Please Help!I have my dish pointed to 82 and 91. strength about 85 to 90 and quality 55 to 75. I am able to scan only vertical transponders, for horizontal no Q or S. Did Auto scan and also blind scan, no horizontals. What could be the reason? I changed the cable,removed the diseqc, still outcome is the same. help is appreciated. Receiver CW600s regular.
Run a direct cable no D-switch From LNB straight to rcvr Use a F/F coupler in place of switch Do not do blind scan Do TP scan See if that makes any difference
kanishk disconnect cable and check inside the connector if you have a short circuit between nut and copper wire and check if connector is tight on the cable.
Only Vertical result in voltage lost by bad cable, moisture in connector and moisture in LNB
FTA testing requires to change all Horizontal polarity to Vertical due to the fact that Dish Pro uses stacked technology(bandstacking scheme the IF frequency of the horizontal block is shifted upwards to vertical) They will need to be edited for example( just go to Menu-Installaytion-Tp/edit and set all to V) then subtract all horiz. transps. frecuencies from 25600. enter result as your new transp freq. (IE. on sat 119 transp 6 is 12297h. doing the subtraction, you get 13303. So change transp 6 to 13303). This is needed because dishpro lnbs use an oscilator that runs at 25600mhz. this is mixed with the horizontal transp freqs and new freqs are generated.
Try using a Dish Pro channel list....or vertical scans only...
Thanks King. Your help is really appreciated. It was the switch DP44. Now it picks up both horizontal and vertical transponders. Saved lot of agony. Thanks.