Using a sony lcd computer screen as a tv.. weird I know but..


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Username: Angelman

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-04
OK so I recently bought SOny's lovely 23" lcd screen for my pc 1920/1200 resolution.
My plan is to use my pc as a tv in fact as a 'media centre' as microsoft would say.
I figure I can either use the dvd player in the pc and have the pc hooked up to the screen via DVI or I could get an external tuner and DVD player with DVI output (does such a thing exist) and have them plugged directly into the screen. The screen just has VGA and DVI inputs..
any thoughts?
In my mind using the PC's DVD player and a TV card makes the most sense

Unregistered guest
use an tv tuner... hook your cable up or whatever... surf the net, and use ur ATI multimedia centre program to play DVD's and VCD's... good idea(save some cash on all the home electronics) and get a great sound card and hook up sourround sound speakers...

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Username: Jonny

Yonkers/NYC, NY

Post Number: 3
Registered: Oct-04
Anyone ever use those things they have on ebay to convert xbox/dvd/etc signals to VGA? i'm curious to see how they work, im skeptical.
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