Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3658 Registered: Oct-07 | i am using an external harddrive, and when i format it using NFTS, i cannot play anything on my kbox.. but when i format the external harddrive in to fat32 .. i can not copy any files to my harddrive that are larger than 2 gb.. how to fix this? any good formatting program any one can recommend. i tried swissknife, but i think its good only for windows xp, and no for vista.. |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3659 Registered: Oct-07 | anyone? |
Gold Member Username: DoreenakadjOntario Canada Post Number: 1784 Registered: Dec-06 | Here is a link to download Portable Spotmau Power Suite 2008 Professional Wincare v2.0.4283 its a great program and has all you Hard drive needs. go down the page and you'll see a rapidshare link good luck and have a great day |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3660 Registered: Oct-07 | thanks doreen i will try that.. |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3661 Registered: Oct-07 | hi doreen i downloaded the program but there is no option for formatting the harddrive? how do i do that? |
Gold Member Username: DoreenakadjOntario Canada Post Number: 1792 Registered: Dec-06 | Partition, Format and Clean up Your Hard Drive: This professional hard disk tool has a modern user interface. It is so easy to use for anyone! * Create/Delete/Activate partitions * Split/Merge/Resize partitions without losing data * Create/Convert primary partition and logical partition * Convert FAT16/FAT32/NTFS partitions * Format hidden partitions * Backup & Restore partition table * Rebuild MBR (Master Boot Record) * View any sectors * Surface scan to check for bad sectors * Support devices with IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB 1.1/2.0 interfaces With this tool, even a PC beginner can become a hard disk specialist in one hour! |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 11379 Registered: Jun-06 | On you windows Control Panel/Administrative Tools/ Computer management/Disk management. This is destructive process, so make sure you format the e correct drive and you can select Fat 32 or NTFS |
Silver Member Username: BurkanPost Number: 109 Registered: May-06 | Nalin, I tried your suggestion about the windows disk management but when I chose the external drive it does not give me the FAT32 option. This is driving me nuts, It gives me the FAT32 option if I try to format my C drive (which I don't want to format) but the F drive it only gives me two options NTFS or exFAT. What gives? |
Gold Member Username: DoreenakadjOntario Canada Post Number: 1800 Registered: Dec-06 | exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table, aka FAT64) is a proprietary file system suited especially for flash drives read this link |
Gold Member Username: DoreenakadjOntario Canada Post Number: 1801 Registered: Dec-06 | Standard Windows utility that is called CONVERT serves this purpose. Just go to the Command Prompt and execute the command: C:\> CONVERT C: /fs:ntfs Where C: is a name of the drive you want to convert. After machine re-boot conversion process will start and you'll have your FAT32 converted to NTFS without any of data loss. But I would backup your stuff just in case of a ptoblem. Better to be safe than sorry! If you can't find the convert conand, here is a link to get the stand alone software. |
Platinum Member Username: NydasPost Number: 11384 Registered: Jun-06 | Also any Linux Cd has formatting options - about a dozen of them. You can download Linux for free but will have to burn a Linux CD to use this facility |
Silver Member Username: BurkanPost Number: 110 Registered: May-06 | Doreen, the converter program is a unit converter its not a formatting converter and the Wincare program does not have any options for formatting as was mentioned by Sada. I'm trying to format my external Hard drive into FAT32. |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3677 Registered: Oct-07 | i tried everything.. nothing seems to work, i tried using nalin's method , it let me change in to fat32, but when i copy the media file that is more than 2 gb, it says file size too big.. i changed it to nfts method, but thats not good either, b.c kbox won't recongized the files.. i guess i have to call the manafacture .. i tried doreen's way , first site doesn't have any option for conversion.. i tried swissknife , that one doesn't work either, doreen's 2nd link work either b.c it just convert gb in to mb's etc.. there should be some easier method to do this.. i went to kbox site, and found this.. 1) Before you begin, unzip this file and its contents to your DESKTOP, or simply copy the file FAT32FORMAT to your desktop 2) On a Windows-based PC, plug in your USB hard-drive 3) Open MY COMPUTER (on your desktop or in your START Menu) and make a note of the drive letter for your USB hard-drive *** Make sure that you verify the drive letter is correct. You don't want to format the wrong drive! *** 4) Click on your PC's START menu and then click on RUN (You can also press the Windows Key on your keyboard + the letter R to open the RUN menu) 5) Type in CMD and press enter. You'll get a black window 6) Type in or copy and paste: CD %USERPROFILE%\DESKTOP and press enter 7) Type in: FAT32FORMAT X: and press enter *** Where X is the drive letter for your USB hard-drive 8) You will see the following: Warning ALL data on drive 'f' will be lost irretrievably, are you sure (y/n) Type in Y and press the enter key 9) Please wait a few minutes. When it is finished you will see the message 'DONE' 10) Now connect your USB hard-drive to the KBOX's USB port and enjoy your new PVR! this doesn't work either , it says harddrive is not recongnized,, burkan why don't u try this , and nalin, doreeen, what is that i might be doing wrong with this.. nothing seems to work so far.. |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3678 Registered: Oct-07 | burkan here is the link.. its not working for me , i have windows vista. why don't u try this .. let me know if it works for you.. |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3324 Registered: Jan-08 | Sada which Model and Brand your USB HDD? |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3681 Registered: Oct-07 | USB IDE sorry confused? |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3326 Registered: Jan-08 | Sorry USB HDD |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3682 Registered: Oct-07 | |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3330 Registered: Jan-08 | Sada Does not lose your time whit this HDD, return it to retailer. I check spec on this Hard drive never work on your receiver, because dont work on Windows 2000 or 98 ME Many PVR receiver as Viewsat and KBOX need a USB HDD FAT32 compatible with Windows 2000 and 90 ME do not exceed 137 GB maximum for stability. I do a search on web and not found new External HDD working on ME On E-Bay i found it: QQitemZ260275203484QQihZ016QQcategoryZ116257QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewIte m |
Bronze Member Username: AksmaPost Number: 53 Registered: May-06 | How can I read the recorded video of Pansat 9200, from computer? |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3331 Registered: Jan-08 | Sorry in english now mZ260275203484QQihZ016QQcategoryZ116257QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem |
Silver Member Username: KriskrosPost Number: 113 Registered: May-06 | FAT32 only works for partitions smaller than 30GB I believe. If you have 120Gb hard drive for example, you need to partition it into four (4) partitions 30Gb each. Then you can format each partition in FAT32 format. You can do all this in Windows, no need for add-on software. Hope that helps... |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3332 Registered: Jan-08 | KRIS 32 gigs on win95 and 64 gigs on win 98ME How you do that on Win Vista? |
Silver Member Username: LolPost Number: 771 Registered: Sep-06 | Google swissknife Noobs |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3334 Registered: Jan-08 | Sada Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000 Post Number: 3658 Registered: Oct-07 Posted on Friday, August 15, 2008 - 11:31 am: Edit Post i am using an external harddrive, and when i format it using NFTS, i cannot play anything on my kbox.. but when i format the external harddrive in to fat32 .. i can not copy any files to my harddrive that are larger than 2 gb.. how to fix this? any good formatting program any one can recommend. i tried swissknife, but i think its good only for windows xp, and no for vista "Noobs" Paul why not answer Sada Read his first post, Sada tried swissknife |
Silver Member Username: LolPost Number: 772 Registered: Sep-06 | sorry i get bored and confused trying to read your f-d-up post in english Hey how about that Michael Phelps |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3685 Registered: Oct-07 | plymouth thanks.. i will call the customer service tomorrow and i will see if its possible to change in to Fat32.. otherwise.. it has one year warranty on it ,and i can return it any time.. paul as i mentioned i have windows vista and swissknife doesn't work on windows vista.. |
Silver Member Username: LolPost Number: 773 Registered: Sep-06 | I have windows vista also guess mine version is better than yours ? |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3690 Registered: Oct-07 | paul ur version? are u talking about swissknife? |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3697 Registered: Oct-07 | ok heres what i did and it worked.. i tried the one with kbox website and it worked, i had to turn of useraccount (running as administrator) to make it work.. now my external drive is formatted.. but my problem still remains as it is.. i cannot copy movies etc, that are more than 4 gb.. upon calling customer service i figured out that with fat32 format we can not copy anything that is more than 4gb.. with NFTS anyting u want.. thanks plymouth , nalin,doreen |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3348 Registered: Jan-08 | Sada Why KBox does not work with NTFS Dont you have possibility with KBox to format HDD in Menu? |
New member Username: FuclkPost Number: 7 Registered: May-08 | Download the SWISS KNIFE sofewear to change the FAT format. |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3699 Registered: Oct-07 | fucklk .. i already changed in to fat32 format and its working swiss knife is also working as i turned off users account and run as administrator.. with fat32 format u can only copy files that are less than 4gb.. plymouth when i format my file in to NTFS it doesn't work on kbox... |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3351 Registered: Jan-08 | Sada I found a fat32format at home KBox and release note |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3702 Registered: Oct-07 | yeh i know the above c&p is from kbox team, and guess what they have good support team, they replied me back with the things i was doing wrong, i was amazed.. anywasy now i need a program so i can shrink the files to half,, forexample 4gb to 2gb.. winrar takes too long. |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3355 Registered: Jan-08 | Sada Try IZArc on If you want copy on DVD divide and double disk and compressed without lose quality, try it: |
Gold Member Username: DoreenakadjOntario Canada Post Number: 1808 Registered: Dec-06 | Sada.. If you wish the shrink movies ... Try to reformat them into AVI files. I use #1 DVD Ripper. It can make a 4GB movie as Small as 700MB depending on the DVD movie. The quality is great. You can either burn them onto a DVD disk or safe them on your Hard drive. If you want to try this software I will post the download link with the crack (full version) Also get the K-Lite Codec Pack (its free) for all the video codes etc.. To play the them I recommend Real Media Classic it comes with the K-Lite Codec Pack. There is a lot of other software on the market that do the same thing. But I have tried them all and #1 DVD Ripper is the best one I have use so far. |
Gold Member Username: DoreenakadjOntario Canada Post Number: 1810 Registered: Dec-06 | Plymouth DVDFAB is not as good quality as #1 DVD Ripper. Trust me I compared them both. The "Mobile" setting on DVDFAB which converts DVD formats to AVI formats onto your hard drive is not the best quality at all. |
Gold Member Username: PlymouthQuebec city, Quebec Canada Post Number: 3359 Registered: Jan-08 | Doreen I agree with you, but it have some pratical option in DVDFAB ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Saqeeb9000Post Number: 3703 Registered: Oct-07 | doreen kbox only accept ts movies.. so i already format them using program calles SUPER... but the size of the movies is more than 4GB now.. |
Gold Member Username: DoreenakadjOntario Canada Post Number: 1818 Registered: Dec-06 | TS File Type = Video Transport Stream File Category Video Files Common? No File Description Video stream format used for storing video on a DVD; compresses video data using standard .MPEG video compression; often saved as multiple files on a DVD, i.e. "moviename1.ts," "moviename2.ts," "moviename3.ts," etc; can be played back by some software DVD players and video editing tools. Try using VideoXConverter if you want the full version of that PM me |
Gold Member Username: DoreenakadjOntario Canada Post Number: 1819 Registered: Dec-06 | I have a Windows Media Center PC and it records Off the receiver into Window media Files some can be more that 5 gb when finished recoreding. you could also try dvdshrink32 that is free to use. |