I've use the same equipment and it worked before, the only thing I've change is the dish (even the lnb is the same), but still can't get quality for the 97W. also the dish have the same size then the old one (33'')
wath can be the problem related to the dish????
also I've test this last dish with 91 and it works.
Please help, I'm getting crazy, it's to install to someone and I can't resolve this. I've work on it from 14h (PM) to 6h AM.
Here are few King tips when try 97W - Use Sat finder $10 from e-bay - Know yor exact Azm, Elev, skew http://satcalculator.freehostia.com - Use a $10 compas from e-bay - Set yor antenna LNB freq to 10250 or closer - Select TP 11898 - Have a lot of patience when move dish
Come back and ask me questions and I guarntee I get yo up and runing in few seconds