I do believe that DN will be hittin us with an ECM today or tomorrow...either way, it should be soon...
Mapcalls were pulled from the stream today, and changes were noted last week...Also CS 4-5-6k are up on old fixes (166, 168, 177, 178) with both Dishnet (DN) and Bev due to the withdrawal of these mapcalls..
Its too soon for DN to withdraw mapcalls because of nagra 3, like Bev did 3-4 weeks ago, with their card swapping going on...so a DN ECM is the most logical reason..
Will it be today...or Saturday with the big fight, champion Kelly Pavlik vs veteran Bernard Hopkins...seems like everytime Hopkins or De La Hoya fight , we have an ECM..
What a bunch of morons on this sight Pest Control and Plymouth, you two are low class dirtballs. Nalin Ayda and Doreen are in the same class with Pest Control and Plymouth. All four of you are low class dirtballs. How in the hell this sight lets you dirtballs get away with it I don't know. You all need to get your brain washed. What a sick bunch of low life people you all are. Kids in grade one and two act better then you dirtballs. You all need to stop this sh*it and get a life.Pal I have a word for you all GROW UP and stop acting like kids. Go get a job or a life. You don'r have one acting like dirtballs. I have a 5 year old son that doesn't act like you clowns. And you Doreen, are these other fools feeding you the rod. Dumb azz b*it*ch. LOL
Nalin Nyda,............................. ... I'm not a trouble maker.You are full of sh_it. This is a fta sight for testing not for your foolish ignorant remarks.And the remarks of your friends Pest Control and Plymouth along with Doreen.You need to clean up your act and the act of your other clowns.Like I said this is a fta sight for testing and learning, not for childish kids like you 4.I'm asking you to grow up, NO I'm telling you to grow up and stop your low class post.And when you post, you post about fta not about your bull sh_t. If you continue to act like little children I will make life miserable for you.I know very important people that can shut you down. If you stop being a jirk I just might teach you a little about fta.From the post that you are making I can see that you don't know alot about testing.If I had to rate you on fta knowledge you would only get a 3 out of 10.And that because I'm being nice to you.I have forgot more about testing then you would ever know.So please grow up and act like a man.I know for you that's alot to ask for.But just try.Also when you post, post about test or don't post at all.No one wants to see anymore of your sh_it.I believe that we can get along good me and you, if you stop being a jackazz, you and your jackazz friends. I have to go now, so I hope that you will take this serious before I go to the authorities.Pal