does anyone know the time table for bev to switch to n3 i read that d/n was supposed to be n3 by oct. and then i also read that its 6 months after bev. any reliable info on it
i asked a simple honest question not as answer thats as stupid as yours. no crap that when theres no bins they are done. but that still doesnt answer my question about a timetable. a comment like yours is saying your going to be thirsty when your dehidrating. but not saying if you should drink anything. i have read alot of your posts and disagree with what people say about you (sometimes) but then i have to agree when you make a stupid post like this one in my thread
what type of stupid comment is that. i asked about a timetable not a stupidly obvious answer. yes ofcourse when theres no more bins it wont work. but i was asking about the timetable for the swap out and n3 implication
jeff marson Now you see at first hand what I have been saying about Nalin Nyda. Nothing but a simple smartass. You did ask a good honest question and what did you get ? a stupid answer from a stupid asswhole. He don't know, he is only trying to pass X LK on post count. Why do you think he has so many people here that can't stand him? Friend he is as phony as a $1.99 bill. Do like the rest that have been here like yourself for the past two years. I wise I could help you. I will keep my ear to the ground, if I come up with something I will sure let you know.
Btw also stay away from this person with the nick King Tapeman.
Black Hawk: I wish I could be as flexible as your are - Unfortunately, with old age arthritis, it is very difficulty to bend enough to "keep my ear to the ground". For a child of 13 as yu are, it is very easy. I sure envy you your flexibility (and nothing else).
Nalin Nyda I have been saying this all along. Your kind is not needed here. Get lost you piece of sh!t. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you SIR can't fool all of the people all of the time, MOFO