Bell Expressvu - Canada


New member
Username: Shock29

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-08
Just moved into a new basement apartment in Southern Ontario. Lanlord has Bell Expressvu set up, with my own 4100 Receiver and its own coax line into the basement.

Pretty sure there is no "hack" I can do to the current receiver to receive more channels, but my question is:

If I buy a decent FTA receiver, would I be able to take it out of the box, program it, and have it work without repositioning the bell satellite?

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3721
Registered: Jan-08

New member
Username: Shock29

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-08

Looking at the Captive Works 800S. Anything else better than that in the same price range, or is this a pretty decent receiver?

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3725
Registered: Jan-08
Very good choice, best support actualy

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Post Number: 626
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Thread: Bell Expressvu - Canada

Ryan Gisolm
New member
Username: Shock29

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-08
Posted on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 09:10 pm:

Just moved into a new basement apartment in Southern Ontario. Lanlord has Bell Expressvu set up, with my own 4100 Receiver and its own coax line into the basement.

Pretty sure there is no "hack" I can do to the current receiver to receive more channels, but my question is:

If I buy a decent FTA receiver, would I be able to take it out of the box, program it, and have it work without repositioning the bell satellite?

Ryan Gisol
If TV Service is included in your lease
the answer is NO.
You can only receive the channels that
you lanlord is paying for.

Bronze Member
Username: Opie


Post Number: 71
Registered: Dec-07
Yeah, but you can get an FTA receiver and unplug the the BEV subbed receiver and watch TV

Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 627
Registered: Dec-07
Bronze Member
Username: Opie


Post Number: 71
Registered: Dec-07
Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 09:02 am:

Yeah, but you can get an FTA receiver and unplug the the BEV subbed receiver and watch TV

Why should this guy buy another receiver
If TV Service is included in his Lease?

Like I said above he would only receive
the Package that his landlord is paying for.

Bronze Member
Username: Opie


Post Number: 72
Registered: Dec-07
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but it sounds like the original poster wants to get an FTA receiver to watch BEV.

I believe he is just asking if he needs to repoint the dish.

You are right, however, if TV is included in the lease, then he's stuck with the channels that he's got. But there is nothing stopping him from unplugging the BEV receiver and replacing it with an FTA unit. And since he's in Canada and the landlord already sub's to BEV, it's just a matter of unscrewing the coax coming in to the BEV box and screwing it in to the FTA box.

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 11546
Registered: Jun-06

Pretty sure there is no "hack" I can do to the current receiver to receive more channels,
You can't do the current receiver to receiver more channels. You will only get what your landlord is subscribing to.

but my question is:
If I buy a decent FTA receiver, would I be able to take it out of the box, program it, and have it work without repositioning the bell satellite?


The unknown item is:
Is your lanlord providing you the programming from a splitter? if so, you will only watch what he is watching, unless his receiver is turned off and then you can watch whatever is subscribed. I am mentioneing this because, many houses in Toronto have a basment plug in for TV via a splitter from upstairs and the same family watches either upstairs or downstairs. Then there are little skirmishes between children in the basement and the parents above because of different viewing habits. Sometime these are resolved in kids' favour by the parents not watching when the kids are watching. Then the kids leave for university and the basement is rented out.

Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 629
Registered: Dec-07
(Quoto)Nalin Nyda above:

but my question is:
If I buy a decent FTA receiver, would I be able to take it out of the box, program it, and have it work without repositioning the bell satellite?

And my answer is , why buy another receiver if the landlord is the Subscriber.

BTW.... Ryan Gisolm, to keep all of us from guessing let us know if:
A) The landlord is paying
for the service?

B) Is there only one Dish on
the building?

And I am sure someone here will help you.

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 11548
Registered: Jun-06
Black hawk says:
"why buy another receiver if the landlord is the Subscriber."

Black Hawk, the child, should know by now that he can program in the 0901 keys and a proper BIN in a FTA receiver which he can't on a 4100.
Children should not post in columns that are essentially for grownups.

Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 631
Registered: Dec-07
Black Hawk, the child, should know by now that he can program in the 0901 keys and a proper BIN in a FTA receiver which he can't on a 4100.
You are full of Sh!t
How can he program anything if he is connected to his landlord? You are one stupid motherfocker. Now I see why you have and had so many people here on your stupidass or should I say crazyass.

And the only thing I have to say to you Camel Breath is that

A) You do not know a fuucking thing
about this Hobby.
B) Only what you read and copy
C) Many many people here, too many
to post have shown what a real stupid and sick motherfocker you are.
D) The only friend you have here is
Plymouth and A, B, C, D above also goes for him.

Now if I have miss a friend of yours,
please correct me Camel Breath.

BTW Iam a child and I like to play
would you like to play some more?

Platinum Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 11552
Registered: Jun-06
Black Hawk: Learn to read.

"with my own 4100 Receiver and its own coax line into the basement".
I already took care of the situation of a splitter from landlord's to basement. Now I am addressing his other issue which is - is there any advantage using a separate FTA receiver (presuming he has a Coax from the LNB or a from a switch.) You might not have heard of it, but there are tons of LNBs out there which have two outputs for two receivers.
Again, as i said before, if there is splitter from landlord then there is nothing you can do. If there is a switch or a direct connection to LNB, then BUYING A FTA RECEIVER IS DEFINITELY ADVANTAGEOUS.

Black Hawk aka Jaya. You are but a child, and if you can't understand the FTA language or read between the lines then stay out. You are merely confusing the issue.

Bronze Member
Username: Redwater71

Post Number: 73
Registered: Sep-06
Go buy the FTA box you want, use the cable plugged in the bev box.
You'll get all the channels you want.

What some over looked is the Ryan said he's got his own cable to the STB .. he's got his own access to the LNB(not a split from upstairs otherwise why have a bev box in the appt ?).
No matter what the landlord has paid for... with FTA you get'em all.

Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 640
Registered: Dec-07
Just moved into a new basement apartment in Southern Ontario. Lanlord has Bell Expressvu set up,} with my own 4100 Receiver and its own coax line into the basement.

The man is saying that he just, just moved into to this apt. and the Landlord
had Bell ExpressVu set up. that is all the man is saying he is not saying that
he's got his own access to the LNB.

why have a bev box in the appt ?).

Could be that the STB it's in the landlord's name and Satellite TV is included in his lease....

Like I have said above too much guessing
You need a clear question to give a clear answer.....

Gold Member
Username: Gregraf

Post Number: 1132
Registered: Dec-07

Gold Member
Username: Gregraf

Post Number: 1133
Registered: Dec-07

Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 641
Registered: Dec-07
How are you doing Ryerson?
Are you married yet?
Is that you in the front of the White House with your boy friend?


Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 643
Registered: Dec-07
BTW....Ryan Gisolm
Read your lease, If Satellite TV service is included
in your lease I wouldn't change anything without
first checking with your landlord. Friend it's not worth it.

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3739
Registered: Jan-08
Little White
You are a idiot, you attack all good members here.

Maybe you will be disappear

To be continued

Silver Member
Username: Dishlover

Toronto, Ontario Canad

Post Number: 240
Registered: Jun-06
Is BEV down too?

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3741
Registered: Jan-08

Silver Member
Username: Tigger_woods


Post Number: 691
Registered: Jun-07
The guy asked if he could buy a fta and hook it up in place of his 4100?? The answer is yes! PERIOD

Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 644
Registered: Dec-07
Name the good member and post where I have attacted them. I am sure that you are not talking about Nalin, King and yourself then who are you talking above? all the good members that I know have left. They Got tried of you Nalin and mostley King Tapeman Bullshit.

Would you like for me to go in eCoustics
Archive and pull some of yours and Nalin's posts up? I am tried of pulling King Tapeman posts up.

I have been around now for close to five years and you three clowns are the worst that I have ever came across.

Needless to say you three are a big joke.
You three are hurting this forum.
Well I guess you three have no where else
to go.

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3747
Registered: Jan-08

You want to be banished again?

You just bash and attack many members here.

You are a idiot who dont understand nothing.

I'm sure you work for provider, i cant see why you act like this.

Now go see your mom

Nobody on this thread is in accord with you with your hard head.

Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 647
Registered: Dec-07
Plymouth, cut the bullshit, just answer my question.

Btw how are you doing with your scan
on EchoStar 3? Have you and King Tapeman
Scan in any more Channels on C-band?Upload

Silver Member
Username: Jurj1

Post Number: 624
Registered: Jul-06
Ryan Gisolm I would not buy anything just yet, within a couple of month's B3V will be switching over to N3 and FTA may not work. I would wait if I were you

New member
Username: Shock29

Post Number: 3
Registered: Sep-08
Holy $hit, looked at the forum not even a day later, and almost 20 new posts!!!

Plymouth answered my question for the most part, which is why I didnt come back sooner.

-I pay an additional $20/month to the lanlord to have my own receiver, so I am assuming there is my own direct line as I have had no problem watching what I want, even while the landlord is watching something different upstairs. There is only one dish on the house, but I have yet to see how many LNB's are on it (even though I read you can get 2 lines from a single LNB on some)

Soprano- Is this a confirmed definite, or a speculation that BEV will be changing systems in the coming months? For the $130 I spent (the new receiver is on its way), not really too worried but it would be good to know.

Thanks for all the help guys, too bad some of it looks like it turned hostile

Gold Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3760
Registered: Jan-08
You are Welcome Ryan

Bronze Member
Username: Redwater71

Post Number: 76
Registered: Sep-06
Ryan, Soprano is right... Bev does have something comming at us. The when is not here yet, enjoy while you can .... after 'D-day' it'll be a waiting game.

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