I don't work for anyone They are trying to be one step ahead of DTV
The only way to get HD is an 8PSK that's able to decode 1080p See that's hardware not a software folks Similar to DTV QPSK non-MPEG Nobody is going to design 1080p for FTA If they do it will take 2 to 5 years For an additional $250 to $400
Only thing I guess here DN decided to end FTA using hardware that's cost effective
Will this be effective? I'm here to watch I got time I like real drama
DTV don't use MPEG-2 at all And their MPEG-4 is broadcasted as Ka 20 GHz None of the FTA receivers can do either at present time
I also did quick research a while ago DN will be doing a 2 way Ka in year 2009 to 2010 This will allow them to offer Internet Service Same with DTV However DTV converted their Ka to MPEG-4 for HD from Dirc-Way maybe they had HD as an immediate priority over internet
White Hawk, Yukon, or Now FTA TESTER It's not that yo can't comprehend what I wrote it means nothing to other members
Yo have proved repeatedly beyond the reasonable doubt that yo are the soly least experienced FTA tester at this forum perhaps of all time
So mind yor own business And don't make me start
When yo see my name up there yo either ask the technical question or let go what yo can't comprehend, another word ignore
It's clearly yo wanna get me pissed off I guarantee yo, yo don't wanna see me get pissed off or get under yor skin I'm a master of getting people off their game But I choose not to play dirty I only gave yo a brief Free-Per-View
Please don't consider this as a threat Take it as a promise Do yo copy?
Yes Iam every person that has posted here and has show how stupid and a lier you really are. Only Archive don't lie.
If I had the time I would post all the people's posts that showed how stupid you really are but that would take too long. Like I have said before you know nothing about this Hobby only what you read on the web. Go back and read some of your post and Iam sure that you will agree with me.
Post Number: 81 Registered: Dec-07 Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2008 - 04:19 pm:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usually I don't do the news But I'm very sad to report to you The following:
- DN had finally launched their massive upgrade - They are moving very fast with a new strategy - Right now they are running a parallel frequency with exact same program. I was able to intercept both frequencies. and man oh man they are very good. - The primry service can be easly decyphered using spoof bin programs. But the parallel won't Thi s can only mean one thing and one thing only.
I have been watching this activity for nearly 3 months and I did speak about it 3 weeks ago. In a thread called "Attention FTA users" What I see now is very fast development. THE END IS NEAR.
You guys know me I would never report false information. King would never post false claims. This is how you can check for yourself. At about 1000 kHz for every channel there is an identical channel with same exact EPG and subcode. If you do blind scan you'll get doubles of everything. One good channel other no audio or video or even signal. No new bin will solve it. This is different. TRUST ME
So the bottom line is how long until they turn off the light?. I say 2 weeks to 3 months as an educated guess depending on completing their unknown tests.
This report is for real. No joke no prank Exactly how long is anyone's guess and can not be avoided. At least you got my notice.
I saw the massive upgrade I stated it and I expected a sweep attack by both D#N and B#V The coders won that battle I was never part of that war I'm just an observant
The war is not over There is a lot to come The 2 streams are still out there I'm still wondering what they'll do with it
I cheer for the good play And so far the coders got the lead But there is still a big cat still up their Azz