during last nights PPV UFC fight that the pic froze twice and searched for about 10 seconds before the main event about 1/2 way through..(massive defeat for Lidell)...the providers make big $ on these and luv to morph before or during, could they have tried and the bins were too effective and autorolled or am I reading to much into this...?
just hanging and fiddlin Doreen ....ps...since I have Bev, noticed that there is a lot of dirty political commercials up there in Canada for that race also...another thing from another thread...the polls are meaningless down here because they fail to communicate with the 20 to 30 year olds who use cell phones only and are clearly for obama !!
LOL.. I don't pay any attention to the political commercials anymore... They are getting outta hand I think. I don't think the 20/30 year old even understand politics, none that I ever talked to anyway. Its not the same as it was when we were young. (Was a Liberal) back in the days of my 20's and 30's. Now I just don't care or who wins. In the end it's all the same. It just keeps getting worse know matter who gets in. Looks that same way in the States as far as I can see