I have one dish the guy who put the dish did put some thing to divide it so it can go to two different rooms it was working good on one but yesterday i tried to hookup a second reciver on the other room and now situation is that the channel that are comming on one reciver they are not comming on the othere one can any one please help
AMT You cant connected 2 receivers with a splitter because the LNB work on 2 different voltage for right(V) and left® signal. Unhook the power cord on existant receiver and take the cable from dish and connect it directly in the new receiver. Always disconnect power before unhook dish cable, if you dont put error in existant receiver.
I didnt understand what did you mean I want to use two recivers with one dish there is one swith with the dish he told that its d44 ( something like that ) the cable is comming down from dish to swith then form there one cable come down and there is one spliter then one goes in one reciver and other in other i was using only one reciver all that time and it was working fine but now when i tried to use the 2nd one i am having problems they both are working but not showing all channels it looks like they are splting channels
AMT you cant use 2 receiver on one cable with splitter or power off one.
like i say LNB work on 2 voltages, if you listen 2 vertical it work, if you listen 2 horizontal it too, but if you try to listen 2 different vertical and horizontal you only have picture on the receiver where the channel is Horizontal
"he told that its d44 " "the cable is comming down from dish to swith then form there one cable come down and there is one spliter then one goes in one reciver and other in other"
If it is DP44 switch, there should be a cable from the switch to one receiver and another cable from switch to the second receiver. The power inserter should also be used.
you said two cables caming out of the dp44 switch to both receivers, one receiver is getting chanels the other one is not... if am wrong correct me. if what i said is correct than your receiver settings are wrong.( check under menu, installation..) please provide the settings you have,you will get more help.