Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 287 Registered: Jun-06 | I have two receivers VS ULTRA AND PANSAT PUFF, and i have diseqc switch on the roof which has line one, line two and out to receiver and it comes to my vs ultra receiver. and from vs ultra i have connected wire to my pansat receiver and it works perfect but when i turn on my pansat puff receiver i cant watch all the channels like bev or some dn channels because i have the wire coming out from vs ultra. so can i bring two wires straight from anteena and connect it to each receiver? |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 288 Registered: Jun-06 | and if i need to buy discqc switch which has two lines for out to receiver please send me the link thanks. because what i saw is i have line one which is DN, line two which is BEV and third one is out to receiver |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 289 Registered: Jun-06 | ![]() the switch is something like this but it has only two lines instead of 4 |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3139 Registered: Oct-06 | Yo can use this connection for 3 birds 110/119 must be a twin LNB to port-1 91 tp port-2 ![]() |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3145 Registered: Oct-06 | Yo can also use 3 or 4 birds to 2 receivers Each satellite to one port |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 293 Registered: Jun-06 | and thanks u bro |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3153 Registered: Oct-06 | Anytime bro |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 295 Registered: Jun-06 | BRO like in the pic it has two switches on the 91. But the one i have it has only one and it goes to DISE QC SWITCH so it means i have to get a new one with two switches ? |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3161 Registered: Oct-06 | Bro Yo mean LNB has one outlet? In order to use 2 receivers LNB must be a dual ouput One to each receiver or it won't work right LNB usually cost $10 to $15 on ebay |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 296 Registered: Jun-06 | yes it only has one outlet bro and i checked on ebay and its confusing me. the pic u posted for the 91 LNB i have the exact same for dn and bev i have two antennas. but the big one the 119 and 110 that wont fit on the antenna bro. |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 297 Registered: Jun-06 | and seriously thanks for ur work i really appreciate dat bro no one has time for no one |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3165 Registered: Oct-06 | For 91 Yo'll need something like this: CIRCULAR DUAL LEGACY LNB FOR EXPRESSVU DISH NETWORK BEV itemZ180274059851QQihZ008QQcategoryZ149971QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem for 110/119 Yo'll need a second dish antenna LNB like this: 2426QQihZ012QQcategoryZ149971QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 298 Registered: Jun-06 | how about this bro instead of buying a whole new antenna RC_VI_RSCC_Pr8_PcY_BIN_Stores_IT&refitem=180272357287&itemcount=8&refwidgetloc=a ctive_view_item&usedrule1=StoreCatToStoreCat&refwidgettype=cross_promot_widget&_ trksid=p284.m184&_trkparms=algo%3DDR%26its%3DS%252BI%252BSS%26itu%3DISS%252BUCI% 252BSI%26otn%3D8#ebayphotohosting |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 299 Registered: Jun-06 | and it can catch Dishnetwork 61.5, 110, 119, 118.8, 148, 129, 82, 91 if im not wrong |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3167 Registered: Oct-06 | Yes It will work on all but not at same time Yo have to aim dish to each orbital location DN and BEV require 2 seperate dishes When yo wanna watch both independently on 2 receivers |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 300 Registered: Jun-06 | bro the thing is the channels i watch on my viewsat they dont come upstairs in the other dish. for ex: if i watch dn channels on viewsat then bev on pansat wont work and if i watch bev on viewsat then dn wont work lol but on viewsat its perfect both dn and bev cuz its connected to the main wire i talked to this guy and he said its 100$ for each LNB so i asked him man for sure u buy it from ebay and he hang up the phone and never called back lol |
Gold Member Username: TapemanNew York City in-HD, NY Post Number: 3168 Registered: Oct-06 | Bro It's a lot simple than that All yo need is an LNB List me all yor hardware I'll sketch yo best solution for yor money Yo sound like something missing |
Silver Member Username: KingofdakingzPost Number: 310 Registered: Jun-06 | i have vs ultra downstairs and pansat puff upstairs and the main wire is coming from out side. i have two antennas outside one is dn and other one is bev. The lnb on them has only one output for each. the wire from my vs ultra goes to pansat puff. thats all bro |
Bronze Member Username: ElperrodemacaoPost Number: 60 Registered: Oct-05 | does anyone Know wich reciever is better between sonicview360 premier and viewsat ultra 2000 and why?.thanks |