye_jackPost Number: 545 Registered: Nov-07 | I think I'm getting a lot better with dates now ...Yes you are Dave and Star*choice will be hacked Within few weeks Are you saying this year or next ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsWONT BE GOLFING, UNTIL BUICK OPEN Post Number: 729 Registered: Jun-07 | Got my SC dish ready to go![]() Actually I was deciding between going with SC or a sub to DTV from Canada, once N3 hits. I do not sub with anybody for I am guessing 10 years or there abouts. DTV sub from Canada has better programming and works out to the same price as Canadian, at least it used to. You pay an annual fee of 65 bucks for the agent to provide US address etc, but you save all of that and more because there is no tax. |
Silver Member Username: MuchoPost Number: 818 Registered: Dec-07 | Tiger Woods four years ago here is what key largo the man that Nalin Nyda claims is here today had to say. ![]() key largo Unregistered guest Posted on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 09:55 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would stick with DTV and share a sub..its never going down and cheap..Dish's future is shaky at this point.. I AM DAVE Unregistered guest Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 - 12:06 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEY LARGO SPEAKS WORDS OF WISDOM |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 824 Registered: Jul-08 | King ...Chris Tarnovsky is the most well known RESPECTED authority in the world regarding satellite TV ...I think you are way out of line and now bring discredit to yourself by implying he is wrong...and you are right and know more than him...LMAO @ you King, I thought you had more sense....You are way out of your league now!....go play with your transistor radio and watch more John Edwards, psychic crap!.. | |
Silver Member Username: CoolgoosePost Number: 132 Registered: Jun-06 | I just want to see the look on King's face when N3 is hacked | |
New member Username: White_girlPost Number: 10 Registered: Sep-08 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: King_of_satsPost Number: 461 Registered: Jan-08 | King and his rants are counter productive to the hobby ... He one them Vicarious Wanna Beeee's Never no proof always a worthless a rant... |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3676 Registered: Oct-06 | "I think you are way out of line and now bring discredit to yourself by implying he is wrong" Plain and simple If someone claims they can come up with a chip design that can't be back-engineered then my answer is still he knows nothing about electronics, 100% false And I don't think it was made by someone who had electronics experience Not only yo can emulate /simulate almost any memory chip, yo can clone it on any cheap conventional flash PROM But since this guy is not here to talk on his own behalf Let's say that this quote he says"I could design a whole entire chip for them like I did for NDS," is pure non-sense End of discussion Past success for DTV is in the non-MPEG QPSK decoders Present success for DTV HDTV they chose 20G Ka satellites No FTA receiver can tune to 20G Ka It's a special hardware tuner that converts high frequency to L-band below 950MHz DTV uses 750 MHz tuner Standard Ku tuner 11.7G --12.2G to 950M-1500MHz L-band tuners High Ku tuner 12.2 - 12.7 to 1500M- 2150MHz L-band tuners This special tuner can be built or easily modified There is nothing to hide But good luck try to market it I do think it would be hacked sometime in 2009 End of discussion |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5225 Registered: Jan-08 | King The LNB only get this frequency not the receiver. The LNB convert the hi frequency in low frequency easier to convey with cheap cable. |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3680 Registered: Oct-06 | So receivers don't require freq tuners Got it, thnx |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3681 Registered: Oct-06 | Just to clear this issue to all the folks wanna learn Cuz yo won't find this on goggle or yahoo 12GHz frequency is way too high for any copper cable to handle, infact such a high frequency won't go thru 6 inch of cable 2.7GHz will show signs of break up Most cables are tested fo 3GHz However not reliable to use 3GHz when handling a lot of bandwidth 2.15GHz or 2150MHz is the choosen Max freq for coax cables Therefore LNB down converts 12GHz to about 2GHz Just low enough to pass from LNB to receiver's tuner via coax calbles How do yo know yor receiver got a tuner? When each channel operates on a unique freq therefore a tuner is required to assign 1- freq to each channel Yor tuner matches KuH 12.2-12.75GHz to already converted freq of 1500MHz to 2150MHz Max ready for modulation Yor tuner matches KuL 11.7 to 12.2GHz to already converted freq of 950MHz to 1500MHz ready for modulation Ka band can also use these freq span However DTV choose 750MHz so it doesn't interfere with their Ku broadcast side by side in same receiver LNB doesn't do the tuner's job LNB down converts freq Tuner helps to tune to each channel Just like yor FM tuner to each radio station LNB internal freq clock is usually about 1GHz lower used as upload commands Ku 11.7 to 12.75 are download to receiver/tuner's input for example 10700 is used for 11.7 KuL 11200 is used for 12.2G KuH 11750 is used for 12.75 KuH etc. 10600 is used for extended KuL 11.6G etc. These numbers based on aprox I hope this help understanding this complicated process in a simple terminology Peace bro |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 896 Registered: Jul-08 | So you're saying that Plymouth is wrong again and a dumbazz.. Plymouth Gold Member Username: Plymouth Canada Post Number: 5225 Registered: Jan-08 Posted on Friday, October 31, 2008 - 04:49 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King The LNB only get this frequency not the receiver. The LNB convert the hi frequency in low frequency easier to convey with cheap cable. |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5244 Registered: Jan-08 | King all actual receiver can get Ka frequency here is a spec from Viewsat Ultra but all receiver have same spec. Tuner Input Frequency: 950 ~ 2150MHz Here is a chart for LNB output frequency: Source Norsat: Ka-Band LNB output 950-2000 mhz As you can see all LNB output freq. can be cover by all actual receivers. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5246 Registered: Jan-08 | Haha You are a idiot again who know nothing See my post and take your pills |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5247 Registered: Jan-08 | Haha Now you can admit then you do a error again |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 898 Registered: Jul-08 | hey King is the one thats says your wrong! | |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5248 Registered: Jan-08 | Haha says """So you're saying that Plymouth is wrong again and a dumbazz..""" King never say that but you! |
Gold Member Username: RunnerguyPluto Post Number: 1618 Registered: Sep-06 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JuanchoCANADA Xx Post Number: 158 Registered: Jun-08 | read this | |
Bronze Member Username: King_of_ratsPost Number: 91 Registered: Jun-08 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: One_eye_jackPost Number: 547 Registered: Nov-07 | King Tapeman ![]() an 8 month old Rookie has proven you wrong once again. What is the world coming too? A man can't get by with nothing. Even your Buddy does you in. ![]() ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12733 Registered: Jun-06 | Without going into the technical details, the fact is that Plymouth and King agree that receivers use lower frequencies and that the LNB converts the high frequencies to lower frequencies that can come down "cheap cable" as Plymouth put it. The problems with you vultures is that you have only one focus - trying to spot a prey on the ground who you think might be dead or dying. For your information, neither Plymouth nor King are dying or fighting. so cut it out. And by the way, I am not Plymouth or King - I am me, Nalin Nyda. I respect Plymouth and King for their knowledge and Plymouth for his identity as a French Canadian - we in Canada have recognized this identity, something you have not been able to do with the Spanish who you subdued in battle ages ago. |
Silver Member Username: One_eye_jackPost Number: 548 Registered: Nov-07 | Thank you Nalin, but I think that most of us here can read what they both said. | |
Bronze Member Username: Lk_live_sPOST: 100 mi... Post Number: 14 Registered: Oct-08 | Speak for yourself Nalin you dumb f@ck but don't say We in Canada. | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12735 Registered: Jun-06 | Yukon: While most can read a majority are so green with envy that they cannot understand what is written. | |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5249 Registered: Jan-08 | The fact is: everybody can do few errors. Now if them are able to say: yes it's my error """SORRY"""You are right""".... maybe all we can have a good discussion without insult. The thing is, King correct me on few things and i do it also. Thanks Nalin for your good comments. ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12738 Registered: Jun-06 | WartHog: WE IN CANADA don't like the sort of language you are using |
Silver Member Username: PicanhaEast LA Post Number: 145 Registered: Jun-08 | ![]() |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5250 Registered: Jan-08 | ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Lk_live_sPOST: 100 mi... Post Number: 15 Registered: Oct-08 | Plymouth is Q ueer | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12739 Registered: Jun-06 | WartHog: You are a newbie and have no business to start bashing an established helper of this forum. | |
Bronze Member Username: Lk_live_sPOST: 100 mi... Post Number: 19 Registered: Oct-08 | Ive been here for 4 yrs and aint leaving till your gone LOSER | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12747 Registered: Jun-06 | You have been kicked out of here before. You registered this month. As far as I am concerned you are an unwanted poster coming here to disrupt. |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 910 Registered: Jul-08 | nalin, STFU LOSER...U ain't shi*t..and are a noob compared to me! NALIN AND PLYMOUTH ARE DISHNET EMPLOYEES UNDERCOVER HERE!...BUSTED AZZHOLES! |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12751 Registered: Jun-06 | You have been kicked out of here before. You registered this July and see what damage you have done. As far as I am concerned you are an unwanted poster coming here to disrupt |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3682 Registered: Oct-06 | Justforhaha's "The LNB only get this frequency not the receiver. The LNB convert the hi frequency in low frequency easier to convey with cheap cable. What are yo talking about? what cheap cable? Cables don't pass high frequency LNB down converts so it can pass thru coax cable Reducing Do yo mean Low Noise Block? Cuz there is an LNB without feedhorn that Plymouth is refering to All LNBs downconvert high freq to lower freq Ka LNB by DTV and only DTV converts 20GHz to 750MHz Their tuners operate at about 750MHz And that's not within FTA specs I don't care what norsat says I care about what DTV use I'm not saying yo can't Downconvert 20GHz to 950 ~ 2150MHz But I'm yet to see one or any reliable source to actually do it To actually make it work Yo got to buy European Ka LNBF DTV won't tune to FTA at 750MHz And I do believe it can be done Therefore I do think DTV HD will be hacked But must use different hardware I do pay attention to DTV specs DTV uses separate internal PCB connecting both Ka and Ku Therefore their Ku LNBs not compatible with FTA tuners It's not a big deal Just can't use their LNBs Plymouth and I were talking about 2 different things I do understand what he is talking about I hope yo know what I'm talking about Yukon yo still a retard |
Bronze Member Username: Little_bearSudbury, Ontario Canada Post Number: 88 Registered: Mar-08 | Plymouth Gold Member Username: Plymouth Canada Post Number: 5244 Registered: Jan-08 Posted on Saturday, November 01, 2008 - 11:59 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King all actual receiver can get Ka frequency here is a spec from Viewsat Ultra but all receiver have same spec. Tuner Input Frequency: 950 ~ 2150MHz Here is a chart for LNB output frequency: Source Norsat: Ka-Band LNB output 950-2000 mhz As you can see all LNB output freq. can be cover by all actual receivers. King Tapeman Gold Member Username: Tapeman New York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3682 Registered: Oct-06 Posted on Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 12:17 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justforhaha's "The LNB only get this frequency not the receiver. The LNB convert the hi frequency in low frequency easier to convey with cheap cable. What are yo talking about? what cheap cable? Cables don't pass high frequency LNB down converts so it can pass thru coax cable Reducing Do yo mean Low Noise Block? Cuz there is an LNB without feedhorn that Plymouth is refering to Plymouth Gold Member Username: Plymouth Canada Post Number: 5249 Registered: Jan-08 Posted on Saturday, November 01, 2008 - 07:03 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fact is: everybody can do few errors. Now if them are able to say: yes it's my error """SORRY"""You are right""".... maybe all we can have a good discussion without insult. The thing is, King correct me on few things and i do it also. Good job Plymouth King Tapeman or should I say the King of HogShit. Is the above post the best you came up with after 12 Hours scanning the internet? ![]() Just to clear this issue to all the folks wanna learn Cuz yo won't find this on goggle or yahoo ![]() |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3683 Registered: Oct-06 | I strongly suggest yo back off from electronics discussions Cuz yo ain't gotta fu*cking clue what we are talking about I do know what he is saying I was telling him what I know about DTV Pick something yo understand better like cardboard boxes ![]() Sukka |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 920 Registered: Jul-08 | King...I never wrote that so don't copy Plymouths post and edit it and throw my name on it...Plymouth corrected YOU, NOT me!...if ya have a beef, its not with me, its with Plymouth... Plymouth Gold Member Username: Plymouth Canada Post Number: 5225 Registered: Jan-08 Posted on Friday, October 31, 2008 - 04:49 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King The LNB only get this frequency not the receiver. The LNB convert the hi frequency in low frequency easier to convey with cheap cable. |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5252 Registered: Jan-08 | OK After 2 or 3 hours of reserch here is the result: KA-Band not provide TV like Ku-Band, the only way to get TV on Ka is on stream like we do on Internet. I hope that close the discussion. So i am right with the LNB output frequency and King is right "We cannot receive TV signal as KU . A special LNB bi-directonnal is required and a demodulator. King one thing the tuner had nothing to do with MPEG as you mentionned on MaxHD thread, here a comment from a forum: ----------------------------------- Allows you to receive both MPEG2 and MPEG4 signals. Can't recall which one of the two the converter actually converts. Has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with mpeg conversion. It is a Ka-band RF converter. I've explained this before, and will again, here we go: The original Ku/DBS band, around 12Ghz, is 500Mhz wide. Within that 500Mhz is the 16 channels, actually 32 but 16 in each polarization (LHC -Left Hand Circular, and RHC-Right Hand Circular). For those who know that the DirecTV reciever puts out two voltages (12V-18V), that's what controls the LNB (low noise block converter) polarization settings. So, one gets actually 1000Mhz, half each at either polarization. The LNB's downconvert the signal to the 2GHz range, which goes down the coax to the sat reciever. Ka band is way different. First, it's HUGE bandwidth wise. The entire band is closer to 10GHZ (approx. 20-30Ghz). The Spaceways sats are at the lower end of the band, and the Ka-LNB downconverts the RF to the same 2Ghz as the Ku LNB's do. Therefore, one can leave off the BBC (Base Band Converter, which is it's name), for NOW. However, DirecTV10/11 will use a different part of the Ka spectrum, higher than the Spaceways. Now, there won't be any 'newer' Ka band LNB's, and you need to understand how RF mixing works. The mixing frequency in the LNB doesn't change (one may have multiple recievers hooked to it), and since it doesn't, higher frequencies recieved result in a LOWER output spectrum. If the recieved frequency (from the sat) were lower, it would result in a higher frequency output. But, it's higher off the satellite, therefore lower after the mixer. Now, the block of frequencies coming off the Ka LNB are some 250Mhz-1Ghz in range, and therefore, in order for your reciever to recieve and decode the signal, it needs to be up-converted. That's what the BBC module does. If you look closely, you'll see it's full name is "Ka lo-band Up-converter". The H20/HR20 recievers will send a signal to the BBC's to 'kick in', and do their work, if one selects a channel within that particular satellite/spectrum. Again, nothing whatsoever to do with Mpeg. Folks need to get that out of their brains, as one can easily transmit Mpeg4 at any frequency, just like Mpeg2 at any frequency. """"Mpeg is the Video/Audio CODING system, has nothing to do with the RF."""" ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 924 Registered: Jul-08 | Geez did Plymouth learn perfect ENGLISH overnite?...LMAO!.. Hey mod, I think ya made a HUGE OOOOPS!....gotcha! |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3684 Registered: Oct-06 | Plymouth FTA tuner is fine for all SD DTV SD are non-MPEG DTV uses something predates MPEG-2 standards It's called QPSK can not be decoded by FTA receivers The confusing part is MPEG-2 uses QPSK but they are not compatible one another So none of the modern FTA receivers can work on DTV standard definition The HD on the other hand is standard by all providers either as MPEG-2 HD 720p or MPEG-4 8PSK 1080i But DTV is still one hardware step ahead by using Ka for HD It's not the creativity of NDS as mentioned above DTV is playing coders with incompatible hardware rather than encryption security code alone I still think HD by DTV is breakable As well as SD using a separate hardware module And I do think it will be broken sometime in 2009 As far as D#N they are trying to copy DTV hardware game using 1080p and much harder improved N*3 |
Silver Member Username: Jurj1Post Number: 646 Registered: Jul-06 | King, Can you for once just SHUT THE FOCK UP ALREADY!!!. Everyone on this site knows you are no where near as knowledgeable as you proclaim to be. Your just an average Joe who thinks by scanning sats and downloading and installing files to FTA receivers (who by the way are created by the real individuals in the know) makes you some expert. YOU SIR ARE A FRAUD and everyone on here knows it, now just SHUT THE FOCK UP ALREADY WITH YOUR BULLSH1T AND NONSENSE YOU MOTHER FOCKING FRAUD!!!!!} |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12786 Registered: Jun-06 | Tony Soprano: Nobody asked you to read King's post. SO YOU JUST SHUT UP |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 13 Registered: Nov-08 | Nalin it's so unfair when you and plymouth bum back each other on every topic. | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12787 Registered: Jun-06 | I am not sure what you are talking about, but right now with an ECM coming I am in no mood for listening to your stupidity. | |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3688 Registered: Oct-06 | This is an open forum Motha Fucka No one asked yo to read my posts We are few members exchanging info So yo get the Fu*ck outta threads yo can't comprehend |
Silver Member Username: Jurj1Post Number: 647 Registered: Jul-06 | Nalin, Your another UNEPLOYED WELFARE MONGERING LOSER thats on this board 24/7, who has no coding expertise at all. FYI Nalin, being able to connect a usb device/null modem cable to an FTA receiver to install a file does not qualify you as a coder or give you any more expertise than 95% of the people posting on this board. |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12791 Registered: Jun-06 | Tony Soprano: Nobody asked you to read King's post. SO YOU JUST SHUT UP |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3689 Registered: Oct-06 | He wasn't applying for a coder job Use some common sense and get the fu#ck out Sukka ![]() |
Gold Member Username: RunnerguyPluto Post Number: 1626 Registered: Sep-06 | ![]() |
Gold Member Username: GregrafPost Number: 1474 Registered: Dec-07 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Jurj1Post Number: 648 Registered: Jul-06 | King and Nalin, there may actually be a job out there for each of you ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: King_of_ratsPost Number: 96 Registered: Jun-08 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Jurj1Post Number: 649 Registered: Jul-06 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Punjavi_dooPost Number: 103 Registered: May-08 | lol. WWE RAW.....![]() |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 17 Registered: Nov-08 | lol nice pic ,,, king . how do you know electronics when you haven't figured out how to spell "you" |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12800 Registered: Jun-06 | El Kay - first learn how to spell YOUR name. | |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 939 Registered: Jul-08 | a c/p from 'another' site: This is a translated page from the Netherlands and describes exactly why N3 won't be a problem. Kudelski card hacker at Black Hat conference in Amsterdam.. PAID ACCESS SYSTEMS. A key witness in the court case opposing the Swiss group Kudelski against the media giant News Corporation was passing by in Amsterdam, attending a conference on computer piracy. We met him. Francois Pilet, Amsterdam Saturday, March 29 2008 The audience is glued to the lips of Christopher Tarnovsky. In front of a podium of hackers and security specialists - with an average age of 25 - the self-taught electronics specialist revealed the techniques that allow him to break open chip cards that block access to pay TV chains in the whole world. The scene takes place in the Movenpick hotel in Amsterdam, where the European edition of the Black Hat conference was held Thursday and Friday last week. This is one of the prime professional meetings dedicated to computer piracy. Among the twenty or so speakers invited to this big get-together, Christoper Tarnovsky talked for more than one and a half hour in the "Lausanne" room - a sign of destiny (Tr. note: Lausanne is a Swiss city close to the headquarters of the Kudelski Group). Employed by NDS The American 39-year-old is accused of having been recruited by the Israeli company NDS, a competitor of Kudeslki, for breaking and publish on the Internet the safety codes of Canal Plus in 1999 and then repeating the operation at the expense of the group Vaud and its customers. The dissemination of codes had enabled hundreds of thousands of pirates access to encrypted programs without paying subscription. The American Echostar satellite platform, which uses maps to protect its contents, said she had lost hundreds of millions of dollars due to piracy and called for a billion dollars in compensation from NDS, a subsidiary of media group News Corp. During the month of April, Christopher Tarnovsky testify in a court in California to defend NDS, which has employed for ten years, since 1997. According to him, Kudelski and Echostar have invented from scratch, the plot of which they claim to be victims to mask the weakness of their encryption system. In his eyes, the case against NDS is nothing short of an extortion attempt. "Sure, I've broken the cards of Kudelski", he annoyedly states. "I was paid by NDS to do it. This is an activity that all companies in the trade do. But why would I have published these codes on the Net for free? I am not stupid, and I never had the intention of taking that risk." Tarnovsky no longer works for the group over the past year. He launched his independent company, Flylogic, through which it puts its know-how available to consumer electronics manufacturers to test the strength of their products face of the onslaught of pirates before they are put on the market. Christopher Tarnovsky detailing the fragility of the system based on these chips designed by a handful of companies, like Motorola ( MOT ) and Infinenon, which are used in products as diverse as remote garage, alarm systems and car TV decoders. Unbreakable? Wrong! Manufacturers of semiconductors claim that their chips are inviolable. Companies that integrate them into their products rely on the specifications provided to them. They think that their secrets will be well guarded. That is not true, of course. " Christopher Tarnovski uses HydroBromic acid to eat away at the passivation layers and doping guns to cut/add traces to a working IC. And to submit photos of his laboratory, fitted with equipment he used for a few thousand dollars. At the center, a powerful Zeiss microscope to enter the heart of the chip which are hidden the precious codes. The successive layers of silicon are revealed with acids and lasers. The engineer then explained how he took control of the map by bypassing its protections with long microscopic needles. Within minutes for the weakest, a few hours for the best-designed, the contents of the card opens 9 times out of 10 these assaults. Upon questions, a voice is raised in the back of the room. An engineer from Microsoft expressed concern: "Have you looked at our processor game console Xbox360? I have been offered 100000 dollars for the break, Tarnovsky said. But I replied that it was not enough. " It has not invested enough At the turn of a journalist Estonian. Son pays, . His country, a precursor of cyberdemocracy, introduced in 2001 an identity card chip, which can be used for banking transactions like online voting. This is a Motorola, sniffs Tarnovsky. A former model, poorly secured. And Kudelski cards? In short embarrassed silence before flies his responce, "Sorry for them: the last two generations have been broken. The next will be also. They have not invested enough in research over the past decade. Today, Kudelski has more money, see the share price. They hope to rebuild with the trial, but they will lose. " |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 940 Registered: Jul-08 | Hydrofloric acid and tunneling/probing of the chip directly probably will not be necessary. The new N3 cards are very similar to the ROM102 cores... | |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 941 Registered: Jul-08 | Here's Chris Tarnovski accessing the chip... |
Silver Member Username: Jurj1Post Number: 650 Registered: Jul-06 | Nalin if you believe compromising/exposing a weakness in code is partly luck, you obviously have no clue. A person has to know what they are doing. Nalin Nyda Platinum Member Username: Nydas Post Number: 12634 Registered: Jun-06 Posted on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - 12:19 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breaking of code or "hacking" is partly dependent on luck. An experienced person could be hacking away for months and not succeed and a novice could come in, hit upon a solution and be done in a few weeks. |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 20 Registered: Nov-08 | why do you think pakis keep on blowing themselves up by accident it's up to "luck" and the will of allah to properly construct a suicide vest. the airplane and the space shuttle , all inventions of luck |
Silver Member Username: Jurj1Post Number: 651 Registered: Jul-06 | Why I only post here for the humor aspect. The "so-called" Platinum members with thousands of posts running this asylum is a complete joke as most are completely naive. | |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3691 Registered: Oct-06 | Justforhaha's I saw the video Removing the Cam to access flat microchip is not a new process was newely created Neither electronics under the microscope Surface mount electronics been around for nearly 20 years This is not new hundreds of thousands people can do that That's back engineering |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 948 Registered: Jul-08 | Ya think!..the thats even the title of the video...great observation King! but thats Chris, explaining how he hacked the NDS cards and how simple it is but complex too...but amazing to most non engineers...I don't believe you could do it King!...You're no engineer..still amazed how you could bash one of the greatest in the world!..if you were so smart ya wouldn't be here, talking the way you do! |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12805 Registered: Jun-06 | In any functioning system whether animate or inanimate there are at least two aspects. In the animate we use the terms anatomy and physiology. In inanimate we use the terms structure and function. To arrive at the understanding of the whole, a knowledge of both these aspects is necessary. However different disiplines rely more on one or the other aspect. The approach in the above posts has more on the understanding of the structure. Another group or individual could or would approach it from a functional viewpoint. When breaking code, the approach I have favoured in the past is the functional approach. In that approach, luck does play a good part. I am not interested in discussing with the parrots like justforhaha's or Tony Soprano. An intelligent discussion requires a respect for the knowledge of the others who are discussing it and unfortunately my past experience in this forum has shown to me the total lack of real knowledge on the part of the two mentioned above. |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3692 Registered: Oct-06 | What are yo talking There are hundreds of thousands people can extract flat chip off security cards I'm not gonna tell yo I can do it I trained more than 100 people that can I don't wanna take part of any hacking I'm trying to explain to yo that it's not a complicated electronics process to extract a flat microchip and read it's contents Most labs that mount chips they can also take it off in 5 minutes Yor arguing about a process yo have no experience on The guy all he did is remove the chip and read it Of course it's amazing to non-engineers Yo wanna believe what I tell yo that's fine If yo don't it's yor loss Trust me Any technician can do that Yo don't even have to be an engineer I said many times V-guard is hackable Just like anything breakable Yo said engineers tried hard for so many years And NDS is untouchable We shall see about that |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 955 Registered: Jul-08 | can't boil water, nevermind code a chip!..or even load a file.. You are disgusting! |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12812 Registered: Jun-06 | King: justforhaha's is too inflated with ego to understand what you are talking about. Technology is complicated but its use has made it easy to do amazing things. I am not conversant with the technology that builds or disintegrates the chips, but I accept your statement that it is easy to use techniques to disassemble or dissect a chip and learn from the wiring diagram. |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5267 Registered: Jan-08 | King Don't listen justanidiot's, he know nothing in electronic, he just C/P. So justforc/p's is a idiot who insult everybody. |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3693 Registered: Oct-06 | Look, Justforhahas I'm not being disrespectful I'm telling yo what I know And what I'm saying is the truth I refuse to accept that this guy Chris Tarnovski is the only one on earth that can do it He's not even an engineer as the video states Of course he's the only one risking his family security But he'll be hunted down With him or without V-guard is next This is an open discussion no need to get nasty |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 971 Registered: Jul-08 | hey King...we're not talking about a HOTEL room access card here...lets get real!...Security embeddded in satellite cards are NOT just any old smart card from a HOTEL! You talk like you know it all, which I freely admit I do NOT!,,,but I talk apples to apples , not apples to oranges and in generalizatons...and if ya taught 100 people then why can't ya do it yourself?...sometimes your postings are way in left field...but I like ya, but rarely agree with ya.. |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12822 Registered: Jun-06 | Look old woman justforhaha's. They can get an electron microscope and look at the genes inside a cell and modify them. Technology has advanced a lot and knowledgable technicians can do a lot with the right tools. |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3694 Registered: Oct-06 | "Security embeddded in satellite cards are NOT just any old smart card from a HOTEL!" It's made up of memory storage And if yo can store it, yo can read it The techniques I know from manufacturing experience Not in the hacking I'm not a hacker I'm an engineer |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3695 Registered: Oct-06 | Look The guy extracted the CAM chip by disolving bonded glue Inspected for any damaged data or address busses under microscope Mounted it onto another card so he can begin the reading process That's all basic stuff There is no magic security Yo can do that to any surface mount chips Basic surface mount chips use solder and heat This chip uses chemical glue bond instead of heat That's all to it |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 26 Registered: Nov-08 | nalin , no matter how hard you try to get in nobody it talking to you, this is a topic for the big boys, not the cut and paste indo niger trash. go talk to your other half plymouth , there is no need for you here | |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12826 Registered: Jun-06 | Look old woman justforhaha's. They can get an electron microscope and look at the genes inside a cell and modify them. Technology has advanced a lot and knowledgeable technicians can do a lot with the right tools. |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5280 Registered: Jan-08 | The internal memory can be read with freezing with liquid azote. Everybody know it if he know enough on electronic. It is not the case of LK and his goonies |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 28 Registered: Nov-08 | what a dumb paki , don't you realize why you get no respect. all you do is re cut and re paste everything , it doesn't even matter who wrote it . you used to copy LK exclusively , now you copy plymouth , no you even copy yourself. look at your hands as you type nalin, they're brown , you are the color of and the epitome of scum |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 5282 Registered: Jan-08 | Lieutenant Kendall and his intelligent comments as usual | |
Bronze Member Username: El_keyPost Number: 30 Registered: Nov-08 | good one paky boy , you went on a daydream there for a minute. do you ever realuize sometime you're logged in as paki boy and sometimes as asian scum and you cut and paste the same thing. at least clear your clipboard nalin before being a niger in public |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 12828 Registered: Jun-06 | El Kay: You are a paranoid who logs in a s justforhaha's and you were suspended under the name LK. You are wanted at several FTA sites for fraud. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Fakeman1Germantown, Maryland USA Post Number: 107 Registered: Jul-08 | All these smart assholees that call them self a Technician or Electronic Engineer. These kind of people make alot of money. So what in the fucck are you here Nite and Day to learn how to steal a $29.95 a month TV Service? ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 976 Registered: Jul-08 | LMAO...great point Kingsville...thats exactly what I was saying too... "...I don't believe you could do it King!...You're no engineer..still amazed how you could bash one of the greatest in the world!..if you were so smart ya wouldn't be here, talking the way you do!" |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3697 Registered: Oct-06 | ![]() I like it here The fun I'm having here is priceless WTF $30/month? I pay $105 per month I got Cablevision tripple pack Peace bro |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 3059 Registered: May-06 | and he went out on a limb to pick his new york giants to win the superbowl last year because he is soo smart!!! I picked my fav team to win it too a couple years back, and they won!!! I must be smart too? Nalin, get off kings cok already. This thread was funny. good job guys. i think justfor was talking about reverse engineering, acid peels and such, not merely removing a chip. this takes enormous time |