Nagra signals in Latin America...? FTA?


Bronze Member
Username: Mwarrior

Post Number: 30
Registered: Jun-06
Ok some may remember my post asking about DTV in Latin America...
Since that seems costly, that's out.
Next question: Searching through Sat maps, it seems that Amazonas at 61 is pointing to most of Mercosur.

On top of that, it seems to operate on Nagra 2. Anybody know if the updates for the FTAs (VS in particular, but others if necessary) will be able to take care of those channels?

Lastly, some of the channels on that bird use "Conax" (for Telmex TV). Any way to pull these?


Silver Member
Username: Mucho

Post Number: 505
Registered: Dec-07
Geee Wizz
My good friend King Tapeman can answer
your question. Come back later when he on call.

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3215
Registered: Oct-06
No FTA for DTV anywhere on earth
No FTA company make their old technology

South America beam is for South America

Yo can get the beam from space but it will require a lrage dish and trail and error
How large?
Dunno cuz there is no specs
But I would guess a 1.2 meter or at least 90CM
But many traila and error

Yo can ask me anytime
I like projects that no one tried before

Keep in mind
Even beam is projected to south america
It still can be seen in other parts of the world with no data specs it's any one's guess
Projected to South America but can't be blocked beyond the region

Bronze Member
Username: Mwarrior

Post Number: 31
Registered: Jun-06
Ok so DTV is definitely out, too cost prohibitive.
I've seen that CW has bins for Amazonas now, any other brands have any? I'm currently in Paraguay, so that would mean "45-47" according to the Lyngsat map... meaning 65cm-1.05meter dish, great...

What about LNBs and such? Regular LNB or DPP LNB? We're buying some land, and out in the country here its hard enough to get cable or anything else, so might as well do my own little projects for some television at least :-)

As far as where they're projected, that I definitely understand. I was hoping it was possible to pick up the 110 and 119 birds (or even 61.5) from DN, but that doesnt seem too likely where I am, or is it?

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3217
Registered: Oct-06
Where do yo live?
If I were yo, get a 90CM which is about 36" and a motor
Or 1.2Meter dish which is about 48" with C/Ku LNB and a motor
Yo can get tons of channels from South America on both C-band and ku band

Amazonas is a standard Ku band LNB
11.7G to 12.2GHz
Size of the dish depends on where yo live

I can help yo get whatever yo want
VS has better tuners
VS, SV or CW any of them can do Nagra-2

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3218
Registered: Oct-06
I'm sory
I just saw yo live in Paraguay
I would say 90CM to be on the safe side

Bronze Member
Username: Mwarrior

Post Number: 32
Registered: Jun-06
Any source to get the 90cm from in Paraguay? The receiver and stuff I'm going back home (Canada) in 3-4weeks for a week, so I can pick that (and anything else that isnt available here) up.

I agree with VS being the better tuners, I have 3 of them back home, a Pro, Ultra, and an Xtreme. However, I heard that none of them were able to do Amazonas (even though it is nagra... different key rolls I guess?), and that CW release a Nagra update a week or two ago for the CW800 I think?

You mentioned a motor... If its only 61.0 thats in the air for South America (I mostly want it for for movies and english channels since there's a major lack of those), do I really need a motor or are there some birds that I missed?

I'm guessing the C/Ku band LNB isnt the same as the regular DN LNBs (legacy ones)? Or is it?

Bronze Member
Username: Elperrodemacao

Post Number: 62
Registered: Oct-05
does anyone Know wich reciever is better between sonicview360 premier and viewsat ultra 2000 and why?.thanks

Bronze Member
Username: Mwarrior

Post Number: 33
Registered: Jun-06
elmaca: Look at the subject of the thread, and also do a search. The "which receiver is better" question has been asked many times. This thread si for watching TV successfully in Latin America.

Thanks :-)

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3226
Registered: Oct-06
DN LNBs are for Circular polarity using small dish

For Amazonas yo'll need Linear Polarity LNB which is known as Standard Ku LNB
Or KuLo 11.7G to 12.2GHZ

Best to buy LNB by frequency
This is one of the best Standard LNBF I tested mZ360079229853QQihZ023QQcategoryZ149971QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

As far as VS don't work on Amazonas
I don't think is true
It all depends on when did that happen

But in any case CW is good receiver

Bronze Member
Username: Mwarrior

Post Number: 34
Registered: Jun-06
Looks good, I'll order one of those when I get back.
As far as VS vs CW, I'd prefer to use VS since I haev 3 at home and one was in my room so I dont need it there when I'm in South America. Do you know if its the latest update that will pickup and autoroll for Amazonas? Or do I have to manually enter keys? If so any idea where to get them? Most forums are geared towards DN.

The channel list seems to be impressive though.

Also you said earlier about a motor... are there more birds I can pickup from here than just the Amazonas one? If so any idea which ones?

Thanks again

Bronze Member
Username: Mwarrior

Post Number: 35
Registered: Jun-06

Gold Member
Username: Tapeman

New York City in-HD, NY

Post Number: 3256
Registered: Oct-06
Geee Wizz
Any time yo have an installation challenge feel free to ask me
I wanna just say yo do ask very intelligent questions
I wish I know more about South America bins
Very little discussions here about Nag*ra bins in different countries

D#N and B#V bins may or may not work
I do think newly released bins got great chance of working
It worth a try

What I can gather so far
That someone has to have a subscription to post working keys so yo can manually input keys
And even though may not guarantee that it will work at all

I found this link:
has few discussions about Latin America

Feel free to ask me about any installation or scanning problems
Good Luck
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