I have 110 at Q=93 but I can't get 119 for my life. I tried 2 different dish pointing programs and one says skew=113 and then dishpointer says skew=61. I have Dishh 500 Pro w/Dish Pro Twin LNB. Where do I set the skew???
* Make sure the mast is DEAD LEVEL. You can place a small level on the top of the mast, and turn it 360 all the way around. If the bubble stays in the middle, the mast is level. You can then put the dish on.
* Set the skew for your area. Different dish-pointing programs will instruct the skew setting differently. That is OK, if you realize that it is a reference from 90 degrees (straight) to a twist clockwise or counterclockwise (standing behind the dish). In broad terms, on the east coast you rotate clockwise, on the west you go counterclockwise. So, for example, one program gives you a skew as 77 and another gives 103, you know you turn 13 degrees from 90. A good dish pointing program online is here: http://satcalculator.freehostia.com/
* After setting the skew, choose one or the other LNB side to aim first. From behind the dish, 119 is on the left, 110 is on the right. You select one or the other by diseqc port selection in your receiver, where 119=1 and 110=2. It doesn't matter which you choose first. (If selecting 119, have TP frequency set to 12239 as 12224 is spotbeam, and make sure LNB type is correct, DishPro in this case). Find quality with the selected LNB and look for the proper Sat ID to pop up. Peak pointing with the dish for highest quality for this sat.
* Change diseqc selection to the other one you were not using, and the other bird should be there. IF you leveled the mast perfectly and you have the skew correct, it will be there unless there is an obstruction.
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