Hey all...I'm new to the whole FTA scene, but I think I've narrowed down my choices to the Sonicview 360 Elite & the 8000HD
Couple questions though:
1) What implications would this Nagra3 have if implemented? Would both of these boxes become obsolete? I'd rather take the loss of $170 before I shell out the big bucks for the HD.
2) I've been told that the 1000.2 dish would be best for the satellites I want to point to. I know nothing is future proof, but will this continue to work for me in the forseeable future? How does the 1000.4 differ (I know it's not out yet)
Which receiver get hit first and when can't be guaranteed It's the risk yor willing to take and how much money are yo risking
One thing I can tell yo HD will get hit first D#N is advertising heavly with that new H#D Turbo First 100% H#D service Also H#D FTA receivers are not as great as many think it should
I would choose SV 360 Elite at this present time, Dual tuner, PVR, sharp quality IF H#D get hit first which is more than likely That H#D receiver will be as good as any SD receiver when yo spend $500 or more Where as spending $170 not too much of a risk in my opinion
BTW a good Hard drive: ecost-com 500GB Seagate USB drive for $70
Thanks for the prompt response King. I think I'm going to go with the 360 then. I could always rent BRays from Netflix if I really want to see a movie in HD.
Smart choice If yo rent from netflex for an entire year is about $120/yr
Plus quality from The SV-elite component out to yor HD TV will be pretty good, many movies are 16:9 SD just zoom aspect it will fill screen Hopefully yor TV will upscale it
Man, BTW Last I checked ecost-com on those USB hard drives there were 15 All sold out
But check in a week, they were great price, they had them for a long time
If yo got the money and think HD will last long enough then go ahead buy the HD
HD getting hit is a reality not just a warning It could be any where from few days to few weeks But won't last more than a year
The other thing is a fact: These crappy HD FTA receivers are 720p not true 1080i by any mean
So I did explain how to optain 480p from SV-elite hoping yor TV is modern enough to upscale to 720p
If yo think these Crappy HD FTA receivers are true 1080i then yor DUPED These receivers are nothing but able to receive 1080i outputed in a 1080x720 resolution If indeed 720
If yo don't believe me Read the fine prints on its resolution specs And ask questions
K T, it is hard to take your words for it when you have been telling people life of HD FTA has only "few days to few weeks" left since at least the last 12 months.
I am sure FTA (HD or SD) will not last forever but I don't think anyone know when is the end.
But I do provide source where I get my info People take the news without knowing the source My most recent posting: - August 20th D#N launches brand new eastern arc - I detected that on Aug 8th and documented it - I also watched D#N activity on 77W as early as last year I documented it last december - I didn't understand what for at the time
Today, In a simple term This is going to be their new HD service and will start offering it to new customers 8/20/08 and for existing customers will be 2/19/09 as we understand this today
It's what I gathered from what they advertise Just simply put the 2 and 2 together Many times I base my discussions on first hand observation Yo can sense stock market crash Or wake up to the bad news when it's reality
As far as what I said a year and half ago Was based on their placement of new streams Again I scaned it then I documented it But later coders defeated new D#N strategy
This time they come up with new hardware concept
And my posts are nothing but open discussions There is a war going on behind the scenes
I do learn more when I look deeper than what I can see with basic eyes, I share what I find we all can learn more
K T, By you reply, FTA HD will be good till Feb 2009 at the earliest because the new Eastern Arc service won't be available until 2/19/09 to existing customers.
Assume, FTA HD will be dark in Mar 09, one will pay $300 more for an 8000 than a 360 for 7 months of HD service. $43 per month is not a bad deal.
In any case, 7 months is not "few days to few weeks".
Well If that is yor choice, it's yor money D#N is offering 100% HD for $25/month That's $300 a year
"you reply, FTA HD will be good till Feb 2009 at the earliest because the new Eastern Arc service won't be available until 2/19/09 to existing customers."
That's not I said What I say: D#N will start offering HD#Turbo to existing customers starting 2/19/09
You didn't say FTA HD will end 2/19/09. My point was until existing customers switch out their existing equipment (either receiver and/or card), existing FTA HD/SD boxes will work. If D#N can't supply existing customers with equipments for the Eastern Arc sats or any new sats with N3, the existing channels line up will not go away.
Still want to hear how you come up with "few days to few weeks" estimate???
with the state of the economy I think Dn is shooting itself in the foot If their plan is to force subscribers into buying new equipment just to get HD programing It ain't gona happen people
Paul..I completely understand a need to purchase or lease new hardware (boxes) to receive HD programming...Directv and cable TV companies have required it for the past few years..but I am not sure what king is refering to, if he is insinuating that current purchased or leased HD boxes will no longer work unless the customer pays additional lease fees or for another new purchase. (DN usually will eat any additional costs to customers due to DN changes)
Rob D...I myself if were wanting a new FTA receiver now, would NOT buy an HD FTA receiver. I would wait and see what Nagra 3 and DN has in store for us, and how the FTA world handles these. But I would buy a good INEXPENSIVE $135 FTA receiver such as a Sonicview Premier, Conaxsat Mini, or Viewsat Ultra 2 now, and if all goes well with Nagra 3 and DN , then it would be a great 2nd receiver if you opted to purchase a new HD receiver later.
Those 3 receivers (Sonicview Conaxsat, Viewsat) all have excellent support, and get "hit" all about the same, and came out with new fixes all about the same time..Also that 1000.2 dish (110-119-129) is an excellent choice for now and the future.
"Still want to hear how you come up with "few days to few weeks" estimate???"
Estimate I don't think D#N can even give exact time table for the new transition As far as my estimate is nothing but a guestimate: From 8/20/08 to 2/19/09 is a period of 6 moth, I figure another 6 month from 2/19/09 to 8/18/09
So my new prediction date is 8/18/09 for D#N to turn cold if not sooner if there is a hardware swap Keep in mind they maybe only a card swap instead of entire box swap If Card swap it will be sooner than box swap
As far as which direction they'll go This could be after their trial period to fully evaluate the new HD#Turbo
But again this is all my guestimate
"but I am not sure what king is refering to, if he is insinuating that current purchased or leased HD boxes will no longer work unless the customer pays additional lease fees or for another new purchase.
I was quoating JJGee thinking that e-mail was his But he replied that wasn't his So this whole thing about e-mail probably hoax
As far as D#N shooting themself in the foot with new hardware I think is much better to shoot themself in the foot rather than shot in the Azz with PTA Am just being realistic in a casual discussion
King Dn won't get are bussiness no matter what they pull I have seen their programing hell i have it all it ain't worth $2.00 a month LOL
If the current Dn subscribers HD box's become obsolete and they are force to buy or pay rent for new equipment (plus a signed 3 year contract) to get the same package......... Dave will become rich
Their success or failiure is yet to be seen Based on my electronics experience and as I predicted Blu-ray is to sweep HD-DVD a year ago while everyone disagreed
I think D#N will do extremely well with the new HD#Turbo Very competitive package and supposed to be secure It's in their testing stages Dave doesn't have any counter competitive package I don't know how they kept that as a secrete all this long
Also they will get a lot of international subscribers The new boxes they got is made for 2 boxes per house It will cut down on sub-share I know dozens of subscribers sub-share This by itself will create new revenues for them
Don't forget Most of PTA users got primary service Majority got FTA receivers for PPV And that's what they're combating to change PPV with the newer boxes
dish..you need to do some serious reading elsewhere at a real FTA site where they have manuals, guides, how to's , which are usually in file format.There are none here. I suggest you try thses sites, pick anyone you want.
[link removed] [link removed] [link removed]
There are others too, but I just gave ya a few to try and start with.
There are three people I have talked to that were told they needed to upgrade their boxes by DN. They did so. They have to lease the new boxes. When the tech came out with the boxes, he installed a 1000.4 dish, took down their old dish. The new dis was aimed at 61.5.
When one of them hooked up his fta box, it would no longer work. Does this tell you something?
"he installed a 1000.4 dish, took down their old dish. The new dis was aimed at 61.5. When one of them hooked up his fta box, it would no longer work."
This could be anything Too early to jump to conclusion based on what yo say
One thing clear to me at present time D#N is doing hardware upgrade I'm interested in first hand testimony Not someone who knows somebody who text an e-mail that was forwarded by some guy
DISH 1000.4 (East Arc) Dish Assembly View Cart / Checkout Add to Cart In Stock!! Price : $119.99. Now $99.99 Quantity
Compatible with MPEG4 Receivers Only (ViP211, ViP222, ViP612, ViP622 and ViP722). If you wish to view International or Latino Programming, a Western Dish will still be required (DISH500 or DISH500+ with appropriate multidish switch). DISH1000.4 (East Arc) Dish Assembly with LNBF. Available in these markets ONLY on August 20th: Baltimore-MD, Charlotte-NC, Chicago-IL, Cleveland-OH, Columbia-SC, Dallas-TX, Detroit-MI, Green Bay-WI, Greensboro-NC, Greenville-SC, Hartford-CT, Knoxville-TN, Minneapolis-MN, Nashville-TN, New York-NY, Philadelphia-PA, Providence-RI, Raleigh-NC, Richmond-VA, Tampa-FL and Washington-DC. More DMA's to be added soon and will be updated here. With the Eastern Arc Dish, you will receive DISH Network Satellites 61.5 Degrees (HD Core & HD Locals), 72.7 Degrees (Core Programming, Premium Movies, Regional Sports, Music and PPV), 77 Degrees (HD Locals and SD Locals). New activations welcome for those of you facing SE and could not receive a signal in the past. Great for RVer's, only 1 dish needed!!!
King, the hardware change is what I have been trying to say, without coming out and saying it is happening. It is going to be a gradual thing, but it is going to happen. If fta dose nothing, they will be dead except for true fta.
This isn't going to take as long as most people think.
I'm not like the other guys where they start bashing without listening to what yo got to say
The hardware upgrade is indeed gradual transition They are offering it only to new customers as of 2/19/09 This means PTA will be alive and well to 2/19/09 It also means they'll start replacing older systems with newer boxes as of 2/19/09 THEREFORE It could take anywhere from 3 months to 6 months for N*N to turn cold
D#N bought a hrdware company for building receivers about a year ago when they did that I expected an intruduction of new system to follow soon
JJgee I do listen to what everyone got to say FTA will never be able to get D#N again after this massive hardware upgrade I always said they'll rather move on to an easier target
Eligibility . Services and equipment must be ordered, installed, and activated between and including August 1, 2008 and January 31, 2009. This offer is limited to new, first-time residential DISH Network subscribers
Old King Cole of the Jungle I see that you are still here. Still preaching your Bullshit. White people here are no fools. You have King's word on it,take it to the Bank BTW how is your mama?
Even though they may let existing customers have the new receiver/dish starting Feb 09, what about the ones that want international? At this point, even the new customers get legacy stuff if they want int'l channels.