Originally Posted by gigster Here in a nutshell what is happening:
DN: DN momentarily removed MECM handling from their stream. There was a fair bit of concern that this forewarned a change in the stream, a New MECM - new map call - something. At 2:30pm EST DN reinserted MECM code in the stream, meaning that the only units up are units that released bins after September 29th.
Bev: Bev did a number of things causing problems for some (not all) folks.
1) A month ago Bev removed MECM handling from the stream. It is widely believed this was done in preparation for moving to Nagra 3.
2) 2 weeks ago they replaced Nimiq 2 with Nimiq 4. Nimiq 4 carried the same lineup as the old Nimiq 2 (on the same TP's), but significantly tightened the signal. If you are in Canada - this didn't effect you. Many folks in the US are no longer able to receive this satellite.
3) 1 week ago, Bev changed the priority of the streams on several channels. The old Nagra 2 signal was "downgraded" in priority, and the new nagra 3 stream was "upgraded" in priority. This caused problems with about 20% of the currently employed receivers (most notably CW's), but was quickly fixed by those with the issue.
4) As of this week, certain channels on the 82 Satellite have stopped providing Nagra2 streams, and provide only the newer Nagra3 streams. These channels are currently black on ALL testing methods. Currently this is limited to channels 781, 782 and a few 800 series HD channels.